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"Peace the people!"

"Second uncle, I have to clean up my place too. I don't have time to chat with you. Goodbye."

Why would I want to chat with you!"

Cao Cao realized that Dian Wei, Cao Ang, and Huang Zhong had already left the mansion.

Xiahou Dun looked at Cao Cao blankly.

"Brother, is this kid called Wolong reliable?"

Reliable ass!"

Cao Cao's face turned even darker.

"My Lord, Master Anmin is trying to seize power."

If I don't give you this lunatic a warning now, when will I?"

Xun You looked at Cao Anmin's back as he left, sneering.

"Take it away from your mother! Anmin is loyal to you! Don't believe these lies, brother!"

Xiahou Dun put his hand on the hilt of the sword and shouted at Xun You.

Cao Cao knew his nephew. Although the boy didn't speak well and often made him lose face, the boy was kind and had no intention of taking away his power.

"Xun You, I believe An Min will not do such a thing. Never mention such a thing again! Otherwise, hum!"

Cao Cao's eyes flashed, and his triangular eyes were filled with murderous intent.

"Xun You was wrong, please forgive me, my lord!"

Xun You felt a chill in his heart.

Kindness is not good for commanding troops.

Moreover, this is Cao Cao's family affair. Xun You, such a smart person, must know that he has indeed violated a taboo.

"Xun Gongda, take care of yourself. You should go back to Xuchang first."


Xun You bowed, not even daring to breathe.

After Cao Cao had been gone for a long time, Xun You straightened up.

In Xuchang, the second son Cao Pi was there.

Xun You left the general's mansion, packed his luggage and left Xiapi with a few personal soldiers to return to Xuchang.

Dian Wei and Cao Ang led 5,000 elite cavalry to Wancheng first.

Although they were cavalry and pioneers, it was indeed hard enough to walk this way.

The so-called pioneer is to open the way when encountering mountains and build bridges when encountering water.

Gan Ning led the Tiger Camp as the central army. Xiahou Dun was the grain supervisor, and Cao Anmin's arrangement was quite reasonable.

In the rear army, Cao Anmin rode on a Wanzhao, and beside him, Lu Qiling rode on a fat horse, with a flower knife hanging on the victory hook.

Next to Lu Qiling, there was a man wearing only a white robe.

He had an iron mask on his face and rode on an ordinary yellow horse.

He didn't say a word along the way, like a wooden man.

Lu Qiling looked back at this man from time to time. This was her father Lu Bu.

People said that Cao Cao wanted to kill her father Lu Bu, but Cao Anmin replaced him. He also saved his life, so Lu Qiling was grateful to Cao Anmin.

However, Lu Bu seemed to have changed. He didn't speak all day, and he seemed to be decadent.

"General Cao has issued an order. It is the time of wheat harvest. Anyone who destroys crops will be severely punished regardless of their official rank!"

The rear army was on the march when the messenger suddenly issued an order.

Cao Anmin curled his lips. As expected, his cunning second uncle would deliberately ride his horse into the wheat field.

Then, Cao Cao cut off his hair instead of his head.

Second uncle, is this trick of yours interesting?

However, since your eldest nephew is here, I will let you play a thrilling game.


Cao Anmin almost laughed out loud on his horse.

"Suddenly, Cao Cao got off his horse and let out a strange cry. Without warning, he rushed into the wheat field beside the road.

The horse's hooves trampled a large area of wheat.


Cao Cao was shocked and quickly pulled the reins to lead the horse back to the side of the road.

"I, Cao, rode my horse and destroyed the crops, so I should be punished!"

Cao Cao pulled out the Heavenly Sword hanging from his waist.

"My lord, no!"

"Absolutely not!"

"My Lord, you are worth a fortune, how can you be punished?"

Le Jin, Cao Xiu and others hurried over and grabbed Cao Cao's arm.

"Everyone, I, Cao Cao, issued this decree, and I have violated it, so I should be punished. Please stop me, I will commit suicide to apologize!"

Cao Cao continued his performance, and his resolute look of committing suicide was really an emperor-level performance.

"My Lord, you still need to lead the troops to fight, and we cannot do without you in Caoying. If you want to punish me, let Le come in to replace me!"

"Uncle, please chop off my head!".....

Cao Cao would not chop off Le Jin's head, and he would certainly not chop off Cao Xiu's head.

His own head, damn it, I did this all to win people's hearts, okay! Only a fool would chop off his own head!

This was just a play written and performed by Cao Cao.

At this moment, a plain voice sounded.

"Second uncle, you have violated the law. You should be punished. You can go without worry. Anmin will collect your body."


You are a devil!

I am acting. Do you know what acting is? I have never thought about committing suicide!

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