Right Beiping, Tuyin City,

Gongsun Chan has been frowning in recent days, and he has completely lost the vigor at the beginning of the plan.

"What's going on, after so long, why haven't you heard anything from Fanyang County?

Sent out so many people, didn't any of them succeed?"

It's been more than ten days, hundreds of people have been sent out, and there hasn't even been a reply, and Gongsun Chan even wonders if these people have been rebelled by Xiao Yi.

"Will it be, someone has already succeeded, but the news was suppressed by Xiao Yi. "

Guan Jing doubted.


Gongsun Chan waved his hand impatiently.

A few days later,

Gongsun Zhan exploded, "What the hell is going on, none of the spies sent to Luoyang have come back, could it be that a certain person raised a group of things that eat inside and out!"

Six groups of spies were sent before and after, and more than two dozen people,

However, there was no news at all.

It's like a pebble thrown into the sea, without making any waves.

Hearing the news, Guan Jing, the mastermind, also broke out in a cold sweat, it seems that the other party is more difficult to deal with than he imagined.

"Don't worry, my lord, could it be that the news has leaked out? "

This time, Guan Jing was very careful and carefully selected a few faces that had never been exposed in front of people, and mixed in with Fan Yang among the migrating people.

They managed to avoid the embroiderers.

However, there was no way to find the joint code, and the spies and spies before disappeared like mud cows entering the sea.

These people stayed in Fanyang for a few days, but they didn't gain anything.

Fanyang is still as prosperous and stable as the legend, and it is thriving.

No gossip, no riots and mutinies,

It's as if the lord has never done anything to him.

They returned to Youbeiping and reported in detail what they had seen and heard.

After listening to this, Gongsun Zhan's face was as black as the bottom of the pot of Ergouzi's house, gloomy and terrifying.

Before and after, but more than 500 people were sent.

More than 500 people, all gone!

Are these people too rice buckets, or are the other parties too terrible?

"Mr. Guan?"

Gongsun Zhan had a gloomy face and looked at Guan Jing.

The latter broke out in a cold sweat and hurriedly said, "Lord, this matter should be considered in the long run......

Think about your sister in the long run!

In the long run, Lao Tzu is about to become the biggest joke in the world.

Gongsun Chan snorted angrily, "Bring this waste down for me." "

"Lord, lord......"

Guan Jing feels that he is more wronged than Dou E, I don't need to make a mistake, the other party is too ruthless, what can I do.

"Lord, what should I do now?"

felt that the lord was like an angry lion, and no one dared to intercede for Guan Jing, at most, he took pity on him.

Gongsun Chan took a deep breath and tried to calm his mood.

If it goes on like this, sooner or later he will be angry with Xiao Yi.

After calming down, his mind was much clearer, and Gongsun Chan said, "Bear with it for a while, there is a certain ominous feeling, and something will happen to something unfavorable next." "

Intuition is a terrible thing.

Sometimes you don't want something to happen, and it's often possible to predict it accurately.

A few more days passed,

"It's been a few days since Youbeiping, and you haven't sent any spies over?"

Xiao Yi asked.

"It's been seven days, and there's been no movement. "

The embroidery camp is indeed a very powerful existence, under the leadership of Wei Zhongxian, it is like the three eyes of Erlang God, and no spy can escape their eyes.

Moreover, they will also fish for law enforcement, and many spies are attracted by them.

Under the command of Wei Zhongxian and the cooperation of Yue Fei and others, all the people sent by Gongsun Zhan were controlled.

"How many people have we arrested?"

Xiao Yat then asked.

"Five hundred and seven. "

"Enough. "

The corners of Xiao Yi's mouth lifted, these people were enough to ruin Gongsun Zhan's reputation and force him to jump off the wall in a hurry.

"Fengxian, Gongji, the two of you take a team, press these people, and follow me to Jixian County. "

Five hundred and seven witnesses, you can't kill a Gongsun Zhan?

Accompanied by two tiger generals, Xiao Yi pressed 500 spies to come to Jixian County to complain.

And Wei Zhongxian was not idle, mobilizing the informants of the embroidery battalion to spread the news in various counties of Youzhou, especially Youbeiping.

#公孙瓒派五百奸细入范阳, trying to incite the people of Fanyang to rebel#

The ability of the embroidery battalion to incite fishing boats is still very strong,

In just a few days, this matter has caused a stir in the entire Youzhou.

Who is Yat Siu?

The great benefactor of the entire people of Youzhou.

Whoever wants to harm him is the public enemy of the people of Youzhou!

Gongsun Zhan has lost the hearts of the people by taking in Han Qi, and now he is openly against Xiao Jun and is trying to undermine Fan Yang, who is governed by Xiao Jun, how vicious his heart is!

As soon as the fishing boat came out, Gongsun Chan was suddenly pushed to the forefront and became a street rat that everyone shouted and beat in the mouths of the people.

Treacherous villain!


Jealousy can!


The ability of ordinary people to scold people is very strong, and there is even a storyteller who lists Gongsun Chan as a villain.

In order to attract people's attention, the gentlemen of the puppet show even created the image of Gongsun Chan and made all kinds of abuse.

Whenever they saw Gongsun Chan being abused, the common people clapped their hands and praised him.

It can be seen that in the minds of the common people, Gongsun Chan has become a great traitor.

That's all for later.

Let's say that Xiao Yi brought 500 spies to Jixian County to complain, Liu Yu was shocked when he heard this, and he didn't know what to do.

He is now in the same camp as Gongsun Zhan, so he naturally wants to help Gongsun Chan speak.

However, with the lessons of the past, some strategists suggested that he and Gongsun Chan should dissociate themselves from each other so as not to be implicated.

Liu Yu felt that Gongsun Zhan had lost the hearts of the people, and it was impossible to use him to suppress Xiao Yi, and if he didn't make it, he would be involved in it, and the gains outweighed the losses.

So he simply abandoned the car to protect the handsome and gave Xiao Yi a favor.

His verdict confirmed the fact that Gongsun Chan sent spies to sabotage Fan Yang's development, which was equivalent to sprinkling another handful of salt on Gongsun Chan's wound.

Gongsun Chan has completely lost the hearts of the people!

Some of his loyal officials resigned one after another. Some generals, with their soldiers, defected.

The common people were even more disappointed, and discussed no more taxes on Gongsun Zhan!

Some families who originally supported Gongsun Chan did not want to be dragged into the water, so they kept their distance from Gongsun Chan.

The rebellion is the Gongsun Zhan at this moment.

"Lord, I have caught three hundred deserters, how to deal with it?"

Desertion has become a norm in Youbeiping.

At first, Gongsun Chan planned to influence them, but more and more people became deserters, and Gongsun Chan was angry.


Suddenly, hundreds of heads fell to the ground, and no one dared to be a deserter anymore.

But the negative impact is also huge.

Gongsun Chan has another brutal notoriety!

"Xiao Zizhuo, a certain oath to kill you!"

It's not a way to go on like this, Gongsun Chan made a crazy move, "Point soldiers!"

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