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"Ha ha!"

"Why should General Zhang be so polite? Come on, bring the imperial edict!"

Cao Cao laughed loudly. He took Wancheng without losing a single soldier.

Don't be too proud.

To defeat the enemy without fighting is the best of all!

As for the imperial edict, Cao Cao brought dozens of copies with his jade seal. He could appoint anyone he wanted.

At this time, under the coercion of Cao Pi, Emperor Liu Xie had already issued an edict to appoint Cao Cao as the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty.

When Cao Cao appointed Zhang Xiu as the General Who Breaks the Qiang and the Marquis of Xuanwei, the imperial edict of Emperor Liu Xie had also arrived.

""Congratulations, Prime Minister!"

The generals cheered. Although the emperor was just a decoration, Cao Cao was appointed as the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty.

They were no longer the private soldiers of the prince Cao Cao, but belonged to the court of the Han Dynasty.

These generals and counselors were of course happy to be transformed into regular troops.

Zhang Xiu smiled flatteringly and said,"Prime Minister, Zhang Xiu has set up a banquet in Wancheng, please invite the Prime Minister and all the generals to the banquet."

Cao Cao was happy and went into Wancheng hand in hand with Zhang Xiu.

That night, Zhang Xiu held a banquet in his mansion to entertain Cao Cao and the generals.

During the banquet, Cao Cao got drunk.

"Please stay in my house tonight. Tomorrow, Zhang Xiu will build a camp for you."

"I am very happy that General Zhang has this intention, but let's forget it. I will return to Xuchang soon!"

"Yes, Prime Minister, please."

Zhang Xiu did not dare to say more. Cao Xiu served Cao Cao and entered the inner house.

""Xiu'er, is there anything to do in Wancheng?"

After entering the inner house, Cao Cao asked Cao Xiu with his eyes narrowed.

As Cao Cao's nephew, Cao Xiu knew all his hobbies.

However, Cao Xiu did not dare to say it out loud.

"Uncle, Zhang Xiu's aunt is extremely beautiful. Cao Xiu will invite her here."

"Zhang Xiu's aunt? Isn't that Zhang Ji's widow? Alas, she became a widow at such a young age, which is really pitiful. Xiu'er, go and bring her here. Uncle will see if he can help her a little."

Prime Minister Cao is such a man of love and righteousness.

He can't bear to see other people's wives suffer.

"Uncle, please wait a moment. I will go and invite him right away."

Cao Xiu had already found out that Zhang Ji's house was next door, and this guy also wanted to flatter his uncle Cao Cao.

He went to Zhang Ji's mansion like a puff of smoke.

It is better to be a dog in peacetime than a man in troubled times.

Zou, a woman, also knew these principles.

Not long after, Cao Xiu carried Zou directly into Cao Cao's room in a sedan chair.

She was still full of charm, and she was indeed beautiful and charming!

Cao Cao's triangular eyes were straight at her.

"" Who is the madam?"

Cao Cao asked even though he knew the answer. He liked women to tell him who their husbands were.

Only then did Cao feel a sense of accomplishment.

Zou glanced at Cao Cao charmingly and bent her body slightly:"I am Zou, the wife of Zhang Ji."

Cao Cao was secretly delighted:"Then the madam knows who I am?"

"I have long heard of the Prime Minister's reputation, and I am fortunate to have the opportunity to pay my respects to you tonight."

Zou's body trembled with a charming voice, and her charming eyes flickered on Cao Cao's face from time to time.

Old Cao was a little anxious, and he laughed evilly:"Madam, to be honest, I came to Wancheng just for you!"

"Madam, the good night is too short. After tonight, please follow me back to Xuchang. I have nothing but gold and silver. From now on, Madam, follow me and enjoy the wealth and honor!"

Zou was overjoyed. She finally found a long-term meal ticket.

And it was the newly promoted prime minister of the Han Dynasty.

This wave of blood profit!

"I am willing to serve the Prime Minister.

That night, Zou stayed to serve Cao Cao.

Cao Anmin did not have the same treatment as his second uncle Cao Cao, so of course he did not hesitate to find a big house with five entrances and a large courtyard in Wancheng and move in.

A man in a white robe and a mask on his face stood at the door of the courtyard.

This man had a slender waist and a long arms. He held the sword on his waist with his left hand and a Fang Tian Hua Ji in his right hand.

"Brother Anmin, my uncle asked me to bring you some wine and food.

Cao Xiu brought some soldiers to bring wine and food to Cao Anmin.

Although Cao Cao punished Cao Anmin, he felt very sorry.

When Cao Xiu left, Cao Cao specifically asked him to bring some wine and food to Cao Anmin.


A Fang Tian Hua Ji blocked Cao Xiu's chest!

"Lu Bu!?"

Cao Xiu was shocked when he saw the Fang Tian Hua Ji. Wasn't Lu Bu killed by his cousin?

How could he appear here?

""Lü Bu is already dead! This is the residence of Master Cao. Anyone who enters without permission will be killed!"

The voice was shrill and sounded quite scary in the dark night.

Cao Xiu's hair stood on end.

It was definitely not Lü Bu, but the figure and weapon were exactly the same as Lü Bu's.

Who was this person?

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