Don't look at the people who criticize Xiao Yat, they criticize so tacitly.

There are also different factions between them.

No one wants the other party to find a handle and take the opportunity to suppress it.

Therefore, seeing that the Yuan family took the lead in helping Xiao Yi speak, several other major families also changed their tone one after another.

There are so many people who help Xiao Yi speak, and there are Huangfu Song, Zhu Jun and others as guarantors.

And, Xiao Yi has presented so many novel and fun things that benefit the country and the people, Liu Hong naturally won't trouble Xiao Yi.

Seeing that the Son of Heaven was happy, Xun You took the opportunity to propose the matter of changing the assassination history to the state pastor.

I thought that this matter would be opposed by everyone, but unexpectedly, many people agreed.

Among them, there are also Han clan relatives, too often Liu Yan!

With Liu Yan's vote, Liu Hong directly agreed.

He is an emperor who can only enjoy himself, and after changing the history of the assassin to the state pastor, the local government can help him solve a lot of troubles, and he can also enjoy himself in the palace with peace of mind, why not do it.

Therefore, Xun Yu's trip to Luoyang was generally very smooth.

After staying in Luoyang for a few days, he visited Huangfu Song, Zhu Jun and other deceased people, and then said goodbye to Xun Yu and rushed to Yingchuan to meet Xun Yan and others.

However, when they passed through Chenliujiwu County, they encountered the remnants of the Yellow Turban who had fallen into the grass, and the family almost died.

Just when they were about to fight the thieves, they suddenly killed a fierce man with a body like an iron tower, and easily killed those thieves.

And because the attendant sent by Xiao Yi to Xun You was killed, Xun You wanted to ask the fierce man to be their bodyguard.

The fierce man said that he had committed an accident and planned to go to the north to hide the lawsuit.

The most famous in the north is naturally Zhuoxian. He had heard that Zhuo County was a paradise, so he planned to go there.

Xun You told him with a smile that he was also going to Zhuo County, and he happened to be on the same road.

As soon as the fierce man heard that there was such a coincidence, he agreed.

With his protection, Xun You and his party were finally safe, and the road behind them was not in danger again.

On the other side, Shen Wansan and He Shen went to negotiate with Jizhou Thorn Shi and Bingzhou Thorn History.

Jizhou Thorn Shi Wang Fen and Bingzhou Thorn Shi Ding Yuan both felt that Xiao Yi's proposal was very novel.

Acquire all the coal mines in their state!

Yat Xiao, what do you want to do?

Originally, they were suspicious of Xiao Yi's intentions, but when they heard the price offered by Shen Wansan, they happily agreed.

Shen Wan gave a high price of 10 million baht each to the two states and demanded the ownership of all coal mines!

Ten million!

It is enough for Wang Fen, who has just taken over Jizhou, to create an elite army. It is enough to make the poor Ding Yuan jingle and raise all the equipment of the troops to a higher level!

The most worthless coal mines are exchanged for huge development space.

Erzhou Thorn Shi thought that this was a good thing for pie in the sky, for fear that Shen Wansan would regret it, so he signed an agreement without even talking about the price!

Shen Wansan also bought those coal mines that already had ownership, no matter how big or small, from the hands of the family, including the workers and the mines.

For the family, coal mines are a chicken thing. It's a pity to discard it.

Someone is willing to pay for it, and of course they are willing to pay for it.

Even some families packaged and sold other useless mining areas to Shen Wansan.

Shen Wansan will not refuse to come, and accept it all!

This incident caused a sensation in Youji and Sanzhou,

Everyone thinks that Xiao Yat is crazy.

At such a large price, buy some useless mines.

What made them even more incredible was that Xiao Yat actually spent a lot of money to build roads for these coal mines! and recruited a large number of workers to mine coal mines.

This investment that comes and goes, to say the least, requires 100 million baht!

No one is not shocked by Xiao Yat's handwriting!

Zhongshan Wuji County, Zhen family!

Recently, Xiao Yi of Zhuoxian County had his subordinates buy up coal mines in Hebei Prefecture and build roads specifically for the mines. The assets invested before and after are almost equivalent to half of our family.

What is the purpose of his huge investment?"

At the conference table, Zhen Yi, the head of the Zhen family, gathered the clansmen.

Such a sensation in Sanzhou, the Zhen family, a wealthy man in Jizhou, is naturally very concerned.

Moreover, they have two large coal mines in their hands!

"Now it is rumored that the people of the three states are crazy and bought a bunch of waste at such a large price. Everyone knows that the use value of blackstone is not high, except for forging and smelting, it cannot be used for life at all.

He bought so much blackstone mine, it would definitely be smashed in his hands and turned into a pile of waste rock. "

Zhen Yi's brother Zhen Qian looked disdainful.

The Zhen family is good at doing business, and they know very well what is valuable and what is not.

They believe that Xiao Yat has made a deal that must be lost this time.

"Father, uncle, I heard that Xiao Yi is a very clever strange man, we have all seen the paper he invented, the blower, the threshing machine, the keel waterwheel, are all ingenious things.

How could such a smart person do such a thing that must be compensated?

The child thinks there must be something wrong here!"

Zhen Yi's Zhen Yan has a different opinion,

He has always admired Xiao Yat, and before Zhang Shiping came to buy grain, he also advocated selling grain to Xiao Yat at a low price, and took the initiative to have a good relationship with Xiao Yat.

His eldest brother died young, his father was frail and sickly, and his uncle was a man with low eyes.

Therefore, he began to support this family early.

"Second nephew, tell me, what's the problem here? The role of the black stone is known even to three-year-old children, although it has the value of burning, but coal poison can kill people, who dares to use this kind of thing to cook and keep warm?

Could it be that this kind of waste stone can still be transformed into flowers in his Xiao Yi's hands!"

Zhen Qian expressed disdain.

Zhen Yan is a junior and doesn't dare to argue with him, but he still insists on his own point of view.

"Father, we have two major coal mines in our hands, and if we also invest a lot of manpower, the annual coal production is not small. But if you sell it at everyone's price, it won't be much. Our Zhen family is not short of this money, why should we sell it?

The child thinks that he should keep the coal mine in his hands and wait and see for a while. "

Before he finished speaking, Zhen Qian was impatient to interrupt him,

"My second nephew, I don't have this thing left, it's a little bit to sell it for some money. What if Xiao Yi knew that the Blackstone Mine was useless and regretted not buying it? At that time, our Blackstone Mine would be worthless, and the Zhen family would become the laughing stock of the Jizhou family. "

Zhen Qian is worried that other families have sold the coal mine, if the Zhen family does not sell it now, Xiao Yi will not buy it at that time, and they will be the only family that smashes the coal mine in their hands.

It would be strange not to be someone else's joke.

Hearing the quarrel between Zhen Yan and Zhen Qian, Zhen Yi was a little difficult to decide.

"That's it, you all have your own arguments, they all have a point, I don't know what to do, let's wait for Mi'er to come back and make a decision. "

Zhen Yi waved his hand and adjourned the meeting temporarily.

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