The lingering and sad music of the zither flowed between Cao Anmin's fingers.

Cai Zhaoji was stunned.

The music of the zither played by Cao Anmin was graceful and charming, like the sound of nature.

"There is a beauty, I never forget her.

If I don't see her for a day, I miss her like crazy.

The phoenix is flying, and the four seas are looking for the phoenix."

Cai Zhaoji was shocked. Sima Xiangru 's

Feng Qiu Huang did not have a score, but Cao Anmin could actually compose the score!

The meaning of the score was closely linked to the sound of Feng Qiu Huang, and the sound and the score were completely consistent!

Even Sima Xiangru himself might not be able to make such a score!

Cai Zhaoji was intoxicated.


I wish to match my words with your virtue, and go hand in hand with you.".....

Phoenix, Phoenix, return to your hometown, travel around the world to find your mate......

"Our friendship is harmonious, who knows that we are together in the middle of the night?

Both wings rise and fly high, but they have no feeling for my thoughts, which makes me sad."

When the song ended, the lingering sound lingered in the air for a long time!

Cai Zhaoji was intoxicated.

How could someone compose such a song about Feng Qiu Huang!

Cai Zhaoji murmured to herself in a low voice,"Both wings rise and fly high, but they have no feeling for my thoughts, which makes me sad."

Tears welled up in her eyes. The man kneeling in front of the Luqi Qin was so tall and perfect.

"He is my phoenix!"

Diao Chan's beautiful eyes were already filled with tears. Such a lingering and passionate love is what every woman pursues and yearns for.

A young girl is in love with her lover.

At this time, Cao Anmin had already walked over and naturally held Diao Chan and Cai Zhaoji's hands.

""Cicada, Zhaoji. The phoenix is flying, and the four seas are seeking the phoenix. I, Cao Anmin, promise you a peaceful life."

If Cao Anmin had said a life of glory, Cai Zhaoji would not have felt anything, but Cao Anmin said a peaceful life. It is better to be a dog in peace than a person in troubled times!

In history, Cai Zhaoji's life was full of misfortunes.

She first married Wei Zhongdao and returned home after her husband died. When the Southern Xiongnu invaded, she was captured by the Xiongnu Zuoxian King.

Cai Zhaoji's poem of grief and indignation is enough to show this.

"Are you willing?"

Diao Chan's voice trembled, and she nodded desperately:"Husband, Chan'er is willing!"

Her face, more beautiful than flowers, looked up, eager and unrestrained! After being with Cao Anmin for only half a month, Diao Chan had already fallen deeply in love with this man.

Although he was a little unruly and even sometimes seemed vulgar, his talent and personality deeply attracted Diao Chan.

""Zhaoji, what about you?"

Cao Anmin looked at Cai Zhaoji with a smile.

At this moment, Cai Zhaoji was extremely flustered.

Cai Zhaoji admired talented men in her heart.

If this man was also proficient in music, it would definitely be a plus for Cai Zhaoji.

And this score is definitely high.


"Sister Zhaoji, please agree to your husband. You two are also engaged!"

Cai Zhaoji's eyes lit up. It was really difficult to back down from this situation.

When Cao Anmin kidnapped her from home, Cai Zhaoji swore that she would never marry Cao Anmin, a madman.

Cai Zhaoji opened her red lips and whispered,"I...For the sake of the engagement, I am willing"

""Zhaoji, can you speak louder? I can't hear you."

Of course Cao Anmin heard it. For a talented woman like Cai Zhaoji, conquering her heart is the most important thing.

"Crazy! They've already agreed, what else do you want?"

"Haha, Zhaoji, you agreed. What do you think we should do next?"

Cao Anmin put a little effort and hugged Diao Chan and Cai Zhaoji in his arms.

"Husband, you are so bad!"

""Crazy! Don't do this!"

Both women exclaimed, but the words they shouted were different.

Diao Chan was reluctant to accept, but Cai Zhaoji firmly resisted Cao Anmin's further intimacy.

Cao Anmin was not in a hurry either. He laughed and two round beads rolled out of his sleeves.

The beads were shining and emitting a sweet smell.

"Husband, what is this?"

"Take one each. Eat it and I'll tell you."

Diao Chan and Cai Zhaoji were a little confused, but they still took a bead and put it in their mouths.

The bead was very strange and melted in their mouths.

It was like a stream of sweet spring water flowing into their mouths.

"It's so strange, I feel very comfortable all over my body. Well, I seem to be sweating all over, I feel so uncomfortable"

"Me too."

Cai Zhaoji and Diao Chan both looked towards Cao Anmin.

Cao Anmin chuckled and said,"What you just ate were the Beauty-Fixing Pearls. After taking these, your faces will remain beautiful forever!"

The Beauty-Fixing Pearls, stabilize your face and prevent aging! Diao Chan and Cai Zhaoji were surprised and delighted. For a woman, especially a beautiful woman, who doesn't want to keep her youthful face forever?

"Diao Chan, are you sweating all over?"

"Yes, Sister Zhaoji. You too?"

Cai Zhaoji looked worried.

"What's wrong, sister? Let's go take a bath."

"I am not clean. My period has come."

"That's really troublesome."

Although Diao Chan and Cai Zhaoji spoke in low voices, Cao Anmin heard them clearly.


Oh, my first wife Cai Zhaoji's period has come.

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