Cao Ying in Hanzhong.

"Report! ~~"

"General Yu! Liuba County was broken by the enemy! Now that the enemy army has arrived in Baocheng, General Xu and General Xiahou are joining forces to resist! "


"Report! ~~"

"General Yu! Chen Cang Daofeng County was attacked by the enemy army! Now the enemy army has arrived in Luoyang County and is fighting with Liu Zhang's subordinates in Yizhou! "


"Report! ~~"

"General Yu! ......"


Because of the inconvenient transportation, the front-line battle report received by the soldiers of Cao Ying was also very long.

What made the soldiers of Cao Ying even more shocked was that there was not a single good news when these front-line battle reports came, all of them were news of defeat!

This made Cao Ying feel bleak, and they were considering their way out!

"The Liangzhou Legion is too strong! Breaking the momentum and advancing by leaps and bounds! I didn't expect it to come so quickly! "

Bao Xin said with some seriousness: "Liuba County is broken, if Baoxiu City is also breached, they will be in Hanzhong!" We have to think of a way back! "

In this life, because of Liu Chen's birth, Bao Xin did not die as early as the original history.

After Bao Xin's words, all the soldiers of Cao Ying fell into dead silence again, and their faces were sad, even Cao Cao himself!


For Cao Cao, he simply had no way to retreat!

Surrender is impossible!

Cao Cao understood that as the leader of the army that rebelled against King Changshan, only the result of death awaited him, just like Liu Bei!

Even because of Liu Bei's death, it made Cao Cao understand that others could surrender, but he Cao Cao could not surrender safely!

What's more, with his Cao Mengde's character, he would definitely not surrender!

Since it is impossible to surrender, then now the only way to retreat to the territory of Yizhou is to continue to fight to the death with the Changshan army!

But no matter which result, it made Cao Cao very difficult!

Retreating into the territory of Yizhou, Liu Zhang was the first to refuse. If Cao Cao enters strongly, the two sides will clash, and they will definitely be benefited by Changshan King Yuwen.

But if you fight to the death... Cao Cao felt that he should directly learn from Liu Bei and kill himself! Maybe King Changshan will see him pitiful, and he will protect his family of 15 old and young.

The more he thought about it, the more pessimistic he became, and Cao Cao once again felt the despair of the end of the road, and the more he understood Liu Bei's state of mind when he killed himself!

Sighing in his heart, Cao Cao looked around and asked, "Do you have a good plan?" A good way to retreat safely? "

The implication is that you are ready to leave Hanzhong, and the thirty-six counts are the top plan!

The generals and advisers fell into a dead silence again!

After a long time, Xia Zhicai handed over his hand and said:

"Lord, now the Liangzhou Legion is in full swing, and the two roads are advancing simultaneously on the bright side, and secretly I don't know if there are other foreshadowings.

If our army continues to consume like this, time is delayed, and when King Changshan solves the Jiangdong matter and turns back to encircle, we will definitely die!"

The subordinates believe that we should take this opportunity to retreat! Now that Ba County is under the control of our army, it can penetrate from Ba County to Muqi County and then enter Jiaozhou.

Or attack Wuling County in Jingzhou from the flank of Ba County, and then transfer to Jiaozhou. "

The ultimate goal of Xia Zhicai is to transfer to Jiaozhou!

As for the weight of these transferred grain and grass and the consumption of ordnance materials, Xia Zhicai did not elaborate. But the soldiers of Cao Ying understood that except for the background, everything depended on robbery!

There's no better way to get rich than war!

Throughout the ages, throughout the ages, as long as there are internal contradictions, directly launching a war to loot and solve them, often can be revitalized!

After the drama was finished, everyone fell into a heated discussion, and they were discussing whether this plan was feasible!

Chen Gong threw up his hands and said: "Although our army has captured Hanzhong and Ba County, Muqi County is in Liu Zhang's hands after all.

"If you attack at this time, will it cause an accident and cause Liu Zhang to surrender to the King of Changshan? Just like Liu Biao! "

Liu Zhang and Liu Chen don't have any life and death feuds!

When Cao Cao heard this, he even bowed his head, now on the surface, Cao Cao and Liu Zhang joined forces, and they really shouldn't be in this stormy plan, and they went back in the nest first!

After a pause, Chen Gong continued: "Zhicai has another plan to attack Wuling County in Jingzhou from Ba County, and then attack Jiaozhou.

It's a long way to go, and you need to cross the Yangtze River first. For both the march and the transfer of the front, it is not a small test. There may be deserters in the army, and the people will not follow us away.

Moreover, the Taishou of Wuling County in Jingzhou will not watch us seize the city, it is bound to need to start a fierce battle, we are dusty servants, tired, the other party is waiting for work, this battle is extremely arduous.

As a last resort, his subordinates decided that our army would not go on an expedition for the time being.

