Zhang Xiu and Xu Rong and other Liangzhou troops attacked Pingdu County and pointed directly at the same time as Fuling. Changshan troops such as Huang Zhong and Zhang Ji, who attacked Yanshan, also tore open the rift in Yanshan.

Under the exhaustion of Huang Zhong and Zhang Jaw, Yu Ban and Qi Yi's generals only held out for two days, and the army's heart shook and collapsed.

Huang Zhong did not miss this opportunity and directly launched a charge against Yanshan.

After more than two hours of attacking and fighting, Iwashan was completely defeated, and the main general was forbidden and Qi Yi, and was captured by Changshan's army.

Looking at the Cao army fleeing in all directions, Huang Zhong and other generals of the Changshan army did not lead the army to kill them all.

After resting for half a day at Yanshan, they marched directly towards Fuling.

In the east direction, after losing the natural barrier of Yanshan, Fuling was undefended at a glance for the Changshan army.

Even if Fuling was a strong city, Huang Zhong and other Changshan troops knew that there were only 30,000 or 40,000 defenders inside, and they could easily break through.

Changshan's army, under the command of generals such as Huang Zhong and Zhang Ji, left 20,000 to garrison Yanshan, while guarding the surrender of the Cao army, and then marched towards Fuling.


On the other side, Zhang Xiu, Xu Rong and other Liangzhou troops, after resting in Pingdu County for a day, also left some horses to watch over the pawns, and the army marched towards Fuling.

The Changshan army and the Liangzhou army followed one after the other, encircling Fuling from two directions.


In Fuling County, there is already panic among the people, and everyone is in danger.

With the news of the war from the front, it was all bad news, and not a single good news appeared.

This made the generals understand that their current situation had completely reached the point of exhaustion!

The only thing that can give them a faint hope is that Liu Zhang in Yizhou's belly has not yet replied, maybe he can promise them to go inside to hide, and the two armies join forces to resist the enemy!


The herald soldiers hurriedly came, and when they ran to the door, they were actually rolling and climbing, looking very panicked.

This scene shocked Cao Cao and the others in the lobby!

Even if the bad news came from the front several times ago, even after losing battles, the heralds had never been so panicked.

Now like this...

Cao Cao had already guessed the frontline military situation in his heart, and I am afraid that it was less fierce.

Chen Gong, Xia Zhicai and other advisers had even more serious and cautious faces, and there was already a sigh and helplessness in their hearts that there was no way out.

Cao Cao did not blame the herald soldiers, and asked eagerly: "But the front-line war report?" "

"General Yu! Pingdu County... Lost! Bao Xin, Zhang Yan, Cao Ren and Cao Chun and other generals, defeated and captured... The Liangzhou army led its army to attack Fuling..."

The herald soldier reported the battle report on the front line, and the more he said, the more Cao Cao's heart fell to the bottom, and his face turned pale.

The fall of Pingdu County meant that the northern side of Fuling would have no natural dangers and cities to hinder the enemy's attack.

Then the Liangzhou army pursuing from Hanzhong can directly smash the yellow dragon and reach Fuling County!


This is the only thought of the generals and ministers!

Not only that, just when everyone was desperate in their hearts, another herald hurriedly came to report, his expression was also panicked and white.


"Lord Lord! Iwaiyama is lost! Yu Ban and Qi Yi and other generals were defeated and captured! Huang Zhong, Zhang Ji and other enemy generals led an army to attack Fuling! "

Another bad news came.

Yanshan is the eastern side of Fuling, guarding against enemy attacks in the direction of Jingzhou, and is a natural barrier on the eastern side of Fuling.

And now, too, lost!

Even if the people stationed in Yanshan were General Forbidden and Qi Yi, even if there were elite pawns such as the first to die, they still did not block the edge of the Changshan army!

When everyone heard the great names of generals such as Huang Zhong and Zhang Jaw, they had already sentenced themselves to death in their hearts!

Now, they're really finished!

The Liangzhou army attacked from Pingdu County, and the Changshan army attacked from the direction of Yanshan, the former was only more than thirty li from Fuling, and the latter was only more than twenty li.

In a few days, the army will come to the city!

The two armies are encircled, and it is difficult for their Cao army to fly!

Cao Cao's expression was decadent, and he suddenly aged more than ten years, and his already haggard look was even darker!

Liu Bei killed Yiling, Sun Jian killed Wu Jun, now is it finally his turn to Cao Cao?!

This is from the intuition of the fengxiong, other generals and advisers can surrender, but they, the lords, absolutely cannot surrender!

One mountain does not allow two tigers, and one country does not allow two kings!

Waiting for their end, either defeat and death, or overwhelming. And now, their Cao army is about to be defeated ...

Cao Cao's heart was like ashes, and he knew that his limit was approaching!


