"Madman, you can't ask me to do something that is bad for my elder brother and second brother!"

Zhang Fei was still very smart. Cao Anmin's eyes rolled around, and he hurriedly added.

Cao Anmin curled his lips:"Zhang Fei, this game is not interesting at all. I'm out killing people for fun."

"Anmin, follow me back to the camp!"

Cao Ren and Xiahou Dun took advantage of this opportunity to come over and hug Cao Anmin's shoulders.

They coaxed and persuaded Cao Anmin to return to the Cao army camp.

The eighteen princes were humiliated by Cao Anmin.

These people were all local princes, and they were insulted and scolded by the young people who hadn't even grown up.

All the anger was directed at Cao Cao.

Cao Cao apologized to each one and bowed.

"Benchu, the child is young and naive. Please forgive me."

"Highway, I will send you 300 good horses later"

"Governor Meng Zhuo, I have a few bottles of good wine. Home-brewed, no additives, long-lasting. I'll send you a few bottles later."

"Shoucheng, I have two maids here. I'll send them to you tonight."

"Brother Xuande, please don't be angry with my nephew. I have a hundred gold coins to give you.".....

Cao Cao gave gold, silver, fine wine, beautiful women, and war horses......

Finally, the matter of Cao Anmin humiliating the 18 princes was covered up.

Cao Cao apologized, but he was very happy.

Anmin is the real unicorn of the Cao family!

Extraordinary bravery, with the style of a great general.

If he is trained well, he will be a fierce general.

And he is also insightful. What Cao Anmin said is right.

The 18 princes united to attack Dong Zhuo, which sounds good.

Everyone knows that the real purpose is not to drink, and attacking Dong Zhuo is fake.

The real purpose is to seek their own interests.

Each has his own ulterior motives.

Anmin saw it at a glance.

Wise and brave.

A talent for a general!

"Yuan Rang, ask An Min to come see me!"

"My Lord, An Min...He is tired..."

"Who said I was tired, second uncle? You're back just in time. I was just looking for you."

Xiahou Dun shook his head. This kid wanted to fool Cao Anmin.

When Cao Cao's anger subsided tomorrow, he would let Cao Anmin apologize to him, and Xiahou Dun and Cao Ren would talk about good things.

They were all nephews and sons of the same family, so this matter would be over.

This kid had run into the gun himself.

Xiahou Dun couldn't stop him even if he wanted to.

"Anmin, look at what you have done! You have offended all the princes of these seventeen towns!"

"Second uncle, if you offend me, you offend me. What's the big deal? Don't even mention it. There will be many more times when the various princes will fight each other in the future!"

Cao Anmin disagreed.

In history, after Dong Zhuo's death, the eighteen princes fought for land, food, and women.

People's heads were beaten into dog heads.

"Anmin is talking nonsense again."Xiahou Dun and Cao Hong smiled bitterly and shook their heads.

Cao Cao's heart moved. What his nephew said was right.

When Cao Cao was at the Bian River in Xingyang, he met Xu Rong, a general of Dong Zhuo.

As a result, after a battle between the two sides, Cao's army was alone and weak. It was soon defeated by Dong Zhuo's troops.

Victory and defeat are common in the military, and Cao Cao didn't take it to heart.

What made Cao Cao very angry was that when he led his troops back to the alliance headquarters after the defeat, he found that the hundreds of thousands of allied troops not only did not take any actual actions, but also held banquets and parties every day, spending money on wine and women.

This is too much.

Let's not talk about the distant ones, just say the Jiangdong tiger Sun Jian.

Yuan Shao appointed him as the vanguard and killed all the way to Luoyang.

Yuan Shu was afraid that Sun Jian would attack Luoyang and steal the credit and cut off his food and grass.

Sun Jian's army was in chaos without a fight and was defeated by Hua Xiong.

Cao Cao deliberately glared at Cao Anmin fiercely.

Although this kid is smart and brave, he is still young after all, and needs to be beaten and tempered.

"What nonsense are you talking about! Hua Xiong has been defeated. In three days, Yuan will lead the 18 allied forces to break through Sishui Pass and take Luoyang directly!"

"Second uncle, do you believe this? If Yuan Shao really thought so, he should have led his troops to capture Sishui Pass after I killed Hua Xiong today."

"Haha, wait three days. In three days, Dong Zhuo will personally lead his army to guard Hulao Pass and cut off the allied army's central route!"

"An Min, Dong Zhuo personally led the army to guard Hulao. How did you know this?"

Cao Cao was shocked. He had indeed thought about this.

If he were Dong Zhuo, he would also lead the army to guard Hulao, so that the eighteen princes could be blocked in the middle.

"Second uncle, you can't see something so simple?"

Cao Cao has become numb to being scolded.

The system is also numb. There is no reward for such a minor act of seeking death.

Cao Anmin picked up a candlestick and placed it on the table.

"This is Luoyang."

He picked up a few bamboo slips and placed them next to the candlestick.

"This is Hulao Pass, this is Sishui Pass. The Allied camp is here."

"Dong Zhuo will certainly send more troops to Sishui Pass and defend it to the death."

"He personally led the army to guard Hulao Pass, and then sent his adopted son Lu Bu to challenge. Haha, the army of the 18 princes was ambushed in the middle, and it was bound to be in chaos and defeated."

"How is that possible? Anmin, you are just exaggerating. The eighteen princes have millions of soldiers. How dare an old man like Dong Zhuo lead the army out of Luoyang?"

Cao Ren shook his head and showed his disbelief.

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