His subordinates believed that the lord could send someone to contact Liu Zhang, but now that Hanzhong was stormy and precarious, he asked if he could evacuate Yizhou first. Chen Weishang, the generals and advisers are also the heads of Lianlian

Xia Zhicai retorted: "What Gongtai said is very reasonable. But Gongtai forgot Changshan King who was far away in Jiangxia!

It was when the king of Changshan led his army to forcibly cross the Yangtze River, seize the land south of the river, and form a reverse package against Yizhou, and then even the way back would be cut off! "

Everyone looked stunned, and once again recalled Liu Chen, the king of Changshan, and his subordinate Changshan Army!

During this time, the Changshan army captured the land north of the Jingzhou River and Megatron. Because there is a shortage of sailors for boats crossing the river, they are recuperating.

But they heard that the Changshan navy led by Huang Zhong had reached Guangling, and the battle to cross the river against Jiangdong was about to break out!

If Jiangdong is defeated, south of the Jingzhou Changjiang River, or even the entire Jiangdong falls into the hands of the Changshan Army, they will be embattled on all sides!

In front, there was a fierce attack by the Liangzhou Regiment under the Changshan Army, and on the right there were troops of the Changshan Army. The Changshan Navy cruised on the Yangtze River. At that time, there is really no way to retreat!

Cao Cao's expression was stunned, and he said decisively: "The family members of officials, grain, grass, and other materials were first withdrawn to Jiangzhou, Baxian County, and the generals and soldiers in the army were gradually transferred over.

"Prepare all the armaments and equipment such as boats to cross the river.

"Send a special envoy to meet with Liu Zhang to inform him of the difficulties and see what Liu Zhang's reaction is.

"At that time, we will consider whether to retreat from Muqi County or choose Wuling County in Jingzhou.

"Now that our situation is urgent, we not only need to prevent the Liangzhou Army from attacking Hanzhong, but also need to leave before King Changshan leads his army to cross the Yangtze River, otherwise we will regret it!"

Cao Cao, the lord, has hammered the final word, even if the subordinate generals have their own thoughts, they can only press down and give up their promises!

The decree was issued soon.

Whether it is ordinary soldiers or ordinary people in Hanzhong, they can feel a sense of crisis that the wind and rain are shaking, and the mountains and rain are about to come!

The low morale, which was already due to the defeat, was even lowered. Many soldiers already had the idea of fleeing in their hearts, and the people also wanted to flee Hanzhong.

Even the general Cao Ying, whether it was the bottom or the middle and high-level, was secretly looking for a way out.

Cao Cao's intuition was indeed not wrong, for him, the end of the road, like Liu Bei's original embattled desperate situation, has appeared on him!

Seeing that the tent was empty, he had always been very decisive and tough, and the majestic Cao Cao finally revealed a deep sense of powerlessness and despair!


Jiang Xia.

More than a month has passed since Huang Zhong led the navy to Guangling.

During this time, the Changshan army was preparing for the battle to cross the river.

The training of naval sailors, the launching of ships to prepare for battle, the understanding of the topography of the Yangtze River Basin, etc., are all invisibly brought about a killing atmosphere.

The cold wind blowing above the Yangtze River is all faintly murderous. The howling of the wind is like the sound of a trumpet, reminding all the soldiers all the time that the war is about to break out!

The Jiangdong sailors on the other side of the river were on guard, and Zhou Yu and Lu Su and other advisers were already bleak during this time, and Huafa was born early.

They are only in their twenties and thirties, and they feel great pressure during this time. A pressure beyond their reach.

The Yangtze River is vast, but it is an important pass, and there are only a few places where soldiers must fight. The Changshan Navy and the Jiangdong Naval Division are frantically consolidating their important areas. This is bound to cause friction between the two sides.

Although the great war has not yet begun, the friction in private and the small-scale battle have appeared on the Yangtze River.

Every day, corpses float above the Yangtze River, and occasionally blood stains small areas of water red, which are then washed away by the river.

What shocked Jiangdong Shuishi was that these corpses were all Jiangdong disciples. There was not a single Changshan Army soldier at all!

Their personal strength is too strong!

Just like in the battle of Guangling, it was terrifying to the point of one enemy and five!

If the Jiangdong Navy Division could not sink the ships of the Changshan Army, even if the Changshan Navy was fatally injured, as long as it could be rescued in the first time, most of them could be saved by the medical team that Changshan gradually rushed to the front!

The logistical support of the Changshan Army is too sufficient, and the medical team is decades ahead of Jiangdong in terms of number and technology!

This kind of impeccable, like a copper wall and iron wall, made the Jiangdong Water Division more stressed!

To be honest, the generals of the Jiangdong Army were a little envious of the Changshan Army!

From some of the loot they sometimes get, as well as the equipment of the Changshan Army, they can fully see how favorable the conditions of their barracks are!

The soldiers saw the favorable conditions of the other party's military camp, but for counselors such as Zhou Yu and Lu Su, they saw the powerful governance ability of King Changshan!

