The whole country is also immersed in the joy of the opening of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. Even Maocai, who were preparing for the township exam, relaxed a little in the past few days.

At the poetry and drinking party of the gentlemen, there will be poetry and songs about the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, praising Liu Chen and singing praises to Liu Chen.

As the king of a country, Liu Chen returned to the palace again after the opening ceremony of the Grand Canal to correct the twists and turns.

In the TV series in the previous life, the emperor micro-served private visits, and the performance of doing nothing all day, Liu Chen felt that nine times out of ten it was fake.

It's all the ideas that those screenwriters have with the emperor's golden bian burden, and the ideas that come out of lewdness.

After Liu Chen truly became the king of a country and the Han Emperor, his busy feet did not touch the ground. Even if he occasionally leaves the palace, some civil and military officials will pray about the matter.

Anyway, there is no idleness.

Liu Chen suddenly missed his days as the King of Changshan, but there were times when he never regretted the medicine.

The throne is like a siege of a city, and those who do not get it are extremely extravagant, and those with strong ambitions want to rebel and usurp the throne.

And those sitting on the throne, nine times out of ten, are a little bored.

During the day, he had to discuss major state affairs with the civil and military officials, and he also had to face the balance between the civil and military officials and the party.

After the next dynasty, it is necessary to correct the twists and turns, or conduct the small dynasty meeting to discuss important information that appears temporarily.

At night, they also need to face the harem competition, and every concubine thinks of a way to squeeze Liu Chen.

The three thousand beauties of the harem will really be squeezed dry alive!

Liu Chen felt more and more that the emperor's life was really lifeless.

In such days, Liu Chen finally had the opportunity to visit the scene in person. It was one of the few days she could sneak around.

The place I went to this day was the Han Academy of Sciences, whose full name was the Institute of Science and Technology of the Han Dynasty.

The former is the forging courtyard of Liu Chen Changshan King's Mansion, where glass, soap, alcohol and everything else leave the factory.

After Liu Chen ascended the throne as emperor, all these materials, which were extremely important to the Han Dynasty, were collected in the Hanke Academy.

The workers working here are all weaving workers who eat the country's golden rice bowl. The management positions are all led by officials, and the positions are extremely high.

Moreover, there are also high-caliber students who have graduated from schools to join in the research, transformation, invention and other contributions of those items.

This has allowed Hanke to flourish even more.

Liu Chen's gunpowder and artillery projects, as well as the steam engine project, are within the Hanke Institute.

Today, gunpowder technology has advanced by leaps and bounds.

The formula of gunpowder is one sulfur and two nitrogen three charcoal, which is very simple.

However, the specific proportion of this sulfur charcoal needs to be strictly tested. And every test is an extremely dangerous explosion test.

Gunpowder recipes are naturally very important, and if you can, it is best not to let others get involved.

But now that Liu Chengui is the emperor of Han, the king of a country, and the gentleman does not stand under the wall, even if Liu Chen wants to test, the civil and military officials will not agree!

Liu Chen could only personally order Guo Jia and others to select loyal people, and then conduct accurate ratio tests.

Finally, in recent days, I have gained by leaps and bounds!

"Your Majesty!"

When Liu Chen led his trusted officials, such as Guo Jia, Xun Yu, Xun Yu and other civil servants, Zhao Yun, Dian Wei and other military generals arrived at the Hanke Academy.

Inside the densely packed officials, workers, and graduate students all bowed and bent over.

The Han Dynasty had less demand for kneeling, and Liu Chen did not want the Han people to bow down like slaves. There are no major festivals to worship ancestors, and there is generally no need to kneel.

"Let's level the Qing family!"

Liu Chen said lightly: "What happened to the research results of gunpowder?" Take Xu to take a look. "

The person in charge of the Hanke Academy immediately stepped forward and explained to Liu Chen and the general.

When he learned that the gunpowder had been perfectly matched and successfully detonated, Liu Chen was overjoyed.

However, the surrounding officials seemed a little incomprehensible, because they did not see it with their own eyes, and they could not experience the earth-shattering shock of the arrival of the gunpowder explosion!

Liu Chen looked at Guo Jia, Xun Yu and the others who looked confused, and he was a little happy in his heart. There happened to be a test explosion test today, and these people will be surprised!

The group soon arrived at the test site of the Hanke Institute.

The Hanke Academy is like a military camp, with heavily guarded, well-defended and distinct classes. There are important places and there are unimportant places.

Daily necessities such as soap and glass are on the periphery, after all, ordinary workers must be recruited to work.

