One after the other, the two armies rushed downstream.

Now in the middle of the night, there are no passenger ships and cargo ships sailing in the waters of the Yangtze River, and their journey is almost unimpeded.

In fact, during this time, the Changshan Army fought against the Jiangdong Army, which also led to the closure of various docks in the Yangtze River basin and the suspension of passenger and cargo ships.

There are too many disturbances to the people's livelihood.

This is also the reason why Liu Chen wants to unify the whole country as soon as possible.

If the war continues, the people will fall into war, their families will be destroyed, their wives will be separated, and they will be displaced, which is the result that Liu Chen does not want to see.

The Jiangdong Water Army led by Zhou Yu has significantly more superb sail control skills. Liu Chen led the army to bite in the rear, but did not catch up for a long time, and the two sides always kept a distance.

However, Liu Chen was not worried, he divided the troops in advance, and let Zhang Liao, Zhang Ji and other generals lead the Xiangyang Water Army to Xiakou, just to avoid the Jiangdong Army from fleeing.

Although Xiakou had Huangzu's troops blocking it, Liu Chen believed that with Changshan army generals such as Zhang Liao and Zhang Jaw, and Xiangyang water army generals such as Wei Yan and Wen Ping, commanding an army of 780,000, they could definitely suppress Huang Zu and set trap screens ~ barriers.

Huang Zhong buried dozens of warships at Xiakou, suffering thousands of casualties, and Liu Chen wanted the Jiangdong Army to pay back 1510.

On the ships of the Koto warship.

Zhou Yu did not receive a reply from Xia Kou for a long time, and he already knew that Xia Kou was less fierce. This is obviously the Changshan army has been on guard, and now Xiakou can be described as Longtan Tiger-Den.


Liu Chen led an army of 780,000 in hot pursuit, and if they stopped to fight with them, Zhou Yu had no confidence that he could defeat Changshan's army.

This fell into a dead end, stopping the ship and fighting was invincible, and there must be ambushes if they continued down, which gave Zhou Yu a headache!

Zhou Yu, Lu Su and other generals gathered together and looked at the topographic map in front of them, they had to look for a place between Chibi and Xiakou that could be turned over.

At least a place where they can retreat with their whole body!

"If my expectations are good, the Changshan army has already led troops to attack Chibi!" Lu Su sighed and said, "It's really a mistake to lose all games!" "

"If it weren't for the night, we would never have let the enemy touch our side and be attacked by them!" Zhou Tai said with some indignation.

"I can't find a place to ease up!" Zhou Yu said with a serious face: "Let the Jian Boat open the way, if there is a blocker, directly rush over!" "

Everyone sighed regretfully.

In fact, they had already guessed this result. As Jiangdong natives, or generals who have lived in Jiangdong for many years, they are familiar with the Yangtze River basin.

The détente point of Chibi and Xiakou, there is no one at all. Or simply not enough to ease the onslaught of the Changshan army!

Just forcibly rushed over... They are also extremely worried!

"Will you encounter obstacles such as the iron lock Hengjiang?" Lu Su hesitated and asked, "Chang Shanjun won't give back the other way to the other, right?" "

"In such a short time, they should not be able to prepare such a long iron lock, so even if the real iron lock is closed, it is only a short distance."

Zhou Yu said solemnly: "We can rush directly or avoid this blockade distance!" "

Everyone bowed their heads, but they thought it was true.

However, their strong conflict to break the blockade of the Changshan army meant abandoning Chibi's position, which made them unwilling and a little frustrated!

Zhou Yu said with relief: "For the people who will be generals, they must know how to distinguish the pros and cons, and know how to make trade-offs, Chibi is already difficult to defend, so we must decisively give up to avoid being pinched."

"When we set out on the expedition, I had already arranged for the people to prepare for retreat, and just now I ordered people to go back and inform, that is, let them evacuate quickly!"

Everyone could only nod helplessly.

At this time, the herald suddenly came in a hurry to report:

"Report! Governor Yu, there are warships of the Changshan Army near Xiakou, do we need to stop the ship to fight? "

Ran into it so soon?!

Zhou Yu's face was stunned, and he directly led the army out of the cabin and came to the deck.

The night was deep, and they could only faintly see the distant firelight, which was very dense and extensive.

Zhou Yu immediately arranged for the vanguard fleet to move forward, and after they reached a certain distance, they would directly ignite the fireship to attack, and at the same time act as lighting!

And this time, they finally saw the Changshan Army lineup that was blocked!

Zhou Yulusu and others thought that Liu Chen would return the favor in the other way, and would use the iron lock to cross the river to block their way, just like they designed Huang Zhong.

It's just that.

They still underestimated the capabilities of the Changshan Army, or underestimated the infrastructure capabilities and industrial standards of the Changshan Army.

On the river in the distance ahead, warships passed horizontally, directly intercepted by iron nets between them, and there was a dazzling edge shining on them, which was the figure of iron cones and iron nails.

This scene made Zhou Yu and other generals sink in their hearts!

If this is directly collided, whether it can rush over or not, their vanguard will cause casualties due to the impact wave.

