While Zhang Zhongjing was treating the plague, Xiao Yat was already preparing for medical school.

Site selection, decoration layout, medical equipment, medicinal materials for research......

Even the students found him a batch!

Therefore, as long as Zhang Zhongjing nods, the medical school will be opened immediately, and the full-time junior college founded by Xiao Yat will be born!

After discussion, the medical school is also called "Shenyi Medical College".

In the near future, Shenyi Medical College and Shenyi Academy will become the two major signboards of Fanyang County!

As for the teaching system and curriculum of the medical school, Xiao Yat also gave Zhang Zhongjing some suggestions.

The teaching system is modeled after that of the Divine Academy, but the curriculum is changed to one class in the morning and one in the afternoon.

The academy can't have only one teacher, Zhang Zhongjing, so the first batch of students Xiao Yi found were doctors from various counties in Fanyang County, all of whom had a medical foundation and were good at different fields.

Recently, Zhang Zhongjing has trained them, and when they are officially enrolled in a period of time, they will serve as teachers in the medical school.

As for the subjects, Xiao Yat gave a few suggestions: internal medicine, surgery, gynecology, obstetrics and military medicine!

In this era, because the doctors are all men, many women will avoid seeing a doctor when they are sick, resulting in some minor diseases becoming major illnesses when they are dragged on.

Therefore, Xiao Yat wanted Zhang Zhongjing to train some female doctors and let them treat women.

As for why Xiao Yat listed obstetrics separately, it is because in this era, giving birth to a child is a very dangerous thing, and many people die in childbirth every year, both mother and child.

Again, for that reason, the doctors are all men, and it is impossible for them to deliver babies to women.

The deliveries are all women who have given birth, and the risk factor is extremely high only based on their own fertility experience!

Even a very experienced stable woman is extremely unreliable in Xiao Yi's opinion.

In order to reduce the mortality rate of childbirth, Xiao Yat believes that it is very necessary to develop obstetrics.

Before the official start of the teacher training at the medical school, Zhang Zhongjing and Xiao Yat chatted for a long time.

For Xiao Yat's suggestions, he is like a treasure, as if in the world of medicine, a new world has been opened.

He was very curious, Xiao Jun obviously didn't know how to treat diseases and save people, but why did he have such a deep understanding of the medical field!


It can only be explained in this way.

The day after the start of the medical school, rain fell from the sky, ending a three-month dry day.

The common people cheered and rushed into the rain to welcome the gift of heaven.

With the rain, new crops can start planting.

For farmers who depend on the land, there is nothing more pleasant than a heavy rain that moistens the land.

"Xiao Zizhuo, I recently found a few talented actors, do you have any new stories, give me a copy. "

Xiao Yi was on the balcony, enjoying the beautiful scenery of "the light rain in the heavenly street", but he was unexpectedly interrupted by Liu Xu, a career maniac.

Recently, Liu Xuan has been busy developing her career, and she is indeed very talented in this area, as long as she excavates the plays, she has excellent acting talent.

In this era, people's utilitarianism is not so strong, and everyone is for art.

So whether it is the protagonist or the supporting role, or even the passer-by, they all play very seriously.

Therefore, Liu Xuan's drama has always been popular among people and has brought a lot of fun in life to the people of Fanyang!

The word leisurely has gradually become a signboard.

Although other troupes have been established, the leisurely crew has always been imitated and has never been surpassed!

"How many talented actors have you found? In this era, is everyone an actor? "

Xiao Yi was speechless for a while,

This is already the seventeenth performance group formed by Liu Xu.

Her leisurely crew, in front of and behind the scenes, has grown to more than 240 members!

"What does it mean that everybody is an actor. "

Liu Yu crossed his hands on his hips and glared at Xiao Yi angrily, "That's the princess's insight." "

"Hehe, sister, my husband is telling a new story to my concubine, do you want to listen to it together. The husband said that listening to this story on a rainy day is the most feeling. "

At the beginning, Diao Chan was a little in awe of the eldest princess.

After all, the gap in identity is too big, which makes her feel a little inferior in front of Liu Xu.

Therefore, whenever Liu Yu accompanies Xiao Yi at night, she will deliberately avoid it.

But after this period of contact, she has become commensurate with the Liu Xuan sisters. Although this princess sister has a noble status, she actually has no shelf.

And she is Xiao Yi's first wife, and she is deeply favored by Xiao Yi. Many times, Liu Xuan has to ask Diao Chan for help when he can't handle things.

After going back and forth, the relationship between the two girls naturally became very good.

"New story!"

Liu Yan's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly moved a bench and rushed over.

Her favorite thing is for Xiao Yat to tell new stories. Because as long as Xiao Yat tells the story, she will be made into a drama and will definitely be very popular!

The stories in this cheap husband's head can never be finished, and every one of them is so good!

Xiao Yi is not ambiguous, holding one in one hand!

It's very feeling to listen to a story on a rainy day, but it's even more feeling to talk to two stunning beauties in your arms.

"The story I tell today is a side story of the Water Margin. "

"Oh, the side story of the Water Margin. The Water Margin is very exciting, everyone likes the heroes of Liangshan, all of them are big heroes. Husband, your side story must be very hot-blooded and tempting. "

In order to hear the story, the arrogant princess became a well-behaved concubine in seconds, and even her voice became extremely soft.

Hot-blooded, seductive?

Xiao Yi nodded, a strange smile on his face, "This side story is called - Golden Bottle Plum!"


It's not easy, but the story is really fascinating.

Xiao Yat tells a lot of stories, and he can bring rhythm and soft voice more than the storyteller in the teahouse, which can easily bring Lian Yi into the artistic conception of the story.

Undoubtedly, the golden plum is a tragedy.

After hearing this, the two girls secretly felt sorry for the three women with a tragic fate.

But that's just the end.

The process of listening was completely different, and their faces were red throughout the whole process.

"Bad husband, you actually tell us this kind of story. Hmph, I was deceived by you!"

The clever Diao Chan hurriedly fled.

And Liu Yu is still immersed in the emotions of the story.

"When I watched Water Margin, I always thought that Pan Jinlian was a cheap woman, but after listening to her husband's "Golden Bottle Plum", I suddenly felt that she was so pitiful and sympathetic to her. "

At this time, Liu Yu changed his usual style and suddenly became sentimental.

Just when Xiao Yat felt that she was moved,

"Husband, how do you say I should direct this story? Who am I going to pick to play Pan Jinlian, Li Bei'er and Pang Chunmei?

What do you think of Di Ruo'er playing Jin Lian, Zhang Tiantian playing Bottle, and Jiang Shushu playing Chunmei? The three of them are the three best actresses under me. "


She is so deep that she really thinks about actresses.

"The three of them? "

Xiao Yi is naturally very familiar with these popular actresses under Liu Xuan.

"But now, you're going to play my golden lotus. "

Xiao Yi laughed evilly and pounced.

Only then did Liu Xuan react and shouted loudly, "Diao Chan, you unrighteous dead girl!"

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