Military products such as gunpowder and crossbows are in the deepest place, and ordinary people cannot enter at all, even if they are officials, they cannot enter without permission.

Many people present were here for the first time.

Led by the head of the Hanke Institute, they came to a test site, which is in a barren mountain on the outskirts, some distance from Changshan Interior.

Continue to go deeper, and you are almost close to the Taihang Mountain Range.

Everyone was shocked, I don't know what trick this person in charge is doing, as for such a nervous one?

However, Zhao Yun and other generals knew and looked expectant!

"Your Majesty, it's here!"

Liu Chen and the others took their seats at the designated position, and then the head of the Hanke Academy made arrangements with a surprised look on his face.

After everyone was seated, the person in charge also distributed soundproof earmuffs one by one, which were specially made of cotton.

This cautious look, everyone watching was curious and had enough appetite.

When everything was ready, the head of the Hanke Academy gave an order, and a soldier immediately stepped forward and lit the fuse.


Liu Chen had a light and breezy face, very familiar. The fuse burns slowly and then finally reaches the detonation site.

Boom boom -

A flat thunder explosion, like thunder hitting the ground, directly exploded a huge crater.

Smoke and dust billowed above the sky, and aftershocks appeared above the ground like an earth dragon tumbling.

Everyone present was stunned and stunned!

Even if many officials wear soundproof earmuffs, they are still shocked to jump three feet tall, like fried cats, and their bodies are creepy!

"This, this is..."

Even a wise person like Xun Yu was shocked like a sea, "This is the power of gunpowder? It's like the wrath of the gods! "

"It's incredible!"

Guo Jia took out his binoculars and looked at the huge crater that exploded on the ground: "This power, I'm afraid it can blow through the city wall, right?" "


Xun Yu came back to his senses and sighed: "If you can sneak into the enemy's belly and install this gunpowder, you only need to successfully ignite it to defeat the enemy army!" "

The surrounding officials were in a uproar, all discussing the power of this gunpowder.

This is the first time to see this scene, if it explodes in the enemy city, not to mention blowing up the enemy army, just this heavenly wrath is enough to make their military hearts collapse!

Guo Jia sighed, and only after a long time did he come back to his senses, look at Liu Chen, and flatteringly said: "Your Majesty is wise and martial, and his intelligence makes it difficult for me to wait for the horse!" "

"This kind of intelligence, there is no one before and no one after him, shocking the ancient and modern!" Xun Yu sighed and said.

The generals came back to their senses and immediately flattered Liu Chen.

The formula of gunpowder was proposed by Liu Chen, and many people present knew it. Although the test formula was Hanke.

But if Liu Chen hadn't proposed this concept, who would have known that the ratio of sulfur, saltpeter and charcoal would have triggered such a terrifying powerful explosive?!

This guiding light alone is enough to win everyone's praise!

Strictly speaking, they are not flattering, but sincerely believe that Liu Chen's wisdom is really enough to shock the ancient and modern!

After all, within this Hanke academy, such as glass, soap, etc., are actually from Liu Chen's ideas and concepts!

The person in charge of the Han Academy of Sciences was also convinced: "Your Majesty is the leader of science in my Han Dynasty!" "

Liu Chen was so safely praised by everyone, and then said lightly:

"Wen Ruo is right about one thing, if you can throw gunpowder into the belly of the enemy, it will definitely collapse the army's heart!" This requires artillery! "

Everyone looked at each other, what is a cannon?

Many people think of ballistae, trebuchet cannons, etc., are they similar?

The head of the Hanke Academy explained:

"Cannon is to form a round shell of gunpowder, and then use the cannon to launch it, like a trebuchet, and throw it into the belly of the enemy!"

Then talking about the structure and principle of the cannon, the gun body is composed of the barrel, the tail, the breech and the muzzle brake, and so on.

Everyone who listened was shocked and stunned!

This principle is not much different from the trebuchet cannon, but the power is very different, one in the sky and one in the ground, the difference between clouds and mud!

If the Great Han army has cannons, no strong city can stop the attack of the Great Han army!

No matter how powerful the enemy's cavalry is, it only needs to open the distance and shoot far away, which can completely collapse the enemy army!

Because the war horse can not withstand the vibration of this explosion, it will definitely lose its front hooves, or even flee in panic!

Even if the enemy army faced this kind of attack like the wrath of the gods for the first time, it would definitely not be able to withstand it!

With artillery and gunpowder ...

The Han army will be invincible!

