Three Kingdoms Online Games: Battle for Hegemony

Chapter 803: Yuan Shu proclaimed emperor

When Guo and Li found out, the Yulin army had expanded to three thousand soldiers. Although the real elite was only five hundred, the three thousand army was firmly controlled by Zhao Rui and others. However, they didn't care about the expansion of the Habayashi army, and the three thousand soldiers didn't pay attention to the two people in the tens of thousands of army.

In February, General Yang Ding of Anxi was afraid of Li Xi’s murder, so he conspired with Guo Bin to hijack Han Xiandi to his camp, but the plan was leaked to Li Xi. Li Xi took the lead and sent his nephew Li Xian to the palace to prepare for Han When Emperor Xian went to his camp, Guo Bang led an army to arrive, and the two army fought a battle outside the imperial city, killing and wounding thousands of soldiers.

Finally, under the adjustment of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, Li Yi and Guo Bang finally agreed to a reconciliation and promised to take their beloved sons as hostages. At the same time, the two asked the emperor for official positions. In desperation, Emperor Xian of Han had to agree to the two people's request and appoint Li Wei as Da Sima and Guo Ben as the general.

After the news came out, the princes all over the Guandong were in an uproar, and the authority of Emperor Han Xian in the hearts of the princes suddenly fell to the valley.

Yuan Shu always believed that the surname Yuan came from Chen, after Chen was Shun, he used the soil to bear the fire, which was the second best. He also thought that Chen Wenyun: "Daily Han people should be Tu Gaoye." He was talking about himself, so Yuan Shu often had the ambition and intention to become emperor after he obtained the Yuxi Seal.

In March of the third year of Xingping (196), after Guo and Li's actions in Chang'an reached Yangzhou, Yuan Shu thought that the time had come and convened a meeting of his subordinates and said: "Now the world of Liu family has declined, and the whole world is full of turmoil. The four generations are important ministers in the dynasty, and the people are willing to be attached to me. I want to uphold the will of God, conform to the will of the people, and now ascend the throne and proclaim the emperor.

After everyone heard it, no one dared to say anything. Only the main book, Yan Xiang, said: "In those days, Zhou people from their ancestor Huji to the king of Wen, accumulated great achievements, three points of the world can be said to have their two points, but they are still cautious. Be a courtier of the Yin and Shang Dynasty."

"Gong Ming, although you have a long history of high-ranking officials, but I am afraid that it is not as prosperous as the Ji family; although the Han family is currently declining, it seems that it cannot be compared with the cruel and innocent King Yin!" Yuan Shu listened to Yan Xiang's remarks He said nothing, but he was very angry.

Not long after that, Zhang Kui, a native of Hanoi, made a divination for him, saying that he had the emperor's life. He used this as a reason, and he proclaimed himself emperor in Shouchun on April 25th in the second year of Xingping (195) and established his title. Zhong, Zhi Gongqing, the southern and northern suburbs of the temple.

After Yuan Shu became emperor, he appointed Jiujiang prefect as Huainan Yin, set up courtiers of Gongqing, and built an altar for the emperor to worship the Emperor in the north of the city. After becoming emperor, Yuan Shu's life became more extravagant and profligate.

There are hundreds of wives and concubines in the harem. Except for his own wives and concubines, the others are all beauties he ordered to collect from all over Yangzhou. Hundreds of beauties wear Luo Qili outfits, and they have everything from exquisite food.

After the news of Yuan Shuzheng the emperor came out, the world was in an uproar. When Huangfu Chaobo received the news, it was when he led the people back to the ship. Huangfu Chaobo, who had just returned to the ship, could not take a rest and sent someone immediately. Invited Pang Tong into his room.

After a while, Pang Tong who received the news hurried to Huangfu Chaobo’s room. As soon as he sat down, Huangfu Chaobo handed him the flying pigeon transmission from Luoyang. After Pang Tong took the transmission with a blank face, He just glanced at it, and stood up suddenly.

"Yuan Shu proclaimed himself emperor?"

Not only Pang Tong was shocked, Huangfu Chaobo was shocked as soon as he received the news. I don't know when it started. Players have lost the benefits prompted by major historical events. All things depend on. Word of mouth.

Yuan Shu proclaimed himself emperor on the 25th, because Huainan was also the focus of Shadow, so that night, Luoyang received the flying pigeon legend from Shouchun.

Then there came Dantu from Luoyang. As early as Huangfu Chaobo arrived at Dantu, Shi A had already set up a shadow base here and made contact with Luoyang, so it only took less than two days, Huangfu Chaobo got the news that Yuan Shu became emperor.

Today's games have become completely unrecognizable under the influence of players. Everyone knows that Yuan Shu will become the emperor, but no one is sure when it will be. You know, even Dong Zhuo was able to escape the tactics of Lu Bu and Wang Yun, and finally died under the peony flower.

In history, Luoyang was Cao Cao's territory, but now even Chen Liu is occupied by Huangfu Chaobo, so neither Huangfu Chaobo himself nor other players expected Yuan Shu to become the emperor several years in advance.

The sudden change disrupted Huangfu Chaobo's arrangements. Originally, he was thinking about going up the river to Jingzhou. It seemed that he couldn't make it.

Although Huangfu Chaobo and Yuan Shu are not in line, no matter from which aspect, Huangfu Chaobo is best to send troops to fight against Yuan, even if it is to send thousands of soldiers and horses to behave.

There are several reasons for this. One is that Huangfu Chaobo was a Tinghou personally entrusted by Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty. For Yuan Shu, the Zhong dynasty, it was a natural hostile force.

The second is that Yuan Ertai has done it, and he will not die. In today's world situation, he dare to claim the emperor. Only if he knows that he has several counties, he does not even control a single Yangzhou.

If you die in this way, you will definitely be attacked by the crowd. If Huangfu Chaobo doesn't follow to eat two bites, even if it is inconvenient to occupy the site, at least it can still get a lot of benefits.

So after receiving the pigeon book, Huangfu Chaobo considered that he must rush back to Luoyang immediately, but he still had to listen to Pang Tong’s opinions before he could make the final decision.

Pang Tong soon calmed down. After walking around the room a few times, he said: "The lord must end his trip to Jiangdong as soon as possible and return to Luoyang!"

"Does Shiyuan also think that he must rush back to Luoyang as soon as possible?" Huangfu Chaobo nodded.

"Yes, although my An Dong Army and the Zhong dynasty are not directly adjacent to each other, there is something in Yuan Shu's hand, and all the princes in the world want to grab it and then hurry up!"

Huangfu Chaobo was taken aback for a moment, and quickly reacted, saying: "What does Shi Yuan mean?"

There was something in Yuan Shu's hand that made the world's princes coveted. There was no doubt that it was the jade seal, but Huangfu Chaobo didn't think clearly about what use the jade seal was for him.

Pang Tong nodded, and replied in a deep voice: "Does the lord know the origin of Yuxi in Yuan Shu's hand?"

"It is said that Sun Wentai got it from an ancient well in Luoyang Palace."

"Yes, after Sun Wentai got the jade seal, he didn't offer it to the court, but kept it privately. Someone once heard that in order to hide the jade seal privately, Sun Wentai swears in front of the princes of the Kwantung that if he hides the jade seal privately, he will die in the future In the end, he died under the arrows of Huang Zu's army. I don’t know if this is true."

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