
Chu Chu Road, Zhao Cheng.

Ma Teng Hansui's two armies, blocked in Baocheng by Xu Chu, Xiahou Wei and Xiahou Yuan, have been deadlocked for more than half a month.

Ma Chao led nearly 10,000 elite pawns to find a secret path from Zhang Song's topographic map, and wanted to make a surprise attack after detouring the city.

It's just that according to the information sent back by the scouting pigeon, Ma Chao's situation is very bad.

Because this section of the road is difficult to travel, you also need to pass through a section of cliffs. Although the soldiers can build their own bridges and cabinets, it is still a big test.

This way, the physical consumption was extremely high, because they wanted to raid, they did not carry too much dry food, and in five days, the food and grass were almost exhausted.

If this continues, they may not be able to continue to persevere, either retreat halfway or die alive.

Even if they barely passed, they didn't have the extra energy to fight against the defenders in the city, and they just went to send them to death.

"If it doesn't work like this, we have to find a way."

Ma Chao looked at the exhausted soldiers, and before he could think of a solution, the sudden appearance of his body made his eyes suddenly shocked!

"This is ... Ability bonus! "

Ma Chao is no stranger to this feeling, he has experienced it several times, and it can be regarded as a habit from the beginning of shock.

His body was full of strength, and the sudden appearance of the ability bonus increased his physical strength and resilience, and the original feeling of exhaustion was swept away.

Ma Chao looked around, the situation of the soldiers was not much different, although it was not as exaggerated as him, but he also recovered a lot of energy.

Most importantly, this improvement in physical fitness made the soldiers feel excited by the favor of God, and the low morale of the army rose again.

Ma Chao was overjoyed, boosted his morale, and marched with a bang. Less than two days later, they finally passed through the sheep's gut trail.

Looking at the city diagonally below, Ma Chao asked the soldiers to eat all the last dry food, and then launched a surprise attack directly from behind.

Many soldiers of the Liangzhou Legion directly used the condescending cliff to break into the enemy city with ropes.

The generals of Baocheng were guarding against the Ma Teng Hansui coalition army in front, and they were not too guarded against the threat behind them, and this time they were directly broken through by Ma Chao.

Inside the castle tower.

280 Chu, Xiahou Wei, and Xiahou Yuan, three generals, are discussing countermeasures. After the city of Baocheng, there is Hanzhong, and there must be no mistakes here.

Only at this moment, a noisy voice sounded, making them suddenly alert. The third general is worthy of being a person who has experienced hundreds of battles, and directly rushed out with his weapon in hand.

When they saw the chaotic scene outside, the three generals were shocked and looked a little unbelievable!

"How is that possible?! Aren't Ma Teng and Han Sui's combined forces still outside the city? How did enemy troops appear? Xu Chu said.

A herald hurried to the scene and said eagerly: "General, general! The enemy somehow swooped in from behind, and they were coming this way. "

This information made the face of the three generals change drastically!

Attack from behind?!

Behind them is Hanzhong, how did the enemy army appear?!

"Miaocai, you arrange for all the soldiers to guard the city gates, and we will block them and kill them!" Xia Hou Wei immediately made a decision, walked directly down the city tower, and killed the horse towards the rear.

Xia Houyuan stopped a soldier and said, "Go to Hanzhong immediately and send a message to the lord, the city may be dangerous!" "

"Yes!" The soldier left with a pale face.

When Xia Houyuan spoke, Xu Chu had already mounted his horse and followed Xia Hou Wei to the rear.

They must destroy these enemy forces that suddenly enter to prevent them from taking the opportunity to break through the city tower and open the city gate to allow the combined forces of Ma Teng and Han to enter.

At that time, it was time to return.

Xia Houyuan did not rush to the aid immediately, but carefully arranged the defense of the city tower to avoid giving the enemy an opportunity.

Before leaving, he glanced at the Ma Teng Hansui coalition camp in front of him, and the commotion in Baocheng obviously attracted their attention.

Xia Houyuan arranged for the deputy general to defend the city, and then rushed to the rear to help.

It's just that Xia Hou Yuan didn't go far when he saw Xia Hou Wei and Xu Chu, both of them being suppressed and retreating by a fierce general in a white robe and silver armor spear.

"Ma Chao!!"

Seeing this familiar face, Xia Houyuan was a little incredulous.

No wonder during this time, Ma Teng and Han Sui combined forces to attack, and did not see Ma Chao's figure in the lead. It turned out to lead the army to sneak attack from behind.

Xiahou Yuan's heart was shocked, but his speed was not slow, and he directly joined the battlefield and joined forces with Xiahou Wei and Xu Chu to face Ma Chao.