Another herald arrived, which made everyone's hearts move, and their expressions were a little surprised. Even Cao Cao's ashen look was a little more brilliant.

Now that Pingdu County has been broken, Yanshan has also been lost, and there are no other war reports.

So this herald is...?

The hearts of everyone present were full of expectations, could it be a letter from Liu Zhang from Yizhou in the rear? Will Liu Zhang promise them to enter Sichuan? It should be, right?

Now that the Changshan army is imposing and coming with the general trend, if Liu Zhang does not allow them to enter and join forces with them, he will not be able to fight the Changshan army at all!

At such a moment of life and death, even if Liu Zhang is incompetent, he should distinguish between the pros and cons!

Cao Cao was overjoyed in his heart, like a drowning man grasping the last life-saving straw and eagerly asking, "But Chengdu Liu Zhang's letter?" "

The herald stumbled in, and said with a dead face: "General, general, it was the patrol officer who found a newspaper..."

Everyone present was a human spirit, and from the expression of the herald soldier, he had already noticed something strange. The herald apparently peeked at the newspaper in private, and the result was not good!

The surprise that Cao Cao had just risen up gradually disappeared. But now that the situation is terrible, how bad can it be?

After taking a deep breath, Cao Cao looked solemn, as if waiting for the verdict of his death, and said solemnly: "Present it!" "

The herald presented the newspaper with trepidation.

Cao Cao just glanced at Yu Guang, his chest was stuffy, his throat smelled, a mouthful of old blood spurted out, his head was dizzy, and he almost fainted.


The generals and ministers were shocked, and immediately gathered around, looking at Cao Cao with concern, and some of them had already ordered people to go and call the doctor.

However, after they swept the newspaper full of blood, their expressions turned pale instantly, and many people with poor psychological quality fainted.

The huge font on the newspaper made them finally lose even the last glimmer of hope.

- Yizhou Liu Zhang abandoned the city and surrendered, welcoming the Liangzhou army into Shu!

Here are some details, but that's not the point!

Liu Zhang, Chengdu of Shu County, who was behind them, had already chosen to surrender. This was unexpected, but reasonable.

In a different position, if they face the Changshan army under Megatron, after being unstoppable, they will also choose to surrender!

At this moment, the last retreat of their Cao army was all cut off!


It's totally over!

The reinforcements have surrendered, and now the Liangzhou army and the Changshan army are encircling, and the defenders in Fuling are only 30,000 or 40,000, and their Cao army is unable to escape!

I never thought that the moment of life and death would come so quickly!

Cao Cao recovered, forcibly suppressed his desperate state of mind, waved his hand at the soldiers and said: "You guys go down first, I want to be alone and quiet!" "

The generals and advisers stopped talking, but then respectfully retired, and even the newly arrived doctor was driven out by Cao Cao.

The lobby was extremely quiet, and Cao Cao leaned back in his chair, looked up at the roof, and was stunned.

Throughout Cao Cao's life, although he was a castrate, he was more than enough than the bottom, his grandfather Cao Teng was the Great Changqiu, and his father Cao Song was the third prince of the official residence, which was actually a famous family.

Being able to play with children like Yuan Shao from a young age is itself a proof of the strength of the Cao family.

Later, Cao Cao showed his ambitions and wanted to return the big man to a langlang and good job.


The court of the late Han dynasty was corrupt and politically dark, and after encountering many walls, Cao Cao finally understood that he could not uphold justice.

If it weren't for the protection of his grandfather and father, he might have been assassinated by powerful people.

The Yellow Turban Rebellion, Dong Zhuo's chaos in the imperial government, and the eighteen-way princes begged Dong, Cao Cao at that time was still unconscionable.

However, with the subsequent southern conquest and northern war, the generals and advisers under him gathered more and more, and Cao Cao's ambitions also swelled rapidly.

At some point, the idea of replacing the Son of Heaven appeared.

"If it weren't for King Changshan, I might have done this." Cao Cao recovered, and bitterness appeared in his heart.

It is not Cao Cao's arrogance, many years of horse fighting, let him understand that the world is all heroes, but jumping beam clowns, rabble.

Ask the heroes of the world, but Cao Cao and Changshan King!

Now defeated at the hands of Liu Chen, Cao Cao has no complaints, the king is defeated, the two heroes fight, and in the end, they are just inferior to others!

Recalling what King Changshan had done, Cao Cao's face showed a smile that fulfilled his wish.

"I used to want to help the Han Room, I wanted to turn the tide, I wanted to return the world again, I wanted to sweep away the darkness...

What I couldn't do now, Changshan King did it all! I'm dead without regrets! "

Cao Cao smiled miserably.


Qunchen shouted outside the house: "Lord, Huang Zhong Zhang Jaw led the army to the city, Zhang Xiu Xu Rong and they are even encircling Fuling, please go into battle and command!" "

"You wait for half a ring!"

