Looking at the 30,000 or 40,000 private soldiers gathered by the powerful family, the vulture bone was a little shocked:

"Do you have too much money to spend? The daily consumption of food and grass for these 30,000 or 40,000 troops is also a lot of money, right? "

Yongmin said in a cold voice: "In case the news has leaked and the soldiers come to the city, it will be too late to assemble by then, which is called planning ahead." "

In fact, if Zhuge Liang had already passed the news up, and the Han Emperor sent troops to the city, they would not hesitate to flee when they heard the news.

Although the tropical rainforest environment between Yizhou and Shan is harsh, after all, they have been handed down from generation to generation at the southern tip of Yizhou for hundreds of years, and naturally have a way back.

Big deal, retreat to the Shan country, or even more west.

The vulture bone did not fight against each other, but said to these family masters:

"If you want my vine armor soldiers to attack, you need to be responsible for the food and grass, and you also need to pay me."

Yongmin was a little disgusted, but still agreed.

In this area at the southern end of Yizhou, countless rare treasures and jades are produced, which are sold to other prefectures and counties in Dahan, which can be said to make them a lot of money.

Many of the goods invented and created by the Han Emperor Liu Chen were sold to the Shan Kingdom and other Westerns, and they also made a lot of money.

As for whether this move is considered a capital enemy, what to do with these people. For the family, changing an emperor still cannot shake their status.

In short, things that can be solved with money are not called things!

As long as they can provoke barbarian troops such as the Pygriot Bone to attack, why not sit on the profits of the fishermen?

After receiving the promise, the vulture immediately summoned his subordinates to the vine armor.

The rattan armor soldiers' bodies are all specially made by their tribe, and they are invulnerable to swords and guns, water and fire, and even crossbow arrows cannot penetrate.

This is also the biggest weapon that the vulture bone can run rampant in the south.

The Vulture Bone sent the vanguard army to investigate, and found that the mountain road in Tanyu Mountain was rough and could not be passed by the army at all, and it belonged to a kind of dangerous pass that could not be opened by a husband and a husband.

This made the vulture bone understand, no wonder these family tycoons would talk so well, it turned out that they were also helpless.

The Vulture Bone sent troops around the mountain to find a mountain road, but in the end they also found nothing. Coupled with the urging of the family masters, they had no choice but to attack.


"Military master, it's a vine armored soldier of the vulture bone!"

Zhang Fei saw all the mirror images under the mountain through the telescope, and then said angrily: "These damn vine armor soldiers can't enter with swords and guns, and can only shock them with countershock force!" "

Zhuge Liang smiled: "Does Yide also know the anti-shock force?" "

"Of course, I read every issue of the newspaper news."

Zhang Fei said as if showing off, don't look at his five big and three thick, in fact, he is proficient in reading, writing, writing and painting.

From his casual conversation with Zhuge Liang, it can be seen that during this time, Zhuge Liang's status in their hearts is getting higher and higher, and he is more and more recognized.

While chatting, Zhang Fei suddenly said: "Second brother, military master, the vulture bone led the vine armor soldiers to attack!" "

"In that case, I will immediately lead my troops to repel them!" Guan Yu brushed his beard, completely without the timidity of facing tens of thousands of troops, and said confidently.

Zhuge Liang hurriedly instructed: "Yun Chang, don't remember too hard. In case we scare them away, our strategy will fail. "

"I understand! Please rest assured! Guan Yu bowed his head, and then led fifty or sixty soldiers to block it.

In total, they brought more than one hundred and forty soldiers to disguise the city as merchants. According to Zhuge Liang's strategy, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei need to take turns to change defenses.

Don't look at it is only more than fifty, but the mountain road is narrow, and the vine armor soldiers with vulture bones cannot attack in a big way, and there is no hidden mountain road around to climb the mountain.

In order to choose the best location, Zhuge Liang has taken great painstaking efforts.

After Guan Yu left, Zhang Fei immediately used binoculars to watch the battle condescendingly.

In sight.

When the rattan armored soldiers carefully climbed the mountain to attack, Guan Yu ordered the soldiers to throw down the rolling wooden barrier stones that had been prepared for a long time, all of which were made of local materials.

Because the mountain road is narrow and not open, this blow directly knocked the vine armor soldiers to the east, and it was completely difficult to move forward.


Zhang Fei laughed when he saw it: "Military master, the second brother easily repelled the vine armor soldiers, and I even saw the gloomy face of the vulture bone." "

Zhuge Liang smiled, did not idle, and ordered the remaining soldiers to prepare. Cut down trees to make counterattack props.

They disguised themselves as caravans, and there was nothing left of the arrows, so they could only rely on local materials to counterattack.

Zhang Fei asked suspiciously at this time: "Military master, there is a way to solve the vine armor soldiers of the vulture bone, those vine armor, it is really a headache!" "

"Fire attack!" Zhuge Liang said without hesitation.

"The French Zheng Army Master also said so at the beginning, but he finally chose to give up, I don't know why." Zhang Fei asked suspiciously.

Zhuge Liang thought about it and guessed:

"If it is a fire attack, it must lead the vine armor soldiers into a trap, and then use fire oil, firewood and other fire attacks, and also block their retreat.

This move will surely wipe out their entire army and burn people alive, which is too cruel. "

Zhang Fei finally realized!

Their goal was not to completely destroy the Southern Barbarian rebels, but to convince them of defeat and then completely submit to the Great Han.

If you use fire to attack, let the entire army of the vine armor soldiers be destroyed, the rabbit dies and the fox is sad, and the southern barbarian leaders such as the vulture bone will definitely die with the big han.

That is not their purpose.

Therefore, all along, Fa Zheng, Li Yan and other military generals did not choose to attack with fire to avoid causing too large and irreparable killing.

In the middle of Zhang Fei and Zhuge Liang's conversation, time flew by, and an hour later, the vine armor soldiers retreated.

Guan Yu and the others returned in triumph, except for some sweat, they were not injured, after all, they counterattacked condescendingly, occupying a favorable location, and the enemy's arrows could not be shot.

What's more, they have a six-fold increase in ability bonus, even if they are attacked by the vine armor soldiers, they can be pressed back by virtue of the location.

It is no joke that a husband should be in danger.

Half an hour later, the vine armor soldiers of the vulture bone made a comeback again, this time it was Zhang Fei's turn to lead more than fifty soldiers to block it.

With Guan Zhang and other 10,000 fierce enemies, and more than 50 soldiers assisting in defense, the vine armored soldiers could not attack at all.

Tossed each other for an hour, and then receded again.

Guan Yu Zhang Feiji's Zhuge Liang's advice not to work too hard, always leaving room to give the enemy the illusion that "they can succeed".

In fact, seeing that there were only more than a hundred people on the mountain, the enemy army was not willing to retreat, even if it was consumed, it would consume Zhuge Liang and the others.

It was in this stalemate that the two sides fought for two days.

Seeing that the mountain could not be attacked for a long time, the days dragged on longer and longer, the daily consumption of food and grass of the army was increasing, and the soldiers were becoming more and more irritable.

The representatives of those powerful families have discussed many times, and they have already retreated and want to withdraw their troops.

I don't know if it's their illusion, there is always a dangerous aura of mountain rain coming and the wind is coming, which is an intuition that their family has survived for tens and hundreds of years.

But before these family masters led the army to retreat, the picture of them being horrified and desperate collapsed appeared.

In all directions, countless officers and soldiers of the Yizhou Army and the Jingzhou Army appeared. They crossed the mountains and rushed towards Tanyu Mountain, encircling the rebels.

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