The fight was until dawn, and Xiao Yi's army withdrew his troops.

Hearing the news that Gongsun Chan had run away again, Xiao Yi was speechless. How can the disciples taught by Lu Zhi be more able to run than the other!

Now it's okay, Gongsun Chan has been fooled once, and there will definitely not be a second time.

A small Lingzhi city, why is it so difficult to break.

"Don't worry, Gongsun Chan is really scared this time. Next, we only need to use a small number of troops to defend the order branch, so that Gongsun Chan will not dare to go out of the city. Then, we can hit the firepower against Gongsun Du.

As long as Gongsun Du is destroyed, it is equivalent to extinguishing Gongsun Zhan's last hope! It is easy to break the order of the branch city. "

Gongsun Chan can still run away, an accident that no one can imagine.

However, Xun You's brain is flexible and turns fast.

After weighing the trade-off, I immediately thought of a countermeasure.

"Lord, I'll keep an eye on Lingzhi. "

Li Cunxiao took the initiative to ask.

In last night's battle, he was the main force, and he was most responsible for failing to catch Gongsun Zhan.

He did this to make up for his mistakes.

Xiao Yi nodded, and asked Yue Fei to temporarily take the position of the commander of the Wei Army.

"We have been preparing for this war for many months, and if we can't kill the two grandsons before the winter, then the early efforts will be in vain. In the next battle, please do your best and don't give the enemy any chance!"

A soldier is the best soldier, and a general is also the best general,

But this battle still exposed many problems.

The cooperation between each other is not so tacit. The generals' ability to control the battlefield still needs to be enhanced.

Xiao Yat knew that all of this needed to be honed by war.

When this battle is over, shouldn't they be given a chance to train?

"Please rest assured, my lord, I will do my best!"

There were so many mistakes, and everyone felt a little blamed in their hearts.

In the next battle, there can be no more mistakes!

According to the agreement, Gongsun Du's reinforcements are coming soon. Therefore, Xun You began to assign tasks to everyone.

He also racked his brains, thinking about every step, and striving for the foolproof arrangement.

Gongsun Du was more cautious, he brought thirteen thousand people over, but they were divided into three ways. There are no handsome flags on these three roads, so we don't know which way Gongsun Du himself is.

In order to guarantee victory this time, we need to change our tactics!"

Gongsun Du was very cunning, even if he was an embroidered envoy, he couldn't find out which way he was commanding.

Therefore, the difficulty of capturing Gongsun Du has greatly increased.

Xiao Yi only has 30,000 people around him, and he has to leave 5,000 people to keep an eye on Lingzhi, which means that Xun You can only use the remaining 25,000 people to completely annihilate Gongsun Du's three teams to ensure that nothing goes wrong.

He divided the 25,000 men into twenty-five squads, each with a thousand men, and ambushed them at various bayonets.

Looking at his layout, Xiao Yi couldn't help but think of the dragnet tactics used in the devil's sweep.

Xun You stretched the twenty-five squads into a square grid with a wide coverage.

As long as Gongsun Du enters this net, he will be unable to escape.

With Xun You's tactics formulated, the generals immediately took action and went to arrange tasks below.

Gongsun Du led the army and unknowingly entered this big net.

"Lord, after this pass, it is the fat of Liaoxi. It is only a day's journey from Lingzhi. The soldiers have traveled so far, do you stop and repair, recuperate and fight again?"

They came all the way from Liaodong, taking a dry road, and after a few days of running, they were already sleepy and tired.

What the general said was the will of all the soldiers.

But Gongsun Du didn't agree, "The soldiers are fast, how can there be a reason to run thousands of miles and rest under the nose of the enemy?"

The whole army was ordered to continue to advance and strive to reach Lingzhi City before dark.

You go and tell the soldiers, repel Xiao Yi, and give everyone time to rest after entering the city, and whatever everyone wants to eat and drink will be funded by so-and-so!"

Although Gongsun Du's sense of existence is very low, he is a decisive and courageous person.

can govern Liaodong and Xuansu counties in an orderly manner, and clean up the surrounding alien races, such a person is by no means mediocre.

He knew that resting now would certainly allow the soldiers to regain their strength, but it would also give the enemy plenty of time to prepare, and the meaning of running would be lost.

"Wow. "

The general answered, ready to go down to pass the word.

Gongsun Du thought for a while, and then added, "Pass the order, if anyone can cut off Xiao Yi's head, a reward of 1,000, a mansion, and 100 acres of fertile land." The official positions below the second rank of the county are at his disposal!"

Congjiang looked at Gongsun Du with wide eyes, and his heart was excited!

A human head can make people climb to the sky in one step.

With such a big temptation, who wouldn't be desperate!

"The last general is going to pass the word!"

With this promise, the complaints in Gongsun Du's army immediately dissipated, and the soldiers were high-spirited and energetic to continue to move forward.

However, the ideal is very plump, but the reality is very slap in the face.

Gongsun Du couldn't have imagined that Xiao Yi was such a small person, and he would dare to open the bureau like this.

His three teams drove more than thirty miles back and forth, but they were still all in the encirclement grid.

With Xun You's order, the Quartet ambushed the soldiers!

Xiao Yijun didn't want to live up to the expectations of his lord anymore, and every soldier was determined to die.

One is ten, it is not a lie!

And the Beiwei Army and the Wudang Flying Army formed a team of their own, killing like ghosts.

Gongsun Du was caught off guard.

They had no idea how many enemies were lying in ambush around them.

I just feel that the whole world is full of enemies!

These people are like crazy people, rushing up and fighting with them, without any ambiguity!

Gongsun Du was able to organize resistance at first, but with the addition of the Beiwei army, their defense line became as vulnerable as a chicken and a dog.

The thirteen thousand men he brought with him were quickly dispersed by wave after wave of ambushes.

Gongsun Du found that there were fewer and fewer people around him.

Even so, he still could not escape Xiao Yijun's pursuit and round-up.

To be precise, none of the people who entered the grid escaped alive.

Or be killed, or be captured!

Xun You takes the land of a county as the pattern and lays a net of heaven and earth.

Three days later, Gongsun Du was treated as a small soldier by Chang Yuchun and hacked to death. The people he brought with him also surrendered.

Gongsun Zhan, who was hiding in Lingzhi City, learned the news that Gongsun Du was defeated and killed, and the last hope in his heart was shattered.

He knew that he had no chance of turning over anyway.

Completely defeated by Xiao Yi.

His fighting spirit is getting lower and lower, and the city's defenses are becoming more and more lax, and the embroidered clothes envoy lurking in the city find an opportunity to start spreading rumors.

On the one hand, he incited the people to rebel against Gongsun Zhan and did not give him a funeral.

While creating panic, he announced that Xiao Yi's army was about to attack the city. After the city is broken, it is necessary to parade Gongsun Zan through the streets to atone for the sins of the people of Youzhou.

Gongsun Chan knew that he couldn't beat Xiao Yi, and he was disheartened that Xiao Yi would really do it.

In order to save his reputation, he set fire to his mansion and set himself on fire!

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