A group of invincible fighters, an army like a perpetual motion machine.

Such guys, on the battlefield, the level of terror is far beyond the limits that people can bear in their hearts.

When Gu Yuan once again charged with the Flying Tiger Divine Horse and easily completed the strategic action like a knife and cutting flesh, Marshal Rest immediately gave the order to retreat.

Only by gathering all the troops that came this time could he have the confidence to inflict some damage on this terrifying team.

He couldn't even believe that he had enough strength to kill this team, they were really as powerful and terrifying as gods.

The army of the Rest Empire was unimaginable, they did not expect that in the situation of absolute superiority in numbers, they would fail, and seeing that the siege giant crossbow would be able to break the city wall and occupy the castle of Araksia, at this time the marshal actually issued an order to withdraw the troops.

Victory is at hand, why withdraw troops?

As soldiers, even if they have a lot of doubts in their hearts, they must immediately carry them out, and they believe very much that their commander-in-chief, the military merits and prestige that Marshal Rest has accumulated in many wars, is his capital enough to command everyone.

There is not only military law in the army, and if you lack prestige and are difficult to obey the public, it is still difficult for someone to obey your orders.

The rest army began to retreat, and they retreated on the way to and from the road, and while the 100,000-strong army retreated, the other three armies also quickly assembled.

The armies of the other sides had more than 40,000 men on each route, and once they converged, they immediately numbered 200,000 troops.

With such a huge number of troops, it is impossible to imagine how to lose, but even so, Nu Habi and Marshal Rest are only partially sure at best.

Of course, the premise is that they can retreat safely, and in the face of the entanglement and battle of the Flying Tiger Divine Horse, where is it so easy to evacuate.

The retreat chasing Flying Tiger Divine Horse is still carrying out Gu Yuan's order, and the number of Rest Empire troops is large, according to the care of Yuan, what he wants is to cause the greatest amount of damage to them as possible, so even if the other party retreats, he will not give up the chase.

It is not worth sparing the people to spare, the Rest Empire is not worth letting him go, and every time the Flying Tiger God Horse rushes to kill, a large number of Rest sergeants die.

Their lives were like duckweed grass, easily harvested, and the marshal of rest did not intend to leave a death squad to resist the pursuit of the Flying Tiger God Horse.

Because in his opinion, when the three armies converge, the Flying Tiger Divine Horse will face danger, and a wise commander will not let his army fall into danger.

It's just a pity that he met Gu Yuan, Gu Yuan seems that the Flying Tiger Divine Horse will not encounter any danger, the army of the Rest Empire is considered to be closed, can it be compared to the million-strong army of Xianxian Humble?

Even if their military literacy is not equal, the number of troops is much more than these people in front of them, and even in that case, the Flying Tiger Divine Horse is a problem, and now it is even less a problem.

Under such chasing and killing, the army of the Rest Empire began to die in large numbers, their death and injury speed was amazing, and extremely fast, and the ability of the Flying Tiger God to ride and kill was one of the best under the sky.

Fast and ruthless, this is the goal that Gu Yuan has always adhered to.

Under the God King's Hammer, none of the targets that were attacked could be alive, chasing and killing the wizard troops all the way in such a rapid transfer.

Exposed, they hid in the military formation, always longing for a stable environment, because someone used as a human shield, so they were always safe.

But now those meat shields are too busy to take care of themselves, they can't take care of them at all, and everyone runs for their lives.

The marshal of Rest decisively abandoned the car to protect the marshal, leaving a force to entangle the Flying Tiger God Horse, that army did not expect that he would be left behind, that military order was like a mountain they did not dare to resist, but in the case of knowing that they must die, who can die safely, when the Rest General brought people forward to resist the Flying Tiger God Horse.

The people in his army were scattering quickly, and even he did not try to control it to prevent this from continuing, because he knew very well that he could not stop it.

This is the case, the human heart is also the same, if you want to stabilize the human heart, you must have enough strength, there is no strength to send death, who can accept it safely.

The victory of the Flying Tiger Divine Horse and the retreat of the rest army made the pressure in the city instantly decreased, Guan Yu and Dian Wei were originally only entangled with part of the troops, and after completely relaxing at this time, looking at those retreating troops, they also directly sent all the troops out.

In the city of Araksia, the people and the army rushed out like a tide.

The marshal did not expect that one of his decisions was implicated in a chain reaction, and the huge chain reaction made them already suppressed by Gu Yuan to an extremely low morale, and once again became low to the bottom.

The sergeants had no intention of fighting, and his idea of entanglement with the army and counterattack was doomed to be impossible to implement the moment millions of people in the city rushed out.

They could only escape, and it was the kind of escape that was extremely chaotic, and it was so easy for the army to recover from it.

Although morale looks invisible, it is precisely because of this invisible influence that it is the most terrifying.

No matter what kind of army fights, the main thing is morale.

Even in order to boost morale, Gu Yuan successively used tactics to attack the army of the Rest Empire, suppressing their morale again and again and improving the morale in the city.

Such a morale explosion is not a probabilistic event, but an inevitable one.

When morale accumulates to a certain level, it is extremely terrifying to erupt.

After the morale of the Rest Empire had depressed to a certain extent, it was again under great stress.

The whole army collapsed.

That's also an inevitable thing.

Everyone wants to escape quickly, no one cares what happens behind them, they all want to survive.

Nu Habi and Marshal Rest could only prevent the rout of some of the people, and after collecting that part of the army, they quickly went to a temporary camp with their people.

And the previous large camp, at this time, there is no need to go back at all, in such a rout, it is inevitable that the camp will be captured.

The beginning of a war, involving such a huge number of troops, was completely solved by 10,000 cavalry.

The Marshal of Rest did not know how he would explain to the King of Rest, he could only report it truthfully, and the loss of the Rest Empire was unknown.

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