Three Kingdoms: Start With 3,000 Qin Cavalry To Revive The Qin Dynasty

Chapter 160: God Of Bow Showdown, Wei Yan’S Scheme

"In this case, the general will show his disgrace."

After Huang Zhong finished speaking, he took up his bow and shot an arrow.

Two Yuan Shao soldiers were trembling with fear and were about to pick up the flag that was shot down by Xue Rengui.

There was a whooshing sound, and the arrow flew quickly across the chests of the two of them, leaving two bloody holes, and they received the lunch box without knowing anything.

Kill two birds with one stone.

Still at such a long distance apart.

Huang Zhong's superb shooting skills immediately aroused everyone's applause.

"The last general has also made a fool of himself."

Not to be outdone, Wang Bodang took out three bows and arrows. The reinforcements were shot in three directions. The soldiers had no idea what was happening, and five of them were killed on the spot.

The three arrows and five eagles are not inferior to Huang Zhong's one stone and two eagles.

Among the Jin troops, there were cheers and celebrations again.

"Sir Taiwei, the general also knows a little about projectile skills and wants to make a fool of himself in front of all the generals.

Seeing Wang Bodang, Huang Zhong and others performing their magic shots one after another, Hua Rong's hands were itching unbearably and he used his tassel.

"Since General Hua Rong is willing, then please do so."

"Thank you, Lord Lieutenant."

Hua Rong bowed his hands and took out his iron bow.

A Yuan Jun man tremblingly poked his head out from the city wall to see what was going on.

Just hearing a whooshing sound, the arrow actually pierced the opponent's forehead and inserted straight into the opponent's temple.

"The general has shown his disgrace."

Hua Rong looked embarrassed. His magical skills could be regarded as being able to defeat others with a hundred steps, but naturally they were somewhat inadequate in front of Huang Zhong and Wang Bodao.

"General Hua Rong doesn't have to be too modest, his marksmanship is already very good." Xue Rengui said in relief.

He is not belittling himself, Hua Rong's skills are ordinary, and ordinary generals simply cannot do it.

Although Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and others are unrivaled generals, they are still not enough in front of Hua Rong, a master shot.

"I heard that Lord Taiwei is an excellent shot. With just one arrow, he shot down Yuan Shao's flag. I beg you, Lord Taiwei, to give it a try~`

"I beg you, Lieutenant Commander, to test fire."

Huang Zhong, Wang Bodang and others followed suit and wanted to see how terrifying their Taiwei's marksmanship skills were.

"Since you all are interested, I, the general, will also show my hand."

After Xue Rengui finished speaking, he opened his bow and fired five arrows in succession.

Not far away, bursts of screams could be heard, and a dozen enemies were severely wounded by the arrows, claiming their lives.

"Okay, Lord Taiwei is such a great shot. He is truly capable of piercing the Yangtze with a hundred steps. The generals and others will admire him greatly."

"You don't need to praise me. Let's have a shooting competition today to see who can kill more enemies."

Xue Rengui suddenly became interested and called Wang Bodang, Huang Zhong and others. Taking the living target in front of him, the four of them had a shooting competition.

The eyes of the four people were burning with the flames of war, and they refused to give in to each other. They each showed their special skills, and the feather arrows in their hands were free of charge, and they greeted the Yuan Jun soldiers on the opposite tower.

In less than a stick of incense, hundreds of Yuan Jun soldiers were lying on top of the city tower.

The remaining surviving officers and soldiers of Yuan's army were all in danger, and they huddled under the city's chopper, or crawled under the city gate, completely smashed.

At this time, let alone the military flag falling to the ground, even if Yuan Shao's head fell to the ground, they did not dare to take a second look.

There were four lunatics on the opposite side, one of them was holding a big sniper, and they were sniping at them from 360 degrees without any blind angle.

As long as you show your head slightly, you may not be able to see the sun tomorrow.

Seeing that all these people were hiding, and half of Sergeant Yuan's soldiers could no longer be seen in his field of vision, Xue Rengui returned with satisfaction.

Wang Bodang was left alone, continuing to curse for a while, and then left with unfinished business.

"Yuan Shao has already shrunk his main army in Gaoyi City, and has hung up his no-war card to insist on not fighting."

"Presumably they want to rely on the large amount of food stored in the city and the fortified city as a barrier to defend the city."

"What do you think. How should we respond."

In the camp, Xue Rengui sat on top of the main seat and began to ask everyone for countermeasures.

In the end, he still set his sights on his own military advisor Tianli.

Tian Feng pondered for a moment, then frowned and said, "Yuan Shao's move was certainly not without purpose. If I expected it to be true, he just wanted to use the fortified city to hold back our army, and then attack the surrounding Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Gongsun Zan, etc." If people ask for help, use them. Attack our army from both front and rear."

"Yuan Shaodu has been beaten to the point of being intimidated by us and has become a coward. According to the method of old me and old Cheng, we might as well lead the main army, storm the city, seize Gaoyi in one fell swoop, and behead that boy Yuan Shao. ."

Cheng Yaojin has been following Xue Rengui all the time and has not gained any credit.

Seeing that Huang Zhong, Zhao Yun, Wang Bodang, Hua Rong and others have already emerged, they have long been itchy and eager to make contributions.

Cheng Yaojin's blind and reckless tactics were naturally rejected by Xue Rengui.

The Jin army has a powerful fighting force. The Iron Eagle Guards and the Bingzhou Iron Cavalry are all invincible armored lions, but after all, their troops are limited.

Moreover, the Jin army is good at formation battles, field battles and head-on confrontations, so there is no need to play offensive and defensive battles with Yuan Shao.

Although Yuan Shao was defeated, he still had superior military strength and was able to mobilize an army of more than 100,000.

The walls of Gaoyi are high and thick, making them easy to defend and difficult to attack. Yuan Shao's army of more than 100,000 people can definitely defend the city.

If we attack by force at this time, it will be nothing more than sacrificing the lives of a large number of soldiers and forcibly breaking the city, but it may not be successful.

"." Yuan Shao has just acquired Jizhou, and his foundation is unstable. All counties in Jizhou have not yet completely surrendered to Yuan Shao. "

"Now Yuan Shao and his main army are trapped in the high area again."

"In my opinion, it is better to use the power of the net. In the counties and counties of Jizhou, it is widely publicized that Yuan Shao is trapped in the dangerous city. His life and death are uncertain. It can actually disturb the people of Jizhou (promise is good), and make the soldiers and civilians of the counties and counties of Jizhou conflict with each other. Yuan Shao is disloyal."

"When the morale of the army is dissipated, the soldiers are tired, and they have no intention of fighting, then we can find a way to defeat the enemy." Tian Feng suggested Daozhi.

After hearing this, Wei Yan's eyes lit up, and a bold idea suddenly came to his mind. He quickly said: "I would like to inform you, Lord Taiwei, that there is a solution here. I don't know if I should talk about it or not."

"Oh, Chief Wen, if you have any ideas, it doesn't matter."

"Yuan Shao hurriedly captured Jizhou, and then transferred all his main army to fight our Jin army, and was besieged by our army in Gaoyi."

"Yuan Shao's children and family members are all in his hometown of Nanpi. Now Nanpi is empty. The general is willing to lead a cavalry and travel at starry night to raid Nanpi and kill Yuan Shao and his family.

"In this way, Yuan Shao will definitely be defeated."

Wei Yan took his time and carried out his bold strategy.

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