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Tải ảnh: 0.121s Scan: 0.039sWho dares to stop him when Zhang Fei's eyes widen?

Hurry up, the soldiers guarding the city gate opened the gate.

Zhang Fei patted his horse and rushed out of the west gate of Chang'an.

"I, Zhang Fei, will hand the man over to you. I don't owe you anything!"

Zhang Fei left Zhuge Liang and ran away, fearing that Cao Anmin would blame him again.

Cao Anmin chuckled and watched Zhang Fei's figure disappear into the darkness. He couldn't help but laugh at Zhang Fei's naivety.

No debt?

Find a chance to make another bet with you, Zhang the Butcher, so that you will always owe me!

Cao Ren looked at Cao Anmin's naughty eyes, and his heart skipped a beat. The eldest nephew is really awesome.

It is said that the young man sent by Zhang Fei was a strange man that Liu Bei had spent a lot of effort to invite out of the mountain several months ago. He was just caught by Cao Anmin. I'm afraid Liu Bei would be so angry that he would vomit blood.

"Come, bring a basin of cold water."


The cold water was brought, Cao Anmin took it and poured it on Zhuge Liang's face.

The weather was already a little chilly, and it was late at night.

Zhuge Liang sneezed and woke up from the cold water.

Zhuge Liang's memory was fragmented after Zhang Fei carried him out.

Zhuge Liang woke up and was a little confused.

Who am I?

Where am I?

Zhuge Liang was thinking about this question.

"Are you Zhuge Kongming?"

Cao Anmin asked casually.

"Who are you?"

Zhuge Liang carefully looked at Cao Anmin, a completely unfamiliar young man who looked less than 20 years old.

He was handsome, handsome, and had an extraordinary appearance. He was full of heroic spirit.

"Cao Anmin, Cao Cao is my second uncle."


Cao Cao's nephew!

Zhuge Liang was in a thatched cottage, but he knew everything about the world. There was no such ability in his family.

As the saying goes, reading ten thousand books will help you travel ten thousand miles.

Zhuge Liang's knowledge of these things was not something he guessed out of thin air.

It was because he had an intelligence team working for him. Zhuge Liang's father-in-law's family was very rich.

With this money, Zhuge Liang built an extremely powerful intelligence team.

This intelligence team had more than a hundred people, scattered all over the place.

Whenever they heard some important information, they would pass it on through carrier pigeons. to Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang relied on his keen judgment and analysis.

This led to the scene of the confrontation with Liu Bei in Longzhong.

The reason why Zhuge Liang chose Liu Bei was that he analyzed that Liu Bei was a high-quality stock.

The most important thing is that there were no counselors around Liu Bei, and Zhuge Liang would be reused as long as he was with Liu Bei.

As for Cao Cao, Zhuge Liang gave up directly.

Cao Cao already had counselors such as Guo Jia, Xun Yu, and Xun You, and even if he went, it would only be icing on the cake.

Zhuge Liang knew this truth very well, so he decided to assist Liu Bei.

"Cao Cao sent you here!"

Zhuge Liang was shocked.

His teacher once said that if Guo Fengxiao was here, Zhuge Liang would not come out of the mountain.

Zhuge Liang was also young and hot-tempered, and he refused to believe it. He resolutely came out of the mountain.

But now he has not yet displayed his talent, and he was caught by Cao Cao's nephew.

Zhuge Liang felt very uncomfortable.

"Mr. Kong Ming, with your ability, if you can assist my second uncle wouldn't it be better than assisting Liu Da'er?"

"Madman, how dare you insult my master!"

"Insult? Is there any need to insult him? He is Liu Da'er!"

"Humph, you lunatic. How did you capture me?"

Zhuge Liang was still confused about how he was captured.

"Arrest you? Do I need to do anything? Butcher Zhang sent you here. What? You still don't accept it, right?"

"Zhang Fei! ?"

Zhuge Liang sighed. This fierce Zhang Fei actually gave the knockout blow to Cao Cao's men!

No wonder he was caught.

"Kong Ming, are you very unconvinced?"

"Of course I won't accept it! If you catch me with your own hands, I, Zhuge Liang, will surrender to Cao Cao!"

"No problem! Kong Ming, I can let you go now. I will catch you in three days!"

"What a big tone! Okay, I, Zhuge Liang, will swear an oath with you by shaking hands!"

Zhuge Liang also played the whole trick and shook hands with Cao Anmin three times.

If he was caught by Cao Anmin again within three days, he would surrender to Cao Cao.

"Brother, this guy is so slick, I think it's best to kill him!"

Cao Zhang was fifteen years old, and this guy liked fighting. He ran to Cao Anmin and said

"You know nothing! Why do children slap adults when they are talking?"

After being scolded by Cao Anmin, Cao Zhang dared not say a word.

In the past, this kind of thing was the other way around.

Although Cao Zhang is one year younger than Cao Anmin, this kid is very strong.

He also likes to fight and bullies Cao Anmin a lot.

But now it is the other way around. Cao Zhang has been bullied by Cao Anmin enough.

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