I saw Liu Yin's body like electricity, and he swooped to a big tripod on the city tower, which was cast by Gongsun Chan the year before last, and it turned out that Gongsun Chan had already had the ambition of competing for the world and winning the Central Plains, so he ordered someone to cast this big tripod, and wanted to encroach on it.

Now that Gongsun Zan has fled, this big ding will remain on the city gate.

This big tripod is made of bronze, there are two vertical ears on it, it is square, there are four pillar feet under it, all around it are carved with coiled dragon and gluttonous lines, but it stands tall and tall, mighty and dignified, there are three or four people in height, and the length and width are dozens of zhang each.

This side stands under the four-cornered eaves roof of the city tower, and there is a bronze bell on it, which is intended to be used for decoration.

However, at this moment, Liu Yin was standing next to this Fang Ding, only to see that Fang Ding was majestic and magnificent, the sun shone down, and the shadow actually encroached on half of the city tower, and Liu Yin's figure looked short in front of it.

Han Longyun frowned, completely unable to understand what Liu Yin was going to do.

Who knew that in the next second, his bottomless eyes were full of shock.

"Bang", Liu Yin put his hands on the foot pillar of the square ding, shouted, accompanied by a dragon roar and tiger roar, "Bang", the sound of gold and stone hitting each other was like a wave, and it exploded with a bang.

Han Longyun's face turned pale, his legs were weak, and he almost fell down in front of him.

The sound of "bang" continued, and it turned out that Liu Yin dragged the giant tripod out from under the eaves of the city tower with two hands.

Han Longyun was stunned, his mouth was big, and his body, which was already unstable, was completely paralyzed, and the servants behind him couldn't take care of it because of shock, and he actually collapsed to the ground, and the crutches fell to the ground with a "dang" sound, looking so weak.

At this moment, Han Longyun's dark eyes were full of Liu Yin's appearance.

"Bang", after Liu Yin dragged Juding out, he only heard him shouting, just like a thunderbolt in the clear sky.

In their wide eyes, Liu Yin clenched the giant tripod with both hands and lifted the giant tripod up.

Then step by step the big tripod lifted down, his hand slightly loosened, accompanied by a loud "boom", dusty, the four legs of the tripod, half of it was not in the soil, which shows that this tripod has a thousand weights!

Everyone present was stunned by the scene in front of them, and the field was silent, even the babies in the arms of those peasant women stopped crying, and looked at Liu Yin stupidly, with a pair of big eyes full of curiosity.

Zhao Yundian and Wei Jianyong were even more surprised, the lord has divine power, which they have known for a long time, but this time the giant tripod is a thousand pounds, and the weight is ten times that of the lord before, and the power of the lord is so strong!

Still is...... Or is it that those things in the past, in the eyes of the lord, were just chickens, but they were not worth it at all.

Thinking of this, Dian Wei was frightened into a cold sweat, remembering the tiger, he was still quite contemptuous, thinking that it was just a white-fronted worm with hanging eyes, it was nothing, now that I think about it, not to mention the white tiger, the rumored giant kun of Penglai Xianshan is only afraid that the lord will catch it like catching a small fish, and the silk is in the matter.

Liu Yin saw the appearance of everyone standing still, a little funny, he didn't have such a strong effort, but the ant gene can resist heavy objects, a few days ago, he fused the gene, and the explosive power increased exponentially.

He whispered to Jian Yong and the others: "Don't be stupid, you've been with me for so long, why are you still so stupid, go and arrange someone to wash this giant ding, and then move a thousand catties of firewood over, fetch some water, let's make rice and porridge for everyone in this ding, and solve the stomach problem first." "

Jian Yong and the others were drunk like this, and they suddenly came to their senses, as if they had woken up from a dream, and hurriedly prepared to go.

After a while, I saw more than 100 servants carrying firewood and water, first up and down to wash the giant tripod, and a few people climbed in on a ladder to wipe the inside of the tripod, and the tripod was shiny and shiny, as if it was newly made.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Yin picked up a handful of firewood, to the ding to throw over, as the saying goes, everyone picks up firewood flame high, after a while, the firewood is piled up at the bottom of the ding, Liu Yin takes the torch to throw, "rub" the flame will burn.

The people who fetched water also arrived, and they climbed the ladder to pour water into the big ding, and Liu Yin ordered his men to pour all the 100 meters into it.

It turned out that General Liu was going to use this tripod to cook.

When they saw this, they all wept with joy, and they all cheered, and everyone's face was full of tears.

This time they were saved.

Sure enough, after a while, the water in the ding was boiling boiling, and everyone smelled the smell of rice.

Seeing that the meal was almost done, Liu Yin ordered someone to bring the bowl.

This mouthful is so big that even the bowl is not enough.

The residents next to them were a little pitiful for these refugees, each family took out pots and pans, Liu Yin ordered his subordinates to give porridge to charity, for a while, the crowd was turbulent, and the refugees' eyes were full of eagerness.

After receiving a bowl of porridge, many people shed tears of excitement, how many times have they not drunk such hot porridge.

These tens of thousands of people lined up to lead the porridge, in an orderly manner, and in half a day, they were all finished, such a big problem was solved by Liu Yin in an instant, coupled with the appearance of Liu Yin's ability to carry the tripod, Han Longyun's heart was shocked at this moment.

It seems that he underestimated the strength of the young general in front of him.

He was more resourceful and stronger than he thought.

After solving everyone's food problem, Liu Yin asked Zhao Yun to give up the army's tents first and let these refugees live.

A few days later, Liu Yin led his soldiers to cut down wood from the mountains to build houses, and finally settled the refugees.

After Liu Yin settled the refugees, he beckoned Jian Yong over, because he had a clever plan, as long as this clever plan was implemented, then Gongsun Chan would definitely be anxious like an ant on a hot pot, restless.

He whispered to Jian Yong: "You go and send a few scouts to Zhuo County to spread the news and publicize the scene here, remember, you must exaggerate, you must have a certain amount of incitement, and it is best to attract all those people." "

Jian Yong nodded knowingly, and went down to do it. _

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