Most importantly, after they hit, the speed will definitely slow down. And this slowness will lead to a rear-end collision in the rear.

It's really a shame to use the other way to give back to the other body, using the same strategy, wanting to regain the disadvantages and defeats of the previous game!

"Let the battleships in the rear slow down!" After Zhou Yu sighed, he unwillingly ordered: "All the soldiers are ready to fight!" "


The Jiangdong Army seems to have a lineup of more than 100,000, and Zhou Yu, the governor of the capital, is even more powerful.

But remembering the strength of the Changshan army like a wolf, they still suffer from gains and losses in their hearts, and if the two armies fight, the result is not optimistic!

And most importantly, there were wolves in front and tigers after, and King Changshan led his army in hot pursuit in the rear.

They really have no way back this time, and there are chasing soldiers behind! -Saying that Cao Cao arrived, they just thought of this, and there was a wave chopping wave from the rear, and the Changshan army led by Liu Chen was mighty

Looking at the Jiangdong water in front of him and watching them slow down, Liu Chen could guess this result even if he didn't see Zhang Jaw and other ambush troops farther away.

"Ready to fight!"

Liu Chen ordered coldly.

Under the orders of all the generals, the whole army was on alert, and the communication pigeons flapped their wings, and quickly reported to the ambush troops in front of them.

The two armies moved slowly, one after the other, forming a joint encirclement and outflanking Zhou Yu and other Jiangdong Army officers, just like making dumplings, engulfing the enemy army little by little!

A shocking battle began above the waters of Xiakou!



Dozens of Jiangdong warships slowly sailed back, covered with devastation, and it was obvious that they had experienced a big war.

On the boat stood all the officers and men of the Jiangdong Army, one by one, covered in wounds, looking very embarrassed, and the military flag was still hung with the banner of the Jiangdong general.

It seems that the wounded soldiers have returned from defeat, but in fact, it is all the pretense of the Changshan army, the purpose is to disguise into Chibi.

Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong and the others were cautious, but when they approached Chibi all the way, there was still no sentry to stop drinking, and the voice of asking for passwords.

When they completely approached the water fence of Chibi, that is, the fortification, they suddenly realized that the defenders above had disappeared.

"Enemy troops, withdrawn?" Zhao Yun guessed a certain result and immediately said, "Arrange for all the soldiers to open the gate of the water fence." "

Immediately, dozens of small boats were lowered, and the generals of the Changshan Army took the small boats, approached cautiously, and then carefully boarded the Chibi.

Until they opened the gate of the water fence and let the fleet enter one after another, there were still no sentries and soldiers attacking.

Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong did not dare to be careless, avoiding the enemy army showing weakness, and then lured the enemy deep and gave them a reverse outflank.

They maintained a high degree of vigilance, docked at the pier, and then all the soldiers disembarked one after another and stepped on the territory of the strategic fortress of Chibi!

Even at this time, they still did not take it lightly, and the whole army searched towards Chibi bit by bit in a carpet-like search.

Avoid enemy ambushes, or hay and oil and the like, and want them to set themselves on fire.

However, with the investigation, they found that the generals of the Jiangdong Army stationed in Chibi had retreated in a hurry, and it seemed that the time of departure was almost the same as their front and back.

If they rush to march and hunt down, they can still catch up!

However, Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong thought about it for a moment and gave up this plan!

First, they now have no horses, and even many strategic materials have not been transported.

Second, their main goal was to occupy the fortress of Chibi, which was the gateway to the land north of the Yangtze River.

Occupying Chibi and using Chibi to establish camps and springboards to attack the land north of the Yangtze River is what they need to do the most!

If in order to pursue the enemy army, greedy and rash, and finally lost Chibi, it is really picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelons, the gain is not worth the loss!

Therefore, Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong abandoned the pursuit of the enemy army and instead conducted an all-round reconnaissance search on Chibi.

Then consolidate the fortifications of Chibi and completely occupy this strategic place!

After everything was arranged, they did not forget to send a letter to Liu Chen to inform them of the matter.

At the same time, a message was sent to the garrison on the opposite bank, so that they could lead the army to transport supplies.



This place has just experienced a great battle, the process can be described as very tragic, there are countless corpses floating on the surface of the river, and blood stains the surface of the river.

The severed limbs of the battleship were up and down, and even if the wind in the Yangtze River was strong in the middle of the night, it still could not blow the smell of blood in the air.

The original roar of the fight has gradually stopped, and then gradually became quiet.

Liu Chen, who was in command and dispatch on the main battleship, looked at Zhang Liao and Zhang Jaw like that, and escorted Zhou Yu, Lu Su and other generals over.

The Jiangdong Water Army suffered a crushing defeat, and Zhou Yu, the governor of the capital, was captured alive. You can imagine the outcome of the battle just now.

Changshan Army is victorious!

"Lord, Zhou Yu, the capital governor of the Jiangdong Army, Lu Su, the captain of Fenwu, Huang Gai, Zhou Tai and other generals are here!"

Zhang Liao and Zhang Ji escorted the main generals of the Jiangdong Army to Liu Chen's main battleship.

He was followed by Wei Yan, Wen Ping and other Xiangyang water troops.

