The two gates of the Goguryeo capital were lost, and the Goguryeo defenders were shocked and fled in a hurry.

Huang Zhong and Xu Huang did not lead their army into the city, but attacked the other two gates, preparing to take all of them.

If the gates of the capital city of Goguryeo were in their own hands, everything in the city would only be caught in an urn.

Under the reasonable attack of the Divine Arrow Battalion and the Han army, the capital of Goguryeo was quickly broken one after another, and the defenders were either killed in battle, defeated and captured, or turned around and ran.

The huge city was like a chaotic army, chaos.

One by one, the people closed their houses and hid in their homes and shivered, hoping that the Han army could bypass them and not kill them all.

The officials of Goguryeo were all like ashes and full of despair.

In any battle, as long as the city is broken, the people may still be spared a death, but the generals in the city have a very tragic end.


They became the leading party, became Goguryeo traitors, and helped the Han army to counterattack their own people.

In the center of the capital of Goguryeo is the royal city of the King of Goguryeo. Although it is not as majestic as Liu Chen's Han Palace, it still looks golden and magnificent.

Only at this time, the situation is not optimistic.

The news that Huang Zhong and Xu Huang had attacked the capital of Goguryeo was quickly sent to the Goguryeo imperial palace as soon as possible.

The king of Goguryeo sat on the throne, his face was like dead ash, and his face was miserable: "It's over!" It's totally over! "

Many of the ministers of culture and military affairs below are also panicked, and everyone is in danger.

The concubines in the harem were crying, and the eunuchs and palace maids in the palace were already carrying thin softness and preparing to run.

It's like a scene of destroying the country!

Looking at the desperate look of the Goguryeo king, Buyeo and Sushen envoys did not gloat either.

They clearly got the news that the Han army divided its forces to attack Buyeo and Sushen, and their hometown was estimated to be unsafe, and they couldn't laugh!

Representative Buyeo said heavily: "King Goguryeo, there are still 10,000 elite garrisons in the royal city, and the defeated army will also fight and retreat to the royal city."

Coupled with our coalition forces of Buyeo and Sushen, the total strength can reach 30,000 or 40,000, and we can still resist stubbornly and hold out for a while!

Importantly, is there any other escape route for the capital city of Goguryeo? "

Deputy Su Shen looked at the king of Goguryeo with a look of anticipation.

If they didn't leave a secret passage to escape when they built the city, they wouldn't believe it!

The three caves of the rabbit, even the birds and beasts still know, can not put eggs in a basket, how can these humans not know?

Not to mention such a cunning person as the King of Goguryeo.

Hearing the words of representatives of Buyeo and Sushen, the face of the Goguryeo king was a little ugly!

He was ready to wait for Buyeo and Sushen representatives to lead the army to kill out, hoping to kill a way out. Then taking advantage of this time, he led the army to escape through the secret passage.

Who knows......

Sure enough, they are old opponents who have been at war with them for Goguryeo for many years, and they know each other very well!

They are all cunning foxes, and no one will be confused by anyone!

The Goguryeo civil and military officials were stunned, and looked at the changing face of the Goguryeo king with some disbelief!

It turned out to be true?!

When the Goguryeo royal city was built, did it still have a secret passage?!

This made the princes of the court a little hateful, if they had known, they would have trotted over with a family and prepared to run.

The king of Goguryeo looked at the princes with different expressions below, looked at the representatives of Buyeo and Sushen who had a sneering face, and said in a deep voice: "There is indeed a secret passage in the royal city. "


Everyone was suddenly in an uproar, one by one, they were emotional, short of breath, and there was an indescribable expectation on their faces!

"But our army is moving, do you really think that the Han army will not chase and kill it? Early death and late death are all death anyway, and this king decided to fight to the death! "

The king of Goguryeo suddenly became courageous, full of ambition, and wanted to martyr his country.

In fact, he had already secretly transported his heirs, as long as he left Aoyama without worrying about firewood.

As for himself, the king of Goguryeo was not prepared to flee in the first place, and as the king of Goguryeo, if he suddenly disappeared, it would definitely arouse suspicion.

Since the left and right are a dead word, it is better to show a little fierce and fearless death, so as not to fall the face of the Goguryeo Kingdom for hundreds of years!

This sudden change made the faces of Buyeo and Sushen representatives ugly, and the two looked at each other, just about to attack, and there was a wave of siege outside the royal city.

