Yuyang City,

Yue Fei and Sun Li were at the head of the city, listening to the scout's report,

"The two generals, Gongsun Zhan's department went to the southeast. "

Sun Li breathed a sigh of relief, "The military advisor is really like a god, Gongsun Zan really gave up Yuyang and retreated to Youbeiping." "

If Gongsun Chan is really a tiger and leads his troops to fight, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Xiao Yi's soldiers are too few, and if the battle line is spread for such a long time, there will naturally be insufficient troops.

Therefore, Yue Fei and Sun Li only brought a thousand people to defraud Yuyang. Moreover, there are still many unstable factors in the city, and once Gongsun Chan leads his troops to fight, they can only abandon the city and flee.

Otherwise, it will be engulfed.

Fortunately, Gongsun Chan really gave up Yuyang and fled as Xun You guessed.

"General Sun, Yuyang will be handed over to you, and the unstable factors in the city will be eliminated as soon as possible. The lord is very optimistic about you, if this matter is done well, Yuyang's position is also yours. "

Yue Fei still has important things, and he can't guard Yuyang.

However, with Sun Li's ability, it is naturally sufficient.

Today's Sun Li is no longer the reckless young man he was when he first met.

His martial arts, under the guidance of Li Cunxiao, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and others, have improved rapidly, and they have reached 88 points!

Moreover, he is diligent and studious, and often asks Liu Ji Xunyou and Shen Ji Xiaolan and others for advice, and his intellectual and political attributes have also increased to varying degrees.

His ability to govern a Yuyang County is completely sufficient.

"General Yue, please rest assured, his subordinates will do their best to live up to the expectations of the lord. "

With Sun Li's assurance, Yue Fei took a few light horsemen to chase after the large army.

Gongsun Zhan returned to his heart like an arrow, and led the team to save even the time for cooking, and ran all the way to Youbeiping.

Here, it's surprisingly quiet.

Just like his defeat in Zhuoxian and his return to Jixian County, the silence was a little scary.

Although his banner stood on the city wall, Gongsun Chan did not dare to act rashly.

"Lord, go and have a look. "

Tian Kai knew his concerns, and took the initiative to ask Ying, and led a team of hundreds of people to call the city gate.

"Open the city gate quickly, General Fenwu is back!"

Tian Kai's subordinates shouted loudly.

The city heard the sound and hurriedly opened the door.

A familiar face of Tian Kai walked out, "General Tian, where is a certain righteous brother?"

It turned out that Gongsun Chan had three sworn brothers, named Liu Weitai, Li Yizi and Le Hedang.

It is the merchant who opens the door, and what should he do!

Although this person does not know how to lead troops to fight, he has a strong ability to make money, and Gongsun Chan has a lot of funding from him, so he trusts him very much and hands over Youbeiping to him to take care of.

"Mr. Le, the lord's army is behind, don't close the door, go and call the lord over!"

Tian Kai didn't suspect it, so he turned around and went back to call Gongsun Zhan.

How did he know that this was actually a trap!

Tian Kai went back and told Gongsun Chan that it was Le He who was guarding the city gate, and Gongsun Chan did not doubt his brother-in-law, so he walked out with the army and drove back to the city!

However, when he approached the city gate with his army, he suddenly sensed danger.

As a perennial general, he has a keen insight into danger.

He always felt that this was a trap!

Gongsun Chan did not dare to advance lightly, and ordered the army to stop.

"Lord, what's the matter, didn't Mr. Le greet us at the door?"

Tian Kai doubted.

Le He was standing at the door, he didn't understand what the lord was careful about.

"So-and-so always feels wrong, why should he be at the gate and there are no soldiers guarding the city on the city wall?"

Gongsun Zhan's observation is more detailed, and there are too many things that do not conform to common sense.

"Subordinates enter the city for the lord!"

Tian Kai also found out that something was wrong, but they had nowhere else to go, even if it was really a trap, he had to go in and take a look.

The army stopped, and Tian Kai took more than 1,000 people and entered the city first!

Upstairs at the city gates,

Chang Yuchun, Tai Shici and Gao Changgong saw this scene and couldn't help frowning,

"This Gongsun Chan is really careful, he has arrived at his door, and he has to send someone over to test it!

General Gao, what should I do now?"

Chang Yuchun and Tai Shici looked at Gao Changgong and waited for him to come up with an idea.

"I don't know, where the reinforcements have arrived. If the reinforcements don't come, we won't have much chance of winning if we kill them. "

Tai Shici compared the strength of the two sides.

Gongsun Zan and Zou Danbing are united, and now there are 30,000 horses.

And they are only 3,200 people.

Three thousand of them are all water armies!

Although these people are not weak in land warfare, there is a huge disparity in numbers, if Gongsun Chan really dares to fight hard, they may not be able to defend Tuyin City!

"The lord said that you should believe in your own people. "

Gao Changgong was wearing a mask, and he couldn't see his expression at the moment, but Sen Leng's killing intent penetrated the mask, causing the surrounding temperature to drop by a few degrees.

"General Chang, you take a thousand people to ambush at the gate of heaven, and I take a thousand people to ambush at the gate of the earth. Wait for General Taishi to make a move, and we will kill him together and catch him off guard!"


The second general was ordered.

After Tian Kai approached the city wall with more than 1,000 people, Tai Shici had already aimed at Tian Kai's front door and shot an arrow through his head.


Thousands of arrows burst into the air, crossed a parabola in the air, and fell like raindrops.

Zheng Zheng Zheng ......

The arrows pierced through the armor and into the enemy's body.

"Not good, there is an ambush!"

"Withdraw, withdraw!"

"Xiao Yi'er's people have already taken the mound, and if they don't run, they will die!"

Tian Kai's people reacted quickly, and they didn't care how many people there were in the city, they turned around and ran.

The generals are all dead, let's not run away, waiting to be fired by the hornet's nest?

They are really not afraid of Xiao Yi's people to kill, so they will run away.

Seeing this scene, Gongsun Chan knew that his guess was right, and hurriedly ordered, the rear army became the front army, "Withdraw!"

I didn't say where to retreat, but I left this place first.

At this time, Chang Yuchun and Gao Changgong each came out with a team of people, attacking from two sides, only 2,000 people, and killing 30,000 Gongsun Zhan's horses!

Gongsun Zhan didn't run a few steps with the people, and encountered the pursuers who came all the way.

Li Cunxiao, Yan Liang, and Yue Fei each led a team, killing Gongsun Zhan and abandoning his armor and suffering heavy losses.

They have no intention of fighting, and they only want to flee for their lives.

After being driven and killed for a while, Gongsun Chan finally escaped, but there were less than 3,000 people left around him.

His general was captured by Yue Fei alive, and Zou Dan was trampled to death by the backing army.

Around, there are only two or three partial generals left.

Gongsun Zhan fled all the way, and after a day and a night, he fled back to Lingzhi City, Liaoxi County.

This is his hometown, and the Gongsun family is quite influential here.

It is also his final resting place.

However, as soon as he entered the city with his front foot, Xiao Yi's army pressed up on his hind foot.

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