After the arrangement of these more than 8,000 regular list jinshi was over, everyone left happily.

This first imperial examination can be described as a perfect ending, nothing happened in the imperial examination, and the results are also very gratifying.

Even the work of the junior jinshi was over.

This is a sign of the prosperity of a country.

Of course, they did not forget the 50,000 jinshi on the deputy list. Nowadays, Dahan is developing with each passing day, and excellent talents are needed in all walks of life.

The addition of these more than 50,000 jinshi is tantamount to sending charcoal in the snow, filling all walks of life with fresh blood, rejuvenating new opportunities and flourishing.

What made Liu Chen most satisfied was that almost half of these Jin Men were disciples of the Han Sect, and one-third were children of ordinary people.

There are still the rest of the children of the family clan appearing.

This undoubtedly means that Liu Chen's educational reform in the past two decades has yielded fruitful harvests, and he has finally excavated and destroyed the foundation and hole cards of the Shi clan.

Originally, the Shi clan occupied the monopoly right of reading and literacy, and even the books and books were the heirlooms of the Shi clan, and they would not be borrowed at all.

But now...

After Liu Chen's papermaking and printing, books and books are really the existence of rotten streets.

Maybe it's not as rude as the foot of the table, but it's really commonplace, every household can afford it, and ordinary children can swim in the ocean of knowledge.

Originally, after the Shi clan monopolized knowledge, it was a monopoly on the way to become an official with filial piety, and the intricate relationship between the Shi clan protégés and former officials made the late Han clan the world of the Shi clan.

But now...

The birth of the imperial examination has given the common people a way and opportunity to be fair and just, and to show their ambitions.

From now on, the family clans can no longer sit back and relax, they need to compete with hundreds of millions of civilians around the world.

It's just the beginning, and the future will be even more drastic.

And this kind of competition can promote the development and progress of social science and technology!

This kind of benign competition development is what Liu Chen is happy to see. Perhaps the emergence of some knowledge will shake the royal power a little.


The improvement of system architecture and ability bonus has allowed Liu Chen to gradually sublimate to a level of theocracy in the hearts of the people.

What's more, even if the science and technology are developed in the future, they can fly to the moon, but there are still so many religious beliefs and so many pyramid schemes to brainwash.

Therefore, Liu Chen will not be like those kings at all, afraid of shaking his dominance and turning the people into fools and captivity!

In fact, throughout history, Liu Chen found that the emperors of the Han dynasty were still far-sighted and accepted the principles of scientific and technological development.

Until the Qing Dynasty, it was really to carry out the fools to the end.

Closed to the country, literary prison, etc., the thousands of years of Chinese heritage, has been proud of the world, at the peak position, so little by little it has been exhausted.

It was not until the end, when the gate was opened by the strong ship and the cannon, that he realized that those barbarians who had lagged behind China for hundreds of years and thousands of years had actually overtaken.

Liu Chen doesn't want this kind of ending in the future, and he doesn't want so many licking dogs in the future to lick the moon of a foreign country more round.

Therefore, he wanted to develop and show all his knowledge and all the abilities of the system in the Han Dynasty.

Therefore, he wanted to reform the drawbacks of the Han Dynasty's exorbitant taxes and taxes, change the poll tax, military service and other evil conscription, so that the people could live and work in peace and contentment and increase production.

Therefore, he wants to push the whole world, plant the Han flag all over the world, let the Han people spread all over the world, let those foreign countries become vassals of the Han Dynasty, and let the Han people become people.

The heavenly kingdom is nothing more.


Nowadays, in addition to the folk artifacts sold in shops and other products, the scientific and technological development of the Han Academy of Sciences and the educational embodiment of Jingshi University can be displayed.

Jingshi University is actually a lower plane of the Han Academy of Sciences.

After studying at Jingshi University, he has enough ability, shows excellence, and has undergone strict political examination, if he wants, he can enter the Hanke Academy for further study.

Today's Zhuge Liang, Lu Xun, Pang Tong and other outstanding new science scholars have been sent to Beijing Normal University for further study.

The predecessor of Jingshi University is Changshan University, which can be said to be built by Liu Chen from scratch twenty years ago.

From the original crude and simple, gradually become colorful, or luxurious.

Luxury not only refers to the campus scenery such as the architectural settings of Jingshi University, but also refers to the embodiment of the school's teachers, equipment and props, students' cultural level, personal quality and other aspects.

At the beginning the teachers were not in place, and voluntary or semi-voluntary education was needed from those students in crash courses.

Although those people can be regarded as literate hyphenation, compared to today's teachers, they can really be described as mud legs.

Zhuge Liang and other new science and technology scholars have experienced it the most.

Within Jingshi University, it can be said that the famous man is not as good as the dog, and the big Confucian is everywhere! This is not to insult them, but to refer to the strength of teachers and students is too strong!

Zhuge Liang and other new scholars entered Beijing Normal University, and Beijing Normal University passed their imperial examination and made their respective assignments.

For example, excellent students in mathematics are enrolled in the School of Mathematics. For example, those who are good at physics also go to the School of Physics.

Although Zhuge Liang was the first in the imperial examination, he was canonized as a champion. But compared to mathematics, compared to physics, he really can't compare to those talents.

For example, Lu Ji, who ranked fourth in the imperial examination, can suppress Zhuge Liang in astronomy. The study of astronomy that was displayed made Zhuge Liang sigh to himself.

For example, Zhao Shuang and Kan Ze, who ranked more than 100, were faintly ahead of Zhuge Liang and other top-ranking scholars in mathematics.

Even many sub-list juniors also have some partial subjects and good points, and the reason why they are admitted is originally because there are one or more outstanding scholars, but the total score is not up to standard.

Just like some people in the later generations have full scores in physics and chemistry, but their grades in liberal arts are not good, and even the English test is all blind, ABCD all depends on luck!

This is a kind of partial subject, their total score may not be high, but in some aspects even better than the regular ranking, they can be admitted without exception.

The further study of Jingshi University is heaven for these people.

He is good at the Four Books and Five Classics, etc., and can also run to write history, read and so on.

Those who are good at internal affairs, for the political side, but also for the guidance of the way of officials, the court secretary will occasionally appear to give lectures.

Good at military affairs, the military academy even has the personal guidance of excellent generals such as Zhao Yun, these generals have fought in the south and the north, and have experienced hundreds of battles, and the achievements and experience are definitely enough to benefit people a lot.

If you are interested in medical research, you are surrounded by Jingshi Medical College, Hua Tuo, Zhang Zhongjing and other famous doctors open lectures, and even personally practice and guide.

Anyway, you can always find a subject that you are good at and like.

Even though many of today's scholars want to leave the political side quickly and benefit the people, they still hold back this eagerness and feel at ease to study at Beijing Normal University.

Including Zhuge Liang, Sima Yi and others, all of them.

Because many secretaries, such as Guo Jia, Xun Yu, Xun Yu, etc., occasionally appear to explain the content and experience transfer, they have benefited a lot.

Many governance methods, difficult problem solving arrangements, grassroots experience, etc., which they have never thought of, these battle-hardened secretaries can be said in one by one.

Even if you don't know, you can solve it together.

It's really about improving their knowledge base little by little.

They are like sponges at Jingshi University, trying to absorb knowledge. Fill in the gaps for the future path of life.

This kind of time of further study is sufficient and exciting!

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