When Huangfu Song left, he gave Xiao Yi a favor, and he handed over the Taishou seal of Fanyang County to Xiao Yi.

He is the commander of the Yellow Turban, and he can exercise power in place of the Son of Heaven.

Tai Shouyin was handed over to Xiao Yi by him than Zhang Jiao was handed over to Xiao Yi, which was much more authoritative.

Although Xiao Yat is only acting as an agent now, it will definitely not take long to become a regular. And this matter is also expected.

The people of Fanyang County all climbed Xiao Yi to be this Taishou.

After Xiao Yat took office, the first thing he did was disaster relief!

There are a total of six counties in Fanyang County, except for Qi County and Zhuo County, the other four counties have different degrees of disaster, plus banditry is rampant, diseases are rampant, and many people die.

Today, Xiao Yi has absolute authority in Fanyang County, and he is united from top to bottom.

Therefore, under his leadership, the disaster relief work went very smoothly, and the people affected by the disaster soon ate relief food.

The lack of drinking water for the common people was quickly solved with the efforts of the well digging team.

This well digging team was personally trained by Xiao Yat and was responsible for digging wells and getting water for people.

But the problem is far from being as simple as Xiao Yi imagined.

"My lord, the Fangcheng County Order also reported, and there are a number of people with diarrhea. Coupled with the good township of Rongcheng, there are no less than 1,000 people with this disease. "

He Shen took a document and handed it to Xiao Yi with a frown.

Xiao Yi brought Fanyang's county governance to Zhuo County, and now, the county has developed steadily, so he transferred He Shen back to his side and took the position of county leader.

Recently, He Shen has been patrolling the prefectures and has discovered this serious problem.

"Is it the plague?"

Xiao Yi's heart mentioned his throat, and he was really afraid of something.

Ancient plagues were terrible, killing tens of millions of people at every turn......

When the plague comes, it is like death descending on the earth, no matter whether you are rich or poor, you can't hide from it!

Xiao Yi remembered that among the seven sons of Jian'an, among the seven sages of the bamboo forest, several people were infected with the plague and died.

has just taken over Fan Yang, and such a problem has arisen, which is a headache.

"The local doctors diagnosed it, and there was no human-to-human infection, so they did not dare to conclude that it was the plague. The subordinates guessed that it was the people who drank the groundwater, which caused the diarrhea. "

Although He Shen is not a doctor, he also did some research before coming back to report.

Although more and more people are getting sick, it is not as bad as expected.

Xiao Yi thought for a while, and said to He Shen, "To Zhai, you immediately issue a document to inform the whole county: From now on, everyone must boil the water and drink it." "

"Boil, drink it, why?"

He Shen was puzzled.

After the water is boiled, isn't it still water, is it possible that after boiling, it has the effect of curing diseases?

"Raw water contains a lot of parasites and disease-causing substances, and people with poor resistance can easily get sick after drinking it. If the water is boiled, the high temperature can kill these parasites and disease-causing substances, and people will not get sick if they drink it again. "

"I see!"

After He Shen heard this, he immediately issued a notice to inform the whole county.

Of course, this kind of thing is all about self-consciousness, and it is not easy to implement.

Although Xiao Yat's charm is enough to influence most people, after all, boiling water to drink is a troublesome thing, and you have to fetch firewood yourself. So it's almost impossible to get everyone to do that.

I can only say that some can be prevented.

The notice reached Fangcheng,

There was a village with a large number of sick people, and after listening to the notice of Li Zheng, everyone began to talk about it.

"Boiled the water and drank it? Isn't this taking off your pants and farting, doesn't Xiao Jun know that you need firewood to boil water? And it's a hot day now, the weather is already hot, wouldn't drinking boiling water dry to death?"

There was a guy who complained with one hand on his stomach and the other on his belly.

He is relatively sick, and he has been in a very bad mood today, and he doesn't think about his brain when he speaks.

In fact, it is widely recognized that he has no brains.

"What are you talking about, two dogs, you actually dare to question Xiao Jun! Have you forgotten who gave you the food you ate, who gave the clothes you wore, and whose blessing did you drag to marry a daughter-in-law?"

"Xiao Jun said that it is useful, then it will naturally be useful. Didn't you hear the notice that there are parasites and disease-causing bacteria in the raw water, and it is because you drank the raw water that you pulled so badly!"

"That is, what Xiao Jun said can be false?"

"He must be for our good, and we will do it. "

Questioning Xiao Jun?

The people around you scold you every minute and doubt yourself.

The two dogs shrank into a ball and shivered.

"Boil the water and drink it? "

At this time, a middle-aged man who came with a potion praised everyone after hearing everyone's discussion.

However, immediately, it was despised by everyone!

"Doctor Zhang, I'm afraid you have some misunderstanding about Xiao Jun. "

"Our Xiao Jun knows everything!"

Because this Dr. Zhang cured everyone's illness, everyone was more polite to him.

Otherwise, Ergouzi is a lesson for him.

Doctor Zhang smiled slightly, not taking the words of the people to heart.

In this world, how can anyone know everything.

After drinking Dr. Zhang's potion, everyone suddenly felt much more comfortable, and they called out for the miracle doctor one by one.

Dr. Zhang only charged money for some medicine to treat the disease and save people, and the medicine was cured, and the people with diarrhea drank his medicine and were cured the next day.

This matter quickly spread in Fang Cheng,

Similarly, it also reached Xiao Yi's ears.

"Oh, there is such a skilled man in the countryside, what is his name?"

The most famous miracle doctor in the Three Kingdoms is naturally Hua Tuo.

Therefore, the first thing Xiao Yat thought of was him.

He Shen said, "This person's surname is Zhang, my name is unknown, everyone calls him Doctor Zhang, or Doctor Zhang." "

"Surname Zhang?"

Xiao Yi raised his eyebrows, "Could it be him?"

The corner of He Shen's eyebrows twitched, "Does the lord know this person?"

Lord, you're too perverted, right, as long as it's a person with a little ability, you know everything?

"You know if you know each other or not, you go and invite him.

Forget it, I'll go see him in person. "

Xiao Yi heard some bad news, and was about to go to take a look, and by the way, he visited this Doctor Zhang, and he also seemed to be a corporal of courtesy.

So, he brought a special gift to see this Doctor Zhang.

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