Behind the door, Cai Yan covered his mouth and chuckled, constantly praising Lang Jun's wit with his eyes.

She hadn't seen her for many days, and she missed it very much. At this moment, smelling the smell of Lang Jun's body, she could no longer suppress the thoughts in her heart and threw herself into Lang Jun's arms.

As for her good sister, she no longer has any scruples.

The three of them spend a good night together, and it's nothing to hug in front of them.

"Xiao Lang, what's the second half?"

After lingering for a while, Cai Yan pulled Xiao Yi to the study in the suite and personally sharpened the ink for him. Just like last time.

The beauty grinds the ink, Xiao Yat lifts the pen,

wrote the second half of the que, "Tenderness is like water, the best period is like a dream, endure the return of the Queqiao;

If the two love for a long time, how can it be, morning and twilight. "

Seeing these two sentences, Cai Yan immediately fell.

With affection, he looked at Xiao Yi with his eyes in the water, "Xiao Lang." "

Such an eternal sentence was actually written for me?

Cai Yan felt that happiness bloomed like a flower, and she became the happiest woman in the world.

"Xiao Lang, Yan'er will not marry you in this life, and you are willing to wait as long as you want.

The Wei family didn't agree, so Yan'er waited until they agreed. Don't worry, Daddy is also actively negotiating with them. "

Cai Yan lay in Xiao Yi's arms, telling her feelings.

However, Xiao Yi frowned,

"You mean, the people of the Wei family have already replied?"

Cai Yong didn't tell him about this matter!

Cai Yan's eyes widened in surprise, "Didn't Daddy tell you?"

"No, I'll go find him!"

Xiao Yi was a little angry, such a big thing, Cai Yong actually planned to hide it?

This old guy, who the hell is not kind?

However, Cai Yan hurriedly grabbed him,

"Xiao Lang wait, although Daddy didn't say anything, Yan'er knew that he was also worried about this matter. A few days earlier, he spent a night writing a long letter and sending it to Wei's house.

He didn't tell you, probably because he didn't want you to worry. He won't let you see Yan'er, but I'm afraid it's also because of this matter. "

Knowing a father is like a daughter, Cai Yan is so smart, through the observation on weekdays, you can know what your father is thinking.

She knew that her father had already approved of Xiao Yi.

It's just that my father is responsible for this matter, so he is so troubled.

He didn't want Xiao Yi to know that the Wei family's refusal to withdraw from the marriage was actually for Xiao Yi's sake.

After listening to Cai Yan's explanation, Xiao Yi suddenly felt that this old man still had a cute side.

"Then let him deal with it first, anyway, you are here with me, and no one can snatch it away. "

Xiao Yi knew that Cai Yong was a good-looking person, and since he didn't say it, Xiao Yi couldn't overstep his bounds.

"Well, Yan'er is reluctant to leave. "

Cai Yan lowered his head, infinitely shy.

The two of them were in the room, but Cai Yong was waiting outside anxiously.

If it weren't for respecting his daughter, he would have broken into the door and pulled Xiao Yi out and wrote the second half of the story.

"Xiao Zizhuo, are you okay!"

Cai Yong shouted impatiently.

However, there was no response.

Xiao Yi didn't bother to pay attention to him.

"Yan'er, can you do me a favor?"

Xiao Yi took Cai Yan's little hand,

"Xiao Lang, please speak. "

can help Xiao Yi, Cai Yan is very happy.

Xiao Yi immediately told her about asking her to write a script.

Cai Yan likes to listen to Xiao Yat tell stories, and it is not difficult for her to write a script based on the story. Moreover, there are more opportunities to meet Xiao Lang, so why not do it.

So, the two went out together to discuss with Cai Yong.

The latter immediately blew his beard and glared, and refused,

"No, don't think I don't know, what kind of medicine did you kid buy in the gourd, and I don't want to take advantage of my Zhaoji!

No way!"

"I said Cai Lao, don't be so unkind.

It is important to know that jade cannot be cut without a weapon. Yan'er is the best Puyu in the world, if you lock her in the house all day, how can she improve herself, how can she improve?

If you do this, you are tantamount to murdering geniuses and blocking Yan'er's path.

If Cai Lao agrees to my request, I will send you a good post that is unique in the world!"

Xiao Yat repeated his old tricks and came up with a killer idea.

