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""Second uncle, was this plan thought up by a pig?"

Cao Anmin said bluntly.

Xun You's face turned pale.

This plan was thought up by him, Xun You, Xun Gongda.

But Cao Anmin said it was thought up by a pig.

Xun You was of course not convinced. He stiffened his neck and said,"Master Anmin, Lu Bu's army was held back by our army in Shanyang, and Xuzhou is empty at the moment. It only takes three days for our army to take a shortcut from Mangdang Mountain and attack Xuzhou directly."

"As the Art of War says, speed is of the essence. Within three days, our army is fully capable of reaching Xuzhou and taking it!"

"The failure of this plan was entirely due to the presence of a spy!"

"Xun Gongda, forget it. Even if there is no spy, you will still end up like this!"

Xun You wanted to explain, but Cao Anmin waved his hand.

"Come on, Xun Gongda, stop talking nonsense. Talking about the past is all bullshit! It's meaningless. Second uncle, what are your plans next?"

"Anmin, Second Uncle really regrets listening to Guo Fengxiao. If he had listened to him,.....There is no other way now. Let's go back to Xuchang."

"Go back to Xuchang? Second uncle, can you be more promising?"


Cao Cao's eyes were wide open, and his nephew started to attack again!

This is really unbearable.

However, if Cao Anmin hadn't arrived in time,

Cao Heimian would have died on Mangdang Mountain.

Just let him attack.

It's healthier to attack

""Master Anmin, what do you think we should do now?"

Li Dian asked with gratitude.

Cao Anmin was about to tell his plan, but suddenly he looked at Zhuge Liang standing beside him.

He smiled and had an idea.

"Second uncle, I have found a counselor for you. He is very strategic. Why don't you let him show you the way?"


Cao Cao glanced at Zhuge Liang standing next to Cao Anmin.

He waved a feather fan in his hand, wore a turban on his head, and looked like a great scholar. He looked very stylish.

"An Min has always been very accurate in judging people."What's your name, sir? Who is your teacher?"

In that era, these counselors generally had a teacher who could show off.

Or they had a few very good classmates.

As the saying goes, if you study alone without friends, you will be ignorant and uninformed.

Zhuge Liang smiled bitterly, he didn't want to say this.

After all, Zhuge Liang was still thinking about finding an opportunity to leave Cao Cao and continue to assist Liu Bei, the emperor's uncle.

The man with big earlobes was like a flower stuck in cow dung, exuding a strange fragrance that attracted Zhuge Liang.

"Second uncle, this is the famous Mr. Zhuge Kongming. He was a disciple of Mr. Shuijing and Sima Wei. His classmates included Xu Shu, Pang Tong, Meng Gongwei of Yingchuan, etc. They were all great figures....."


Zhuge Liang took a breath of cold air.

Although these things were not top secret, Zhuge Liang had never mentioned them to anyone.

Cao Cao's nephew Cao Anmin actually knew everything about him!

This man was too scary.

The intelligence was so detailed!

Zhuge Liang was shivering from head to toe!

Too scary, this man!

Zhuge Liang noticed the importance of intelligence work as early as when he was a disciple of Mr. Shuijing.

In this era, transportation basically relied on walking, and communication basically relied on shouting. It took more than ten days to ride a horse from Chang'an to Xuchang, and it would take ten and a half months to know something.

The delay in information naturally led to mistakes in decision-making.

Zhuge Liang saw At this point, when he joined Mr. Shuijing, he formed his own intelligence network.

It was called: Dragon Group.

Zhuge Liang's Dragon Group had a total of one hundred people, and these people were spread all over the place.

Even in Qiang land, Wuheng, Xianbei, Xiongnu, Wusun, Fuyu, and Goguryeo, he sent people.

Of course, Zhuge Liang was not entirely for war.

The intelligence he collected was also for business needs.

Without a strong economy and a lot of money.

Zhuge Liang could not build such a huge intelligence network.

Although Cao Cao was treacherous, he really cherished talents.

Cao Cao bowed to the ground:"Mr. Kong Ming actually learned from Mr. Shuijing, and Cao is like a fish in water with Mr. Shuijing!"


Cao Anmin was stunned. Shouldn't Liu Da'er say this to Zhuge Liang?

Why did it come out of the mouth of his second uncle Cao Cao now?


Absolutely poisonous

"I dare not, General Cao, Liang is incompetent and Master Cao is too kind to me."

Zhuge Liang did not want to perform too well. If he did, Cao Cao would not let him go.

Zhuge Liang's eyes turned and he noticed.

He said seriously:"General Cao, Liang does have a suggestion. I wonder if General Cao is willing to listen?"

"Listen, listen! Of course I listen! What's Mr. Kong Ming's plan! ?"

Zhuge Liang smiled slightly, waved his feather fan, smiled faintly, and pointed to the southeast:"General Cao, according to Liang's plan, you can lead the troops to attack Xiapei!"_

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