Not only can it be applied to the military, but some officials of the Ministry of Engineering even thought of using gunpowder to open up mountains and blow up the sea!

If there is gunpowder to assist, the pressure of the project is instantly reduced, only need to set the explosion range, even the natural mountains can be razed to the ground!

Thinking of this, they all asked with some expectation.

"What about artillery? Pull it out and take a look! "

"The officer wants to see how powerful is the combination of artillery and gunpowder?"

"If General Ben's general is equipped with artillery, no, directly establish an artillery battalion, and it will sweep the world!"

Since Liu Chen proposed the concept of the world, these generals have not swept the whole world. It's swept the world.

In the midst of everyone's expectation and curiosity, the person in charge of the Hanke Academy shook his head and said: "The artillery has not yet been cast!" "

"Isn't it just a barrel? So much trouble? Some generals with well-developed limbs and simple minds asked puzzled.


The head of the Hanke Academy gave a disdainful smile from a highly intelligent reader, and then explained:

"It looks like a cannon barrel, but it has an extremely sophisticated structure inside, how can it be as simple as you think!"

"But in a month or two, the experimental products for artillery and muskets should be available!"

Everyone originally looked a little disappointed, and their eyes lit up instantly!

It only takes a month or two, and that's acceptable. If it is more than a few years, they really can't wait.


Xun Yu noticed this new term, and then quickly thought: "Could it be that it is a hand-held weapon like an archer's bow and ballista?" "

"It's worthy of Xun Sikong, it's really smart!"

The head of the Hanke Academy said: "The construction of muskets is more troublesome than artillery. But if it succeeds, the archers will shoot directly with muskets. "

"I can shoot more than ten shots with a snap of my fingers! If you develop it in depth, it is possible to shoot dozens or hundreds of shots in a row with a snap of your fingers! "

"And you don't need to open a bow to consume physical strength and arm strength, you just need to hook your fingers!"

A snap of your fingers is about ten seconds.

This made everyone present even more shocked!

Especially the generals of Zhao Yun and Dian Wei looked a little unbelievable!

Their physical fitness has a sixfold increase in attack speed under the ability bonus. It can be done with more than ten consecutive shots at a snap of the fingers.

Like Zhao Yun's Hundred Birds Phoenix Spear, it is even more powerful!


This is Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Huang Zhong and other peerless fierce generals!

Ordinary soldiers simply can't do this!

Taking a step back, even if ordinary soldiers can do it, the arm strength and physical exertion after continuous shooting are very terrifying!


The head of the Hanke Academy said that the musket, you only need to hook your fingers!

How did this not make them frightened and inexplicable, and their hearts set off shocks like terrifying waves!

The sound of gasping for air came out of the mouths of these peerless fierce generals, which was enough to prove the horror in their hearts!

"Your Majesty, is this true?"

Guo Jia looked at Liu Chen and asked.

All the surrounding generals gathered their gazes and looked at Liu Chen with shocked and expectant faces, wanting to find the answer!

The words of the head of the Hanke Academy are not quite believed. But Liu Chen's words, they were convinced!

Liu Chen was calm and calm, completely without the shock of Guo Jia and other officials, and he said with a light smile:

"The Qing family is not lying, this is indeed the power that muskets can achieve in the future."

Of course, if you want to achieve such a musket, you need more in-depth research and technical development. This should not be possible in the short term! "

If you want to achieve the step of continuous shooting, you need to do it to the point of automatic gun.

However, the evolution of firearms ranged from assault guns, musket guns, arquebuses, flintlock guns, firing guns, rear-loading guns, and automatic guns in the back.

Even with Liu Chen's guidance, it will take many years to evolve. Some barrel rifling technology could not be done without two industrial revolutions.

What's more, in this life, with Liu Chen's ability bonus, the archer can completely kill the early musket in seconds under the attack speed bonus.

The crossbowman, driven by the crossbow, has a rate of fire and a reloading speed that is not slow at all.

That is, in terms of power, rate of fire and distance, the future must be developed on the musket.

Of course, in the short term, this is a prospect of drawing a pie!

Even so, Guo Jia and other Wen Chen, Zhao Yun and other military generals were still shocked by the power brought by the musket!

Technology can evolve gradually.

If you can really shoot dozens or hundreds of shots with a snap of your fingers, manpower can't stop it!

They were shocked by the future technology brought by Hanke, and at the same time full of expectations!

If the Han army is equipped with gunpowder, artillery and muskets, it will not be a problem to push the whole world!

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