He knew that Cai Yong had already recognized him in his heart, and the reason why he was embarrassed again and again was just to extort something from him.

Just a few days ago, the prestige mall brushed Wang Xizhi's "Orchid Pavilion Preface", which was praised by later generations as the first line of books in the world, and it couldn't be better to send favors.

Knowing that his father-in-law loved this piece, Xiao Yi decisively bought it.

Cai Yong glanced at him and snorted, "Just say the last sentence, what is Rory doing so much." "

He stretched out his hand: Bring it.

Xiao Yi smiled and took out the "Orchid Pavilion Preface".

However, Cai Yong couldn't bear it and didn't open it immediately.

"Also, what about the second half. "

"In the study, you can go and see for yourself. "

Everything was given, and Xiao Yi pulled Cai Yan and walked out swaggeringly.

Looking at the shy happiness on his daughter's face, Cai Yong's eyes flashed with relief.

However, before they could walk out the door, he rushed into the study.

When he returned to the mansion with Cai Yan, the people were very surprised.

"The master actually brought Mrs. Akihime back!"

Almost the entire Zhuo County knew that Xiao Yi liked Cai Zhaoji, the first talented woman in the Han Dynasty, but the Confucian Cai Yong blocked him.

is not married yet, and it is definitely a surprise to be able to bring Cai Yan back.

"Master, Mr. Su is back, I have something to look for you. "

Yun'er dispersed the maids and came to Xiao Yi's side.

"Su Shuang?"

Xiao Yi said curiously.

Yun'er nodded, "Hmm." "

Su Shuang went to Qingxu Erzhou to buy grain, and by the way, he opened up the business route, and this time he went for nearly two months, and finally came back, it was indeed time to meet him.

"Cicada'er, you take Yan'er up to find Liu Xu. "

Diao Chan knew everything, Xiao Yi explained a few words, and then went to find Su Shuang.

However, Su Shuang did not go very well this time.

"My lord, Su Shuang failed to follow the lord's instructions to open up the trade road, please punish the lord. "

Su Shuang looked guilty.

"What's going on, in detail. "

Xiao Yi raised an eyebrow.

Su Shuang told the story in detail.

Everything went very smoothly when he went, he hired experienced sailors and crossed the Bohai Bay directly to Donglai in Qingzhou.

In addition, he bought 150,000 stone of grain at a very low price, and signed a cooperation plan with several wealthy local businessmen.

However, when he returned, he was attacked by pirates, four of the fifteen grain ships were taken, two were destroyed, and the guards sent to him by Xiao Yi also lost more than thirty people.

If it weren't for a righteous man who came to the rescue, I am afraid that the loss would be even more serious.

"What a bandit, so daring!"

Xiao Yi was a little angry.

The loss of some food was nothing, but the thirty or so guards were buried in the sea, and they could not even bring back their bones, which made him angry!

"Where is the righteous man?"

"Just waiting outside the door, this person admires the lord's personality, wants to take refuge in the lord, and let his subordinates recommend him. "

Su Shuang shouted outside, "Righteous man, come in." "

An eight-foot-tall, handsome young man walked in, looked at Xiao Yi on the seat, and admired his eyes.

He walked up to him and bowed respectfully, "The villain is too Shi Ci, I've seen Xiao Jun!"

"Oh, Donglai Taishi Ziyi?"

Xiao Yi was surprised.

Unexpectedly, Su Shuang not only brought back the grain, but also brought him back.

This trip, no loss!

Tai Shi Ci was also a little surprised, "Xiao Jun knows my name!"

He is a little famous, but it is only limited to their county, how can Xiao Jun, who is thousands of miles away, know about him?

Could it be that Xiao Jun has been to Dongmu County?

Su Shuang next to him smiled and said, "Brother Ziyi is not surprised, the lord is good at deducing divination, and it is not surprising to know you." "

Tai Shi Ci was even more shocked.

"Before we met, Ziyi made a great contribution, if you follow me, you can choose any official position in the county. "

Xiao Yat admires Tai Shi Ci very much.

His talent is not under Guan Yu. Moreover, he is good at training the navy, and he is one of the best archers in the Three Kingdoms. These two, even Guan Yu is not as good as him.

Tai Shi Ci was excited, and bowed his head, "Being able to follow the lord's right is the blessing of Ziyi, and he dares to ask for luxury!"

[Ding, accept first-class talents, Tai Shici!]

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