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Tải ảnh: 0.133s Scan: 0.052sThe owner of this house is quite polite.

Cao Anmin is not used to being reserved.

After handing the two horses to the old man to tie them to the horse-tying stone, he took Xiao Luzi into the house.

At this time, the owner of the house was already standing in the hall.

"It's really Master Anmin! I, Guo Yong, pay my respects to you, Master."

The man standing in the hall took a closer look and suddenly stepped forward to bow.

"Guo Yong?"

Cao Anmin looked at the man carefully for a few times and remembered.

This man was once the governor of Jingzhou, named Guo Yong.

Jingzhou was occupied by Guan Yu, and Guo Yong's governorship was in name only.

When Cao Cao led his army to attack Jingzhou, Guo Yong surrendered to Cao Cao overnight.

Guan Yu did not stop Guo Yong from leaving, and even allowed him to leave Jingzhou with his family.

"It’s Prefect Guo. You’ve come to Xudu too?"

"Master Anmin actually still remembers me. That's great. Master Anmin, your clothes are all wet. Please take a shower and change clothes."

Guo Yong saw Cao Anmin standing there, and the water on his robe quickly flowed all over the floor.

He smiled and said.

It was indeed uncomfortable to wear wet clothes, and Cao Anmin had no place to stay in Xudu, so it was too late to go to Cao Cao now.


Cao Anmin nodded in agreement without hesitation.

Guo Yong was overjoyed and personally took Cao Anmin to the inner house to take a bath. He also took out a brand new robe that had never been worn and asked Cao Anmin to change into it.

Guo Yong had two daughters. The eldest daughter was already married, and now there was only the second daughter, Guo Zhao.

Guo Zhao was extremely intelligent and beautiful.

Guo Yong once pointed at the second daughter, Guo Zhao, and said: This is the queen of my women!

So, from then on, everyone in the Guo family called Guo Zhao Queen Guo.

Her real name was gradually forgotten.

The Cao family had sent someone to pay the betrothal gifts the day before yesterday.

Queen Guo also knew that she was going to marry Cao Cao's son

"Miss, great joy. Great joy!"

Queen Guo smiled bitterly:"Where does the joy come from? She doesn't even know his name, is he square or round? How can she be happy? Arranged marriages are so terrible. Even if he is a cripple or a fool, he has to marry if his family has arranged the marriage. Although Queen Guo has a domineering name, she can only accept this fact.

"Hehe, young lady! It's Master Cao who's here! Don't you think it's a happy event?"

Queen Guo was shocked.

"Ah, he's here? Why did he suddenly come to my house?"

In less than three days, she will marry Mr. Cao. She never thought that he would disregard etiquette and come to her house!

Mr. Cao is so bold! However

, this is also good.

It's a good opportunity to see what he looks like.

"Xiao Cui, have you seen Master Cao?"

Xiao Cui covered her mouth and chuckled:"Miss, do you want to see what Master Cao looks like?"

"You are asking even though you know the answer!"

Queen Guo glared at her maid.

Xiao Cui was actually more concerned about the young lady than Queen Guo. She was Queen Guo's personal maid. She grew up with Queen Guo. When the young lady married into the Cao family, she had to be a dowry.

Moreover, if a personal maid like Xiao Cui was favored by the young lady's husband, she would most likely become a maidservant.

"Miss, how about we go and take a sneak peek at Master Cao?"


Queen Guo was always virtuous, so she hesitated.

Is it really okay to peek at her man like this?

If he or her father knew about it, she would be embarrassed.

"Miss, Master Cao is bathing and changing clothes. When he is done, he will definitely go through the corridor. We should hide at the corner of the corridor. This way, we can see Master Cao without being discovered."

Xiao Cui was very proud. She had already calculated the route for peeping.

Queen Guo spit at Xiao Cui.

"Bah, Xiao Cui, you seem to have been planning to spy on Mr. Cao for a long time! If I don't go, you will definitely go too, right?"

"Of course, Xiao Cui is the young lady's eyes."

""Hmph, you have a clever mouth."

Queen Guo said coquettishly.

Cao Anmin didn't know that while he was bathing and changing clothes, two girls had already planned to spy on him.

After changing clothes, Cao Anmin felt refreshed and much more comfortable. After tidying up his robes, Cao Anmin walked out of the bathroom.

The old servant of the Guo family was already waiting outside.

"Mr. Cao, my master invites you to the front hall for dinner."

"OK, got it.

Cao Anmin nodded in agreement.

After walking a few steps, Cao Anmin suddenly remembered that his badge was left in the bathroom.

"Go and tell Governor Guo first. I'll be here soon."

"Yes, Master Cao."

The old servant bowed and went to report to Guo Yong first.

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