
"My son, why did you die so tragically?"

Yuan Shao's eyes were bloodshot and his canthus was about to burst. He looked up to the sky and cried out in grief.


Another mouthful of blood spurted out, and Yuan Shao was furious. This time he couldn't hold back any longer. He fell to the ground and fainted completely.

Everyone stepped forward to check and discovered whose head it belonged to.

It turns out that this head belongs to no one else but their second son Yuan Xi.

Such a shocking turn of events caused great joy to turn into great sadness, and everyone was completely panicked.

While asking people to put away Yuan Xi's head, they quickly sent Yuan Shao to the inner room to rest and called for a doctor. Full treatment.

After several hours of rescue, it was late at night.

At this moment, Yuan Shao was lying quietly on the hospital bed, with a pale face and a gossamer "three, five, three" expression. It was obvious that his end was approaching.

Several doctors gathered around Yuan Shao's hospital bed, and after checking Yuan Shao's pulse one by one, they all showed serious expressions on their faces.

Several people looked at each other, shook their heads and sighed together.

It is conceivable that Yuan Shao's situation has become extremely bad.

With the sound of footsteps, Guo Tugang came back from outside, found Yuan Tan, and hurriedly winked at him.

Yuan Tan understood this and followed Guo Tu to another side hall, lowering his voice and saying: "What's the situation outside.

"The four guards of Nanpi have all been replaced by our cronies, and the guards of the mansion have also been controlled by our people. Once the situation changes, the custodian will be able to take charge of everything.

Guo Tu's words revealed a strong sense of confidence, as if the entire Nanpi City was under their control and there would never be any trouble.

After hearing this, Yuan Tan nodded with satisfaction.

Everything was ready, all he needed was Dongfeng, and the time when he, Yuan Tan, would take control of the entire Yuan family was coming soon.

On the other side, while Yuan Tan was talking secretly with Guo Tuxiang, his good brother Yuan Shang was also discussing countermeasures with Fengji in the secret room.

"Though the Third Young Master is relieved, I have secretly met with generals Chunyu Qiong, Zhang Wei, Jiao Chu, and Zhang Nan. All of these generals have expressed that they will do their best to support the Third Young Master's rise to power."

"They have secretly transferred their army of cronies to the back door of the Yuan Mansion. As long as the Third Young Master's order is given, they are guaranteed to rush into the mansion as soon as possible and take control of the entire Yuan family.

"In addition, I have also made contact with General Gaogan in Leling Kingdom. General Gaogan also said that as long as the Third Young Master is in need, he can lead the Leling army and march towards Lanpi at any time to support us from the outside. "

Fengji looked proud and declared to Yuan Shang that he had been successful during this period.

"Okay, that's great." Yuan Shang said with a proud look on his face: "My good brother naively thought that he had controlled all the troops in Nanpi City, and I, Yuan Shang, was the lamb to be slaughtered.

"As everyone knows, who is the real hunter and who is the final prey? Only I, Yuan Shangpei, can control the entire Yuan family. The Yuan family can only prosper if it is handed over to me."

After several discussions and confirming the specific details, Yuan Shang walked out of the secret room in a swaggering manner.

After walking a few steps, he happened to bump into Yuan Tan, who had just finished discussing important matters with Guo Tu and making plans.

After the two brothers met, they exchanged some insincere greetings, and then entered the inner room together to investigate Yuan Shao's situation.

Now that both sides are well prepared, the only flaw is Yuan Shao.

As soon as Yuan Shao died, it would be the moment when Tu Qiong saw him and completely turned against him.

"Doctor, how is father's condition?"

As the eldest brother, Yuan Tan was the first to ask.

A leading medical officer shook his head and sighed: "My eldest son, the main attack is the shortness of breath attacking the heart and triggering old diseases. At this time, all the internal organs are burned, the liver and gallbladder are split, and the medicine is ineffective.

"Please forgive me for the limited knowledge of the doctors and their helplessness. I would like to advise you two young masters to prepare for your lord's funeral as soon as possible.

Upon hearing this, both of their expressions changed and became even more gloomy.

Neither of them wanted Yuan Shao to leave without any reason, and ordered the doctors to revive Yuan Shao no matter what method they used.

The doctor had no choice but to use all possible methods.

After some fiddling, Yuan Shao, who had half his foot in the gate of hell, was forcibly awakened.

At this moment, Yuan Shao, after such a big change, his eyes are bloodshot, and his eyes are full of murderous intent, as if he can destroy everything...

"Shen Pei, Guo Tu, Feng Ji, I, Yuan Benchu, know myself. The end is approaching and there is nothing we can do to save it."

"Before I die, there is one more important thing that I want to entrust to you."

When the three judges heard this, they naturally understood what their lord wanted to say. His expression suddenly changed.

"Don't worry, my lord, we have invited the most famous doctors in Bohai. With their help, we will definitely be able to cure your lord.

"Besides, my lord is just out of anger, and he was temporarily confused. If he takes good care of himself, he will recover. It's better not to say anything about seeking death and survival.

Shen Pei is also a straight-talking person who speaks directly when he has something to say. Although his words of persuasion are not very pleasant, they are also very thorough.

It's a pity that Yuan Shao seemed to have reached the point of coming back to his senses at this time. His head was unusually clear and he knew his body very well. He looked up to the sky and sighed.

"I was so humiliated by that thief, even if I saved my life, how could I live in this world? y

Seeing that everyone was still trying to persuade them, Yuan Shao tried his best and waved his hand to stop them.

"Don't say any more unnecessary words. I'm just planning to make funeral arrangements now."

"I, Yuan Benchu, have three sons. My second son, Yuan Xi, unfortunately died tragically at the hands of the Yingxi dog thief. I hope you will bury his head well and bury him alive."

"The eldest son, Yuan Tan, is the oldest. His literary skills are 5.4 and his military skills are good."

"Although the third son Yuan Shang is young, he is a capable master."

The two brothers Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang stared at Yuan Shao. They knew very well that what Yuan Shao said next would determine who would pass the throne to.

This matter is related to the future of the two brothers, and also to the direction of the entire Yuan Group.

Both of them looked at Yuan Shao eagerly, hoping to hear their favorite words from their father's mouth.


Yuan Shao coughed violently and held on for his last breath. Under everyone's gaze, he said word by word: "I...I have decided to pass on the throne to my third son Yuan Shang.

"You... you must help Yuan Shang and eliminate... the profit.",

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