Boom boom -

"The Han army has attacked the city! Even if we leave now, we will be followed by the other party. Die with the king! "

The king of Goguryeo got up directly, his original face was like a dead ash, but he just pretended, and he became fierce and fearless in an instant.

This made everyone's faces a little ugly!

But in the face of the strong onslaught of the Han army, they can only press the urge to fight infighting and avoid benefiting the Han army!

Under the joint deliberation of the Goguryeo king, the Buyeo representative, the Sushen representative and other parties, they immediately launched the defense of the royal city, guarding the four gates.

The capital of Goguryeo is a binary system, the outer city has a gate arch guard, and the inner city is the royal city, which also has a gate arch guard.

And the defenders of the inner city were garrisoned by the elite royal army of Goguryeo. This is also the last barrier to the capital of Goguryeo.

All the soldiers are like a battle behind the water, stubbornly resisting, one by one, they are all united in their will, and they are completely fearless of death!

Because they knew that they had no way back from Goguryeo. Either the defeated city was destroyed, or the defenders of the outer city launched a counterattack and pinched the enemy army.

The Han army was obviously aware of this drawback.

Therefore, after Huang Zhong and Xu Huang attacked the capital of Goguryeo, they did not rashly attack the inside of the royal city, but took the towers of the outer city on all sides.

Then follow suit step by step, little by little towards the Goguryeo royal city!

Among them, it can be said that the corpses are piled up and the blood flows like rivers, and in the outer city of Goguryeo, the blood is flowing like a river and terrifying.

The air is filled with the lingering smell of blood, and if there are no soldiers who have experienced hundreds of battles, they will vomit when they take a breath.

The people outside the Goguryeo king could smell this disgusting smell of blood even through the houses.

But they still did not dare to go out, shivering and hiding at home, hoping that the Han army could let them go.

This put Huang Zhong and Xu Huang in a dilemma!

It was not their intention to attack the people, but if an enemy army mixed in with the people to disguise, when they attacked the inner city, they would surround it from the outer city.

Their Han army was caught between the front and back.

Although the forces with the strength of their Han army will not be afraid of this kind of tactical attack, but they can reduce casualties, they will naturally be foolproof.

After much deliberation, Huang Zhong and Xu Huang decided to advance slowly and conduct a tight, carpet search of the outer city!

This move will obviously waste a little time, but without massacre, indiscriminate killing, you can also find the Goguryeo enemy army disguised in the homes of the people.

Kill two birds with one stone!

What's more, they have already captured the outer city of Goguryeo, and the inner city of Goguryeo, that is, the royal city, is just around the corner!

There is absolutely no need to rush for a moment.

In this steady advance, one or two Han armies were always the first to complete their objectives and then launch an attack on the inner city of Goguryeo.

There were also a few Han army units, the road of advance was unimpeded, without any obstruction of covering objects, and they entered the inner city like a broken bamboo.

There were relatively few offensives at the beginning, after all, carpet searches wasted time. But as time passed, more and more Han troops advanced under the inner city gates.

Then more and more Han troops opened their offensive against the inner city gates.

Seeing that the defensive force of the inner city was unprecedentedly strong, it was difficult to capture the inner city gate for a while and a half.

Huang Zhong directly ordered to take local materials and build siege equipment!

Looking at the Goguryeo soldiers above the inner city tower, who were not afraid of death, and fought a battle against the water, Huang Zhong sighed and said: "Fortunately, their royal city is the inner city!" "

Xu Huang is also the head of the jaw.

Like their Han Imperial Palace, the outer city, the inner city, and the royal city, there are a total of four barrier arches, and they need to break through four in succession to attack the Han Emperor's Palace!

In contrast, the capital city of Goguryeo is somewhat humble. Instead, it made them a little lucky.

Huang Zhong said again:

"Goguryeo has been founded for more than a hundred years, and although the capital city has changed a lot, this one also has a history of several decades. I don't know if there is a secret escape path!

When the soldiers searched, look for the drawings of the construction of the city. It can also coerce and induce those officials to know or not. "

Xu Huang handed over his hand: "The last general understands!" "

The inner city could not be attacked for a short time, and Huang Zhong, Xu Huang and other generals were not in a hurry, so that all the soldiers took turns to rest and recuperate!