It's just that.

During the battle, Xia Houyuan's heart sank to the bottom!

Ma Chao's strength has actually become stronger again?! This is five stones scattered, right?! It's just fake!

Xu Chu and Xia Hou Wei's faces were also very ugly, and their faces were pale!

They have fought with Ma Chao many times, almost all of them are defeated, and they are not opponents at all!

When they faced it, they remembered the former Lu Bu!

What a peerless general!

Originally, he was not Ma Chao's opponent, but Ma Chao's strength has increased again, giving great pressure! Even if Xia Houyuan joined the three of them, he still fell into the downside!

Xu Chu is a super first-class fierce general, but Xia Hou Wei and Xia Hou Yuan are only first-class martial generals. The combination of the three is not at all the opponent of the peerless fierce Ma Chao.

With the encouragement of the three people, the battle situation had not yet formed a one-sided collapse, but the surrounding Cao army soldiers were defeated one by one, while the Liangzhou army had the upper hand.

"It's over!"

This is the common voice of Xu Chu and other three generals. They looked at each other, and they both saw despair in each other's eyes.

But despair is despair, since it is no longer possible to do anything, then they can only retreat.


Ma Chao did not give them this opportunity.

Facing the joint attack of the three fierce generals, Ma Chao's gun skills were superb and he coped with it with ease, and when he saw that the three generals had the idea of retreating, he accelerated the speed of the attack.

"None of you can run away!" Ma Chao said confidently.

Now that the city of Baocheng is in sight, if he can capture the three important generals of Cao Ying, it will be a great credit!

Ma Chao will not let go of such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Just when Ma Chao picked three, the soldiers of the Liangzhou Legion had gradually overwhelmed the city tower, and they were not afraid to take the city tower, and then opened the city gate.

The combined forces of Ma Teng and Han Sui outside the city did not sit still, seeing the fires and riots in the city, they knew that Ma Chao had succeeded, and directly led the army to attack.

Without the command of Xia Hou Yuan and Xia Hou Wei, only one adjutant general could not stop the onslaught of Ma Teng Hansui coalition army!

After holding out for two quarters of an hour, the city tower was captured, the drawbridge was lowered, the city gate was opened, and Ma Teng and Han Sui's 100,000-strong army rushed in.

Xu Chu, who was dragged by Ma Chao and was difficult to escape, and the three generals Xiahou Yuan and Xiahou Wei felt the imminent death for the first time.

They were dying and resisting, but the results were still in vain.

As more and more soldiers gathered around, they finally lost the opportunity to escape.

The most powerful general of Cao Ying, Xu Chu, and the generals of the Yan lineage, Xiahou Wei and Xiahou Yuan, were directly defeated by Ma Chao and captured alive!

Baocheng was also taken by the Liangzhou Legion strongly!


Chen Cang Dao.

After Zhang Xiu and Hua Xiong were blocked outside Luoyang City for ten days, Xu Rong also successfully opened the Qishan Road and landed in the city.

The two armies encircled and surrounded the city of Luoyang.

"How are we going to break through Luoyang City?"

Hua Xiong looked at Xu Rong and asked, "Zhang Xiu's senior brother has excellent military talent, and he will not leak the defense of Luoyang City!" We tried several strong attacks, but they were stopped. "

Among the Liangzhou Legion, if Jia Xu is a man of unparalleled wisdom, then Xu Rong is definitely a first-class general.

A first-class military general is also a first-class commander.

Xu Rong didn't think about it, and said directly coldly: "Naturally, it's a strong attack!" "

Hua Xiong and Zhang Xiu frowned.

Without waiting for the two to question, Xu Rong said directly: "The road of Qishan Road is flat, in addition to facilitating the transportation of grain and grass, I also transported the heavy weight." "

It also includes ordnance and equipment.

Xu Rong directly brought the two generals to his barracks, where there was already a battalion assembling siege equipment!

There are siege vehicles, there are ladders, there are trebuchets, and ballistae!

After seeing this scene, Hua Xiong and Zhang Xiu were suddenly relieved.

"It seems that there is no need for military masters to give advice!"

Zhang Xiu's head said: "The Shu road is as difficult as ascending to the sky, not to mention the heavy grain and grass, even the soldiers are difficult to march, you can transport the ordnance and equipment over, it is estimated that senior brothers they can't imagine it at all!" "

"If it is Chen Cang Road, Zhao Xi Road, Luo Road and Meridian Road, it is naturally difficult to transport in." Xu Rong's head said, "I don't know how His Highness discovered Qishan Dao!" "

"Maybe it's the scouting pigeon?" Zhang Xiu guessed.