These are the family wealth that Changshan King has gradually accumulated over the years of construction and development, and finally burst out at the moment of need!

Liu Chen's camp.

Now in addition to Guo Jia and Cheng Yu, generals such as Huang Zhong, Zhang Liao, and Zhao Yun have also gathered.

The generals and advisers are discussing an important thing - where to choose the landing site for their battle to cross the river!

Do not underestimate the landing site.

In addition to building fortifications that can be attacked and retreated, it is also necessary to establish logistical subsidy points for the campaign south of the Yangtze River such as Jiangdong after crossing the river.

Guo Jia said:

"Lord, Sun Jian has governed Yangzhou for many years, and although we have captured Lujiang County and Jiujiang County, this section of the Yangtze River basin in Jiangdong is still under the control of the other party.

Even after years of consolidation and arming, it has created more favorable geographical conditions for Jiangdong.

They are originally Jiangdong locals, who have lived since childhood, and their cognitive understanding of the changes in the sky, solar terms, and monsoon air currents near this section of the Yangtze River far exceeds that of me.

Heavenly time, geography, people, the Jiangdong Army is all in its hands!

If our army storms this section of the Yangtze River basin in Jiangdong, with the overall strength and full armament of our army, it will naturally be able to storm successfully, but the losses will be heavy!

Instead of this, it is better to choose Chibi landing, which is in the territory of Jingzhou. Now the entire land north of the Jingzhou River is in the hands of our army.

The Xiangyang Water Army under Liu Biao was even more guarding the surroundings. They are all natives of Jingzhou, and they know the changing seasons in their hometown very well, and they must have fortified the Yangtze River in Jingzhou.

On the Jingzhou side, we also have the grasp of the timing, geography, people. The odds are greater, and 860 can minimize all losses.

As long as you take the land south of the Jingzhou Changjiang River and set up a temporary camp to set up a springboard to the south, Jiangdong is not a problem at all! "

After Guo Jia finished speaking, Cheng Yu immediately refuted.

Cheng Yu thinks that landing in Chibi requires relying on Xiangyang Water Master, after all, it is not his own person, and he is still a little guarded!

Moreover, after the Battle of Guangling, the Jiangdong Army was afraid of the Changshan Army, but it could take advantage of this strong attack, and only needed to break the defense of the Jiangdong Army with a bang, and the enemy army was bound to be defeated!

In addition, the Changshan navy had already detoured the hinterland of Jiangdong and attacked from the direction of Yuyao in Huiji County.

The two top advisers had their own opinions, and the generals also had their own ideas.

In fact, it can be summed up in two points -

1 First attack the land south of the Jing Governor Jiangnan, and then turn to attack Jiangdong.

2 also directly attacked Jiang.

Liu Chen frowned and pondered.

In fact, what Guo Jia said is more reasonable, after all, Sun Jian has been governing Jiangdong for many years, and the Yangtze River bank defense in Jiangdong must be consolidated like a copper wall and iron wall.

This kind of strong attack, although faster and more direct, but the loss is the life of the Changshan Army soldiers!

Chibi is near Jiangxia County, and now in their hands, even if there is Huang Zugongwei on the opposite side, as well as Zhou Yu and Lu Su to assist in defense.

But Jingzhou was once in the hands of Liu Biao after all, and he knew a little more about the insider, terrain, defense area, etc.

As for whether the Xiangyang Water Master is worth trusting? After this period of testing, these people are indeed sincere and sincere!

After all, today's Liu Chen has become a general trend, and it is already the trend of the times!

And the most important point -

Liu Chen wanted to first take the land south of the Jingzhou Changjiang River, such as Changsha County, Wuling County, Lingling County, Guiyang County, etc., so that he could suppress not only Jiangdong, but also Yizhou, forming a reverse encirclement of Cao Cao.

During this time, the Liangzhou Legion attacked Yizhou Hanzhong, and Liu Chen had several point reminders in his mind, and the intelligence of the communication pigeon was also transmitted back and forth many times.

If Liu Chen suppressed it in Wuling County, it would deter Yizhou and block the retreat of the Cao army.

Thinking of this, Liu Chen interrupted the arguments of the generals and advisers, and said decisively: "Just land from Chibi!" "

After speaking, Liu Chen put forward his strategic idea, Guo Jia and Cheng Yu listened to the back of the head, and finally reached an agreement!

The generals were even more excited, since they had the same goal, they could finally make a move! After waiting for more than a month, they can't wait!

Liu Chen did not hesitate and ordered Huang Zhong's navy to transfer to Jingzhou and land strongly from Chibi in addition to guarding the Yangtze River section of Guangling County, Jiujiang County and Lujiang County!

The Liangzhou army launched a fierce attack on Yizhou Hanzhong, and Liu Chen's side was not idle, and it was also ready to break out the Battle of Chibi.


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