When dawn broke, the sun shone all over the land of the Goguryeo capital, and the defenders on the inner city towers swept their eyes, and their faces were directly shocked!

They saw the roads outside the city, covered with corpses, blood gathered like a river.

Although most of them are Goguryeo soldiers, there are also some accidental casualties of the people and the families of officials.

Even if the Han army claims to be a benevolent and righteous division, it cannot completely guarantee that it will not harm the people.

What's more, this is a Goguryeo person, not their Han people, even if some innocent people are accidentally killed or injured, they will not be blamed in anything!

This is war!

A war full of blood and killing!

For the Goguryeo soldiers, it was full of hatred of the destruction of the country, and the blood surged up, eager to swallow the Han army alive.

But for the Han army, they are about to break through the enemy's capital and capture the Goguryeo royal family!

Liaodong, a Han state, borders Goguryeo, and countless Han people on the border died under the Goguryeo army.

Some families were broken and their wives were separated, and some families were directly slaughtered, and all food and grass resources were robbed.

Even men were plundered as coolies, and women were plundered as slaves, and there were countless unspeakable things.

Now the Han army is in full swing, invading the city of Goguryeo and approaching the city. Waiting for the future of Goguryeo is the end of the country's collapse!

They are angry because they are losers!

If it is a different position, it is Goguryeo who attacks the Han Imperial Palace, I believe that what they do will not be more benevolent and righteous than the Han army, they will be more cruel!

This is just a war between two opposing camps.

It doesn't matter whether it is benevolent or righteous, it has nothing to do with right or wrong!

Even if the Han army slaughtered all of Goguryeo, Liu Chen would not blame them. Because as the Han Emperor, he only had to be responsible to his own people.

And the Virgin will not be so merciful to the alien enemy army!

On the battlefield, mercy to the enemy, that is, cruelty to oneself!

In the midst of mutual hostility and different emotions, time continued to fly by, and the sky was completely brightened.

Even though it was bright, the people outside Goguryeo still did not go out, and even the cooking smoke did not rise, apparently they did not even cook.

In this situation of the destruction of the country, they seem so powerless, they are only left to survive.

Huang Zhong sighed "the hardship of the rising and falling people", and then looked at the siege equipment that gradually appeared in the distance.

There are ladders, catapults, ballistae and so on.

This is all transformed from the ordnance that the defeated army in the outer city of Goguryeo had no time to take away when it withdrew into the inner city.

The Han army took local materials, and with practice made perfect, it quickly built siege equipment.

The defenders of the inner city of Goguryeo naturally also saw it, and they swallowed a mouthful of spit, understanding that an even more tragic siege battle was coming.

Originally, the will to fight and morale of all people gradually disappeared with the wear and tear of the night.

Now seeing this scene, only fear and despair remain!


At noon, after the Han army had drunk and eaten, it began to attack the city again.

They attacked first with a trebuchet, which was not a boulder, because it could not be found in the city for the time being, but fragmentary drill blocks, iron nails, etc.


When this fragmentary stone and iron nail, with the rapid fire of the trebuchet, it flew like a rain of arrows.

The attack may not be as powerful as the arrow, but it is still very painful to hit the body. If it is pierced by iron nails, the wound is infected, and its combat strength will be greatly damaged.

This is obviously just a harassing attack by the Han army!

After more than a dozen times, under the horror of the defenders of the inner city, the Han army actually demolished the courtyard wall and moved it on a trebuchet.

This time, a huge area of bricks fell, and finally the castle tower in the inner city was damaged.

The Goguryeo defenders hastily evaded, fearing to be hit.

In addition to trebuchets, there are also ballistae, aimed at the city gate and bombarded indiscriminately, one part is hit continuously, even the city wall will be broken, not to mention just a wooden gate.

At the same time, with this fire suppression, the Han army attacked again.

This orderly offensive method suppressed the counterattack of the Goguryeo army for a while.

Their physical fitness was not as good as that of the Han army, and under the growth of one and the other, they were even defeated.

Under the successive onslaught of siege equipment, one gate of the inner city only lasted for two hours, and it was blasted with a click!

The inner city, which was strictly guarded, was finally torn open.

Huang Zhong and other generals were overjoyed, immediately hit the attack, blasted open the inner city gates, and the army directly and forcefully entered it, and finally could hand over the Goguryeo enemy army.

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