Cao Cao's hoarse voice came, allowing the ministers to rest slightly, and with Cao Cao's military ability, he would definitely be able to block the enemy army a little.

At least, let them lose not so quickly.

Inside the hall.

Cao Cao wrote with a pen, splashed ink, and explained all the aftermath.

Some were written to their heirs, some were addressed to the courtiers, and more were addressed to the king of Changshan.

Qunchen urged once, but Cao Cao turned a deaf ear.

After writing many letters, Cao Cao chuckled, his eyes were a little affectionate, but he acted very decisively, and directly pulled out the sword at his side.

Zila -

The blade slashed across the neck, and blood gushed out, spilling all over the place.

Cao Cao must die!

Now the 30,000 or 40,000 defenders of Fuling are simply unable to resist the encirclement of the Changshan Army and the 200,000 troops of the Liangzhou Army.

Instead of being defeated and captured and tried to die, it is better to leave quietly like this, leaving at least a little of the dignity and pride of the heroes of the world!


The sword fell to the ground with a crashing sound, waking up the anxiously waiting group outside the house. They looked at each other, hesitated for a moment, and then quietly watched through the crack in the door.

Then, his eyes suddenly shrunk, his face turned pale instantly, he directly pushed open the gate, flew in, and his voice wailed even more: "Master! "

More and more people saw the situation in the house, Cao Cao leaned back with a smile on his face, blood on his neck, and his hands dropped, obviously killing himself!

After the Cao disciples saw it, their wailing sounded loudly.

When they gathered around, they noticed that the desk was covered with multiple letters, naming the person who handed it over.

After the ministers read the letter to them, their eyes were misty, and they choked and said, "The lord asked us to take his head to surrender..."

The children of the Cao family glared angrily and resolutely opposed!

Chen Gong wept and said, "Don't do it! The Lord is dead, how can he be left in a different place? "

"Changshan King Renyi, he will not vent on the corpse!"

Xia Zhicai sighed and said that he had followed Cao Cao the longest, and he was deeply shocked by this matter, "I'll wait to open the door with the letter from the lord and surrender!" "

Everyone had no objections, even the Cao children.

The defenders of Fuling are only 30,000 or 40,000,

With the defeat of generals such as Bao Xin and Cao Ren in Pingdu County, and the defeat of Yu Ban and Qi Yi of Yanshan, their Cao army was already at the end of the road.

Although Fuling City has high walls and surplus food and grass, it is just a death throes in the face of an army of more than 200,000 people.

Instead of that, it is better to surrender. Moreover, this is also Cao Cao's long-cherished wish.


Outside Fuling City.

Huang Zhong's army of Zhang Jaw, Zhang Xiu and Xu Rong's army, surrounded from both sides. They did not attack rashly, but communicated with each other and decided on the plan of attack.

However, after they discussed and came to a conclusion, and were about to take action, the gate of Fuling City was opened.

"It seems that Cao Jun has surrendered!"

Huang Zhong bowed his head and said: "Compared to the stubborn resistance, recreate the killing, it is better to surrender!" The one who knows the time is Junjie! "

The generals bowed their heads in agreement.

After the city gate was opened, all the high-ranking generals and advisers of the Cao army left the city and came to the front of the Changshan army.

Huang Zhong and other generals swept away Yu Guang and did not notice Cao Cao's figure.

However, looking at the expressions of the generals of the Cao army, they seemed to have guessed something.

Sure enough.

When Chen Gong passed on the news that Cao Cao had killed himself, Huang Zhong and other generals looked at each other and saw an unexpected and reasonable look in the eyes of the other party.

Compared with the humiliation of being defeated and captured, with Cao Cao's heroic posture, he would rather choose to kill himself.

This is similar to Liu Bei and Sun Jian!

The generals sighed slightly in their hearts, and Cao Cao was also the most enduring enemy of their Changshan army.

Now he suddenly killed himself, which made all the soldiers sigh.

Of course, sighing and sighing, Huang Zhong and other generals directly led their troops into Fuling County, and took all the generals and soldiers of the Cao army into custody, waiting for the fate of the king of Changshan.

With the surrender of Liu Zhang of Yizhou, the defeat of the Cao army, and the death of Cao Cao, the entire Yizhou has now fallen under the control of the Changshan army.

Looking at the whole world, except for Jiaozhou, as well as Jingzhou's Lingling County and Guiyang County, they are all in the hands of Liu Chen, the king of Changshan!

Huang Zhong, Zhang Jaw and other generals were a little excited in their hearts.

As long as he wins the entire world and Liu Chen ascends the throne as emperor with the merit of unifying the world, these heroes will also have the merit of the dragon.

Golden seal purple silk, waiting for the general, the third duke of Shangqing is just around the corner!


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