The moment the battle in the southwest began, it was already giving Gu Yuan a chance.

The new emperor has long been waiting to expand his territory and develop his grand plans, and now the Han Dynasty has made new progress under the new people's livelihood policy of Union Prefecture.

In the past, those aspects that were in ruins and needed to be revived also began to be thoroughly implemented because of Gu Yuan's policy support.

Especially the road construction in Yizhou, Yizhou has a difficult road all year round, and even the official road cannot guarantee absolute safety all year round, so finding prospectors and road repairers to open up Yizhou is one of the several things that must be implemented after Gu Yuan ascended the throne.

Among them, one of the things that Gu Yuan valued the most was to refine black oil.

Black oil is also oil, and people living in modern times are no strangers, but many people do not know that the things in oil account for about 90% of the materials in modern life.

This is not an exaggeration, as long as you look carefully, you can clearly understand.

Therefore, if you want to achieve modern society, or to achieve the great degree of progress in society, you need to rely on oil.

After the oil is refined, rubber products will appear, and tires can be made, which can greatly improve the movement efficiency of horses and horses, and can also be used to build roads.

When the roads are built, they will completely change the country.

If you want to build roads first, if you want to have strong control over the place, you must also build roads, which Qin Shi Huang already knew back then, so he built the Qin military road.

That road is seventy meters wide, and in the eyes of Gu Yuan, a modern person, it also has an extraordinary and terrifying significance, but it is associated with substantial significance.

This is the unified kingdom after the pacification of the Seven Kingdoms, there will be many forces disobedience, with this path, the Qin army can quickly attack, any forces with different voices.

The deterrent significance played by it is completely different from the deterrent meaning.

Another point is to develop water operations and open up marine resources, which is also the top priority in Gu Yuan's policy, at this time, people still have this extremely strange feeling about the ocean, and Gu Yuan also put forward such a request.

Now we are using the greatest efforts to develop the ocean.

This is one of his four basic national policies

Develop the ocean, crazy infrastructure, encourage people's livelihood, participate in national construction with the same surname, change the previous strategy of conscription, and give equal remuneration to the people.

Don't look at the last word count, you think that this matter has been made clear.

This eventually changed the policy of conscription. Many people seem to be unacceptable, especially Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong, the two of them are in charge of money, and this conscription seems to be a fluttering sentence with equal pay.

But when it really comes to money, it becomes a huge amount of money.

This made the two of them cry bitterly, but Gu Yuan's words dispelled all the problems in their hearts.

"The people's livelihood is stable, money and grain can circulate smoothly, and it is taken from the people to the people, in the same way, after the people get enough benefits, they will have enough spending power, drive the people to consume, fight for taxes on top of commerce, get the same money, and at the same time can drive the development of businessmen and people, and let the people get a stable life guarantee in this process, and there will be no resistance to the conscription of the imperial court, and at the same time can quickly increase the development and construction of the country.

Taking from the people, using it for the people, concentrating on the development of people's livelihood, this concept Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong, have never heard of before, even if there are similar remarks, in their consciousness, it is not so clear, now the real ready-made theory is placed in front of them, the two only feel that their eyes are suddenly open.

"What Your Majesty said was like an empowerment, which broadened my horizons."

"If this policy is implemented, then our Han Dynasty will become the richest country in the world."

Pang Tong and Zhuge Liang could foresee how good the effect would be after the implementation of this policy, but Gu Yuan shook his head, and he said with a smile: "Do you know, if this policy really wants to be implemented well, to ensure that there will be no problems, then there must be an extremely stable social environment, and there must be enough harvest and sufficient money, these are not easy." "

"Your Majesty, now that you have ascended the throne, the hearts of the people of the world, you have the talent of the world, and you have a vision beyond the world, this is the obedience of all the people, in the future, I will inevitably do my best to accompany you, as for the problem you said, since we know, it is better than appearing again in the process of implementation in the future, and you can think of a way in advance."

"Bright guns are easy to dodge dark arrows and difficult to prevent, the problems on the bright side are always easy to solve, those problems hidden in the secret place, often have terrible dangers, the problems raised by Your Majesty, we will find someone to jointly discuss this matter next, it is inevitable to solve all the problems."

Gu Yuan said with a smile: "No, our country's strategic policy, I didn't tell you, supporting war with war is the ultimate goal of our country, what is the meaning of war, it is plunder, the meaning of resources is for us to use, I will compete for the world's money and food, to let our people live a happy and happy life." "

The plundering of resources will allow every citizen of the Great Han Kingdom to live a happy life.

The proposal of war to feed the war is also Gu Yuan's new idea for the future, the resources of this era are too scarce, simply relying on the productivity of this land, unless the system gives a little more ultra-modern crops and scientific and technological products, and even has enough means to avoid drought and floods, otherwise you can only rely on war to feed your people.

This requires huge resources, Gu Yuan has already thought about it, as long as you get through this farming period, let everything develop rapidly, and concentrate the resources of all ancient civilizations in the world, then this may not be any problem, it can be completely achievable.

His words were not simply addressed to Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong, but to everyone, their emperor was a poor and militaristic emperor, but he was also a good emperor who loved his people the most and was unparalleled in the world.

At this time, there were only a few close ministers by his side, and they did not know how much this square would change the world.

Gu Yuan took off the dragon robe on his body, and then walked outside, looked at the clear sky outside, and looked at the world from afar. _

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