Both sides of this battle contributed a lot, and Liu Chen bowed his head in satisfaction, and then looked at Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu's eyes were still firm, his back was straight, shining with a kind of pride, if he hadn't been tied by five flowers, he wouldn't have known that he would have thought that the commanders of the two armies would have met.

However, when Zhou Yu boarded the main battleship, looking at the scarecrows on both sides, his eyes were a little stunned, and then a look of defeat appeared on his face.

If he had known that the Changshan army was bluffing and did not have as many troops as it seemed, he might have chosen to fight Liu Chen to the death in the Chibi River Valley.

Instead of fleeing in a hurry, he was blocked by Zhang Liao and Zhang Liao's army, and then he needed to face the front and rear attacks of Changshan Army!

Lu Su also saw these grass people, his face was stunned for a moment, and then he smiled a little bitterly. The face is still pale, and with a bitter smile, it looks frustrated!

This is really false and real, real and false, soldiers are not tired of deceit!

King Changshan was clever and strategic, not under Zhou Yu at all, and even after these many battles, he seemed to be even better!

The generals such as Huang Gai and Zhou Tai behind him had different expressions, all of them, their bodies were covered in blood, and now there was blood flowing out, obviously experiencing a battle of life and death.

However, when they came to Liu Chen and saw this Changshan King who was now Megatron and even about to unify the world, they couldn't help but show shock!

Speaking of which, the Changshan Army led by Liu Chen is the real Wang Division, the true Justice Division!

These generals of the Jiangdong Army, who defy His Majesty's will and cut off Jiangdong, can be regarded as rebels who have brought calamity to the country and the people!

.. 0...

This unjust rebel army, when he met Liu Chen, a righteous Wang Shi, whether it was above the foundation or the law, he was invisibly short!

Not to mention, on top of force, they also suffered one crushing defeat after another!

The looks and eyes of these people, Liu Chen saw it in his eyes, he glanced at Zhou Yu in the afterlight, and put an end to the idea of recruiting Zhou Yu now, it was just self-deprecation.

On the contrary, Lu Su and other generals still seem to be negotiable.

"Keep them under strict supervision, and order all the soldiers to clean up the battlefield!"

Liu Chen looked directly at Zhang Liao, Zhang Jaw and other generals, and said with satisfaction: "You have made great contributions in this battle, and when you go back, this king will be rewarded for his merits!" "

This made all the soldiers excited, and they shouted in unison: "The last will obey the order!" "

Zhou Yu, Lu Su and other generals and advisers were escorted down.

The soldiers of the Changshan Army were cleaning up the battlefield, salvaging the bodies on the river, and rescuing the wounded friendly and enemy troops.

When everything was over, an hour had passed, and they finally led the army to turn around and leave.

Not far away is Xiakou, which is also an important strategic place, and now it is garrisoned by Huang Zu and his army.

This general under Liu Biao, after Liu Biao's surrender spread throughout the world, still did not choose to surrender Liu Chen.

Liu Chen did not take advantage of the victory to pursue at this time, and directly led his army to attack Xiakou.

This is all about one's own weakness and attacking the other's strengths.

Just now, Zhao Yun had already sent a message that they had taken Chibi, transported horses and other ordnance and grain to Chibi, and used this as a springboard to attack in all directions.

This is the combat method that Changshan Army is best at!

After completely occupying the land north of the Jingzhou River and capturing Changsha, Wuling, Lingling, Guiyang and other counties, Liu Chen could suppress Yizhou by advancing west, attacking Jiangdong in the east, and taking Jiaozhou in the south.

Originally, the situation of dividing the world between the Yangtze River and the sky, with Liu Chen taking Chibi, has opened a breakthrough!

The day before he took Jingzhou, Jiangdong and Yizhou and unified the entire world is just around the corner!

At this moment, the system prompt sounds.

【Ding! 】

[Host ends the main plot: The battle of Chibi! ] 】

[Get the battle of Chibi and get a 10x bonus bonus for total points! ] 】

【In the points statistics...】

[Generals Huang Zhong, Zhao Yun, Zhang Jaw and others led an army of 200,000 and defeated Zhou Yu and Lusu and other 300,000 Jiangdong Army, and obtained a total of 27 million war points! ] 】

[Wei Yanwen and other generals led an army of 100,000, defeated more than 100,000 Jiangdong troops such as Huang Gai and Zhou Tai, and obtained a total of 15 million war points! ] 】

[Zhang Jaw and others will defeat the enemy army and get a total of 17 million war points! ] 】

[Zhao Yun led the army to defeat the enemy army and won a total of 15 million war points! ] 】


[The host led an army of 150,000 and defeated Zhou Yulusu and other 200,000 Jiangdong troops, and obtained a total of 31 million war points! ] 】

[The host led an army to chase and kill Zhou Yulusu and other Jiangdong armies, fighting in the Xiakou River Valley, and obtained a total of 33 million war points! ] 】


[This battle related to the Battle of Chibi, a total of 53 battles, large and small, a total of 320 million war points! ] 】

[In the 10x bonus of points...]

[Congratulations to the host for earning points: 3.2 billion war points! ] 】

... Door..._

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