The people of Zhuo County, under the leadership of Xiao Yi, have become united and united.

When the list of recruiting people was posted, countless people immediately signed up enthusiastically.

"Xiao Jun needs someone to build the canal?

"I heard that Xiao Jun watched the sky at night and found that there would be a great drought in half a month. The ditches and canals are built to help us survive the drought. "

"Xiao Jun is an immortal in the sky, can what he said be false? Guys, Xiao Jun always thinks about us, even if there is no salary at this time, we can't shirk it." "

"Contribute to Xiao Jun, count me in!"


With the active participation of the people, in less than a day, 3,000 people were recruited.

In addition, there are logging engineering teams who have offered to help, and some businessmen have even donated money.

The merchants of Zhuo County can be regarded as the businessmen with the highest status in the country, not only the business tax is very low, but also will not be looked down upon.

The most important thing is that in this great environment, basically every businessman can make money.

Therefore, they are more grateful to Xiao Yat than ordinary people!

Businessmen donate, workers contribute!

The people of Zhuoxian County have united and started a great project!

Because the water is in Jixian County, digging this Lisheng Canal definitely requires the consent of Jixian County.

So early in the morning, Xiao Yi sent Xun You to negotiate with Liu Yu.

Xun You went to Jixian County and told Liu Yu about Xiao Yi's idea of repairing the canal. When the latter heard this, he was amazed!

"Are you saying that Xiao Zizhuo watched the sky at night and saw that there would be a major drought in ten days?"

Watching the sky at night is pure nonsense.

Could it be, what the hell is this Xiao Zizhuo doing?

"Lord, I heard that Xiao Zizhuo recently occupied the county and appointed his cronies as the county magistrate of the county. This man is a wolf and ambitious, and he must not agree to him.

In case he has any conspiracy and wants to plot against Jixian, won't it be too late for me to regret it!"

A strategist who has a prejudice against Xiao Yat pours dirty water on Xiao Yat without thinking about it.

Moreover, in front of Xun You, he didn't give any face.

Xun You didn't seem to hear his words, and still looked at Liu Yu calmly.

"The prediction of celestial phenomena is indeed ridiculous, Mr. can go back and tell Xiao Zizhuo that he can't agree to borrow the method of water!"

Liu Yu is also wary of Xiao Yi, so now he would rather believe that he has something than not.

Cheng Yuanzhi led a large army to attack before, and he also listened to the words of this strategist, so he deliberately delayed the rescue.

Recently, Xiao Yat has been too strong, and his ability to win people's hearts has made him, a strategic, assassin feel scared.

Many ordinary people in Guangyang want to migrate to Zhuo County.

Therefore, no matter what, Liu Yu did not allow Xiao Yi to reach out to Guangyang.

Even if Xiao Yi didn't have the idea of plotting against Guangyang, he would prevent the people of Guangyang from migrating to Zhuo County.


Without waiting for Liu Yu to finish speaking, Xun Yu suddenly burst out laughing.

Liu Yu and the others were puzzled and looked at him in surprise.

"Why is the gentleman laughing?"

Liu Yu was a little unhappy, a little strategist dared to despise himself!

"I laugh at Liu Bo'an's empty name, the people of Youzhou love him so much, but you don't think about the people.

I'm laughing at a big assassin's mansion, there are a lot of people, but there is no smart person!"

Xun You's words were arrogant, and he devalued the people in front of him as worthless.

He disdains to dance with this group of people!

The people in the Assassin's Mansion were furious, "What did you say!"

"The strategist of the little county order, An dares to be so arrogant!"

"Someone, take down this man of wild words!"

In the face of everyone's anger, Xun You was not afraid at all.

He held his head high, and despised the people,

"I have heard for a long time that Corporal Liu Bo'an Lixian, I really want to know, where is the ceremony?"

In a word, Liu Yu said that he was embarrassed.

He hurriedly stopped, "Stop!"

He saw that although Xun You was crazy, he did not lose his demeanor. And the people on their side were angered by a word, and they were in chaos.

The comparison between the two is indeed very different.

Liu Yu now regrets a little and squeezes Liu Bei away. If Liu Bei was still there, with his mouth, he would definitely not let Xun Yu be so arrogant.

As for what crime to arrest Xun You and punish him, he didn't dare to do it!

Because, Xun You represents Xiao Yi of Zhuo County.

Xiao Yat's influence in the surrounding counties is too great, and if he comes to accountability, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Liu Yu is a smart person and will not be reckless about the consequences because of the momentary speed.

To sum up, he can't afford to offend Xiao Yat now!

"Mr. Xun, although you are from a big family, it is too arrogant to say that there is no smart person in the land of Youyan. "

At this time, a young scribe walked in and relieved Liu Yu!

Xun You glanced at him, and saw that this person's popularity was extraordinary, far better than the people in front of him, and he was vigilant for three points.

"Dare to ask Your Excellency?"

"A certain is engaged in Liu Youzhou's account, Yan Rou. "

Xun You was a little surprised, and suddenly restrained a little arrogant, "It turned out to be Captain Gokarasuma." "

Yan Rou was a talented man who was captured as a prisoner by Karasuma when he was a teenager, but he gained Karasuma's trust through his own efforts. With Karasuma's help, he killed the former captain of Karasuma and replaced him.

After Liu Yu arrived, he took refuge in Liu Yu and became a subordinate of Liu Yu.

Thanks to him, Liu Yu was able to stabilize the hearts of Karasuma and Xianbei people in such a short period of time, so that they did not take advantage of the fire to rob.

Therefore, Yan Rou's reputation in this area is also quite resounding.

However, he can only win some respect from Xun You.

"The construction of the canal by our lord is a feat for the benefit of the people of the two counties. But when it comes to your mouth, it becomes a conspiracy, is this what a wise man should think?

Guangyang and Fanyang are connected by land, and there are many avenues. Fast horses only need half a day to arrive, why bother the people and money, and build a canal in the middle of the mountains and rivers!

Do you think that our lord will train a naval army for this purpose and attack Fan Yang from the canal?

It's impossible for a three-year-old to come up with such a clumsy way to lead the way!"

Xun Youqiao's tongue was like a spring, and the people who said it were full of shame.

It was indeed them who were at fault, and Yan Rou didn't know how to refute it.

Immediately afterwards, Xun You stated the benefits of building the canal to the people of the two places. Everyone nodded and praised again and again.

Although Liu Yu is not a good lord, he really cares about the people.

After listening to Xun You's explanation, this move has many benefits to the people, and his attitude has become much more modest, and he apologizes vigorously.

And said that he would not only support, but also send his own people to help.

Since it is a project that is beneficial to the people of the two counties, they naturally cannot sit back and enjoy the success.

However, he still did not forget to dig Xiao Yi's corner.

Seeing that Xun You was so talented, he liked it very much, so he promoted Xun You to Changshi.

Xun Yu thanked him and returned to Zhuo County to resume his life!

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