Hua Xiong guessed: "It may also be news from the natives of Yizhou. However, even Zhang Song's topographic map does not have this road on it. Not very reasonable! "

In the midst of the generals' surprise, a strange force suddenly appeared in their bodies, making the three generals instantly shocked!

"This is ... Ability bonus! "

The three generals are no strangers, this feeling is very familiar to them and remembers deeply! But it really shocked them to the point of unbelievable memories!

But over time, they were also shocked to get used to it.

Hua Xiong felt the evolution of physical fitness, and gasped and said: "It has actually improved again!" "

"Maybe it's not necessarily the scout pigeon, or it may be that His Highness has been favored by the heavens." Zhang Xiu felt the strength of his body and thought in shock.

It can improve the physical fitness of all the soldiers, and with this kind of divine and Buddhist means, then the discovery of the Qishan Dao is not worth mentioning at all.

The shock of the three generals lasted for a long time, until the heralds came to report that the siege battalion had assembled the siege equipment, and they woke up.

The three generals looked at each other, tacit understanding.

Xu Rong lined up his troops and arranged for the siege of the city. Now that everything is ready, they will naturally not procrastinate.

When siege vehicles, trebuchets and other siege equipment were pulled onto the battlefield, Zhang Ren and other defenders in Luoyang City were full of disbelief!

Shu Dao is difficult, difficult to go to the green sky!

Now is not the era when cement road viaducts are covered with Sichuan, and it is extremely inconvenient to march. Even a single soldier marching lightly is extremely difficult.

These Liangzhou troops actually transported all the siege equipment in, or did they do it in such a short period of time?!

Just as Zhang Ren was shocked, Xu Rong gave the order to attack.

Trebuchets were thrown one after another towards Luoyang City, and huge stones were overwhelmingly harvesting the buildings and life in the city.

In successive impacts, a gap was smashed in the city wall.

Xu Rong did not attack rashly, and when the boulder was consumed, he replaced it with a fireball and threw it directly into the city.

Flames filled the city of Luoyang.

This kind of siege strategy is what Liu Chen is best at and favorite fire suppression!

After the multiple rounds of throwing by the trebuchet, Xu Rong gave the siege order. The soldiers of the Liangzhou Legion behind him, like the division of tigers and wolves, rushed towards Luoyang City.

A ladder is built on the wall for soldiers to climb.

Ballistae attacked the city gate one after another, destroying the city gate to pieces.

The siege vehicle dispatched and gave the final blow to the battered gate of the city that was shot by the ballista!

Luoyang City was directly breached less than an hour after Xu Rong sent his troops, and the Liangzhou Legion entered it with a mighty force.

Zhang Xiu, Hua Xiong and other generals are even more in the lead!

Inside the city.

Zhang Xiu met his senior brother Zhang Ren again, this time the two sides fought for less than twenty rounds, and Zhang Ren was directly defeated.

He looked at Zhang Xiu with some disbelief, not understanding why he could last for more than thirty rounds a few days ago, why he would lose so miserably a few days later.

"Junior Brother, did you hide your strength at that time?" Looking at the tip of the gun in his throat, Zhang Ren asked in surprise.

Zhang Xiu shook his head and did not say the problem of ability bonus, but persuaded: "No!" Senior brother, descend! The one who knows the time is Junjie! "

Zhang Ren looked around, it was a picture of defeat, he sighed and said: "What if you don't fall?!" "

An hour later, the city of Lianyang was broken, and the Liangzhou Legion entered strongly.

So far.

After the combined forces of Ma Teng and Han Sui attacked the city of Baocheng and entered Hanzhong. The combined forces of Xu Rong, Zhang Xiu, and Huaxiong also stepped into the territory of Hanzhong.

Hanzhong was shaken by it!

The generals of the Cao Army, who were moving towards Ba County, were also shocked when they learned the news!

Cao Cao was glad that his instincts were sensitive and moved from Hanzhong in advance to avoid facing the Liangzhou legion.

It's just that when he learned that the three generals such as Xu Chu, Xiahou Yuan, and Xiahou Wei had all been captured by the Liangzhou Legion, Cao Cao directly attacked his heart with anger and blood and fainted!

It is difficult to find a thousand generals, and compared to the loss of tens of thousands of soldiers, the loss of these three generals caused Cao Ying to suffer heavy losses. The strength has been reduced by more than half!

General Cao Ying, who was originally depressed and pessimistic, fell to the bottom with his whole heart, and deserters also appeared on a large scale.


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