It turned out that the person standing in the middle was Jian Yong.

"Ahem", he coughed twice and said: "General Liu knows that everyone is training hard, so he sent me to improve the food for everyone, and the general has a new order, and everyone will have meat to eat every day in the future!"

Everyone listened, everyone looked at each other, and there was meat to eat every day, this, is this true?

Most of the people here are farmers, and it is rare to eat a meal of meat during the holidays, and on the way to escape the famine, some people even gnaw on the turf and leaves. And now, not only fragrant white rice, big steamed buns, but also meat to eat every day, what kind of living standard is this, it is completely no different from a wealthy family.

As long as you follow General Liu, you will have meat to eat every day!

This thought quickly spread in everyone's hearts, like a mushroom cloud, the sudden happiness, and the silver and the big fish and meat, simply overwhelmed and overjoyed.

Jian Yong looked at their surprised expressions and smiled in his heart, it seems that this move will greatly increase the loyalty of the soldiers, and now, they have probably made up their minds in their hearts, and they are determined to follow the lord.

But when it came to this, Jian Yong was still secretly frightened in his heart.

The power of the lord is really terrifying.

The cotton and coal are like two endless gold mines, not to mention, only Youzhou produces them, and the rest of the states and counties do not have them at all, which makes their own money come to an end.

Moreover, the commercial market opened up some time ago, the economy of Youzhou is like a firecracker on the flat ground, soaring into the sky, and now, even overnight, it is brightly lit and the door is like a market.

And these prosperous scenes were eventually transformed into uproar of taxes, which flowed into the general's mansion

Therefore, whether it is Yizhuang or improving the food of soldiers, it is a drop in the bucket for finance.

"My lord is really a business wizard who is not born in the world. Jian Yong shook his head and sighed, and behind him, there was a scene of soldiers in full swing, feasting and drinking.

The next day, Liu Yin got up quite late, had breakfast, and paced to the martial arts arena outside Youzhou City, watching the soldiers "drink" and "ha", dancing knives and guns, energetic training scenes, and nodded with satisfaction.

After improving their food, these soldiers were ruddy and full of energy, not as sick as they were yesterday.

When Jian Yong saw Liu Yin coming, he got up and saluted, Liu Yin waved his hand, and sat down.

Sipping good tea, Liu Yin quietly enjoyed the warm winter sun at noon, quite complacent.

Just as Liu Yin closed his eyes and relaxed, Jian Yong said in a nervous tone: "Lord, wake up, look over there." "

Liu Yin sat up straight, coughed, and opened his eyes.

I saw that it was dusty five miles away, and a large group of military horses was coming towards Youzhou, and Liu Yin sat up straight.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and opened his eagle eyes, and there were three officers on horseback at the front of the line, and at a glance he knew that they were the generals of this army.

At first, a person with a tiger's back and a bear's waist, dark skin, a wide forehead and a square face, and a large distance between his eyes, he knew at a glance that he was not a Han Chinese.

Seeing this, Liu Yin became vigilant in his heart, the appearance of this general is very similar to those Wuhuan people who invaded Beizhang Village a few months ago, could it be the leader of which Wuhuan army?

Liu Yin pressed the doubts in his heart and looked at the other two, only to see that the other two looked quite similar, but like two brothers, but the skin was yellow, leopard eyes and whiskers, nose and ears, and at a glance, he knew that he was a Han person.

Strange, how could this Han man get mixed up with the Wuhuan? And looking at the appearance of those two people, it seems that they respect the Wuhuan people in the middle.

Liu Yin swept behind the generals again, but saw that behind the three generals, there were Han soldiers who were short and relatively thin, and there were also Wuhuan people who were tall, a head taller than the Han people, full of muscles, and dark skin, and even Qiang people!

Seeing this, Liu Yin became vigilant, not afraid of 10,000, just in case, so he ordered: "Prepare the horse, Zhao Yundian and Wei come with me, let's go meet these people and see what the intention is." "

Zhao Yun looked solemn: "Lord, looking at the scale of the other party, the number of people is probably around 20,000, do you want to let the big guys be on guard?"

Liu Yin waved his hand: "I just took a look, and saw that they didn't raise a big flag, and the soldiers also put away their weapons, which didn't look like a battle, and let them train first, and then pay attention to it." "

As he spoke, he said to the people below: "Continue training." "

When everyone got Liu Yin's order, it was like adding fuel to the fire, and their enthusiasm was even greater. One by one, they all "drank" and "ha", and the sound shook the sky.

It turned out that the tens of thousands of soldiers and horses who came here were Xian Yufu, Xian Yuyin and Yan Rou.

The three of Xian Yufu led the troops to come, and saw that the gate of Youzhou was wide open, and there was a group of people outside the city, who were neatly lined up, and they were practicing by themselves, and they were taken aback first.

I saw Xian Yuyin turn sideways and say: "The city gate is wide open, and there is army training, it must be Lord Liu Yu's son who is training." "

Xian Yufu nodded, but the surprise in his heart was like a pebble thrown into the water, causing ripples and expanding continuously.

Look at the soldiers who are all over the mountains in front of them, all of them are full of energy and ruddy faces.

It is also arranged in an orderly manner, every move is neat, and the soldiers are all muscular, with a tiger's back and a bear's waist, and they look powerful, and they are by no means a weak army.

The shouts were even more formidable in the sky.

Such an elite army, even if it has 100,000 people, I am afraid that it will be planted.

Thinking of this, the three of them glanced at each other meaningfully, and the surprise in their eyes was self-evident.

And they are also looking forward to that world, what kind of amazing genius can train such a tiger and wolf army!

The three of them tacitly continued to lead the troops forward, but saw three horsemen rushing out from the side of the black-pressed soldiers.

At first, it was still three small dots, but as the distance got closer, it became clear.

I saw that on the far left, there was a young general in a white robe wearing a beast-faced swallowing helmet armor, wearing a purple and gold battle armor, and a snow-white coat.

Xian Yuyin couldn't help but shout.


Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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