Xiao Yi retracted his gaze, he didn't have Lori's evil habits.

At the end of the day, she's just a child.

Like Shen Wansan at the beginning, Xiao Yi didn't understand why the Zhen family would send a child over to negotiate. No matter how talented she is, it's only within the scope of children.

However, it didn't take long for Yat to realize that he was wrong.

The little Lori in front of her, in addition to being a child, is more mature than an adult!

Words and deeds should be more exquisite than an adult!

Xiao Yi even wondered if there was a soul living in this small body!

After a period of greetings, Xiao Yat went straight to the point.

"Listen to Shen Wansan, your Zhen family wants me to act as an agent in the coal mine in Hebei Erzhou?"

Although Xiao Yi admires this little Lori very much, business belongs to business, and favors are favors, and they cannot be generalized.

He's not the kind of pig-headed third who can't lift his legs when he sees a beautiful woman.


Zhen Mi chewed on this new term curiously, and then nodded, "Yes, with the strength of the Zhen family, it is not a problem to manage these coal mines well." "

"Everybody was waiting to see my jokes, but the fact that you were able to make such a request shows that you also see the value of coal mines.

Then you tell me, why did I give the agency to the Zhen family?"

Chat with smart people, no need to beat around the bush.

Since it is cooperation, then everyone takes what they need and strives for a win-win situation.

Zhen Mi chuckled, "Xiao Jun, you should also know that if you produce and manage these coal mines in your name, there will definitely be many people who are blushing. Those families who sold the mine will also hate Xiao Jun because of this.

Even, the government of the two states wants to take back these mining rights. Although Xiao Jun is famous and shocking the world, after all, he is only the history of Youzhou Thorn, and it is not benevolent to raise unknown soldiers.

And my Zhen family is a family of businessmen, and there are many conveniences in the official career, and all major families in Hebei sell the face of the Zhen family.

If the Zhen family solves these troubles, it will be much more convenient than Xiao Jun coming forward in person.

Throughout Hebei, there is no family more suitable than the Zhen family to be Xiao Jun's partner!

You say, yes and no?"

With a clear mind, there must be a word in the word!

What she said Shen Wansan had already told Xiao Yi that it was an inevitable problem.

Although the government and family of the two states are now pitted, when they know the true value of the coal mine, they will definitely be red-eyed.

At that time, even if they don't dare to go against Xiao Yi openly and do something in secret, it will make Xiao Yi very uncomfortable.

If the Zhen family really has the ability to solve these troubles, Xiao Yi naturally doesn't mind sharing some profits with them.

"There is a good saying that a fifty percent profit will make many people take risks, and if there is a double profit, they will dare to trample on the law, and if there is a threefold profit, they will dare to defy any rules.

The Zhen family is just a merchant family, and the official can't do it according to the county order, how can they ensure the safety of these coal mines?"

This is the question that Xiao Yat is most concerned about,

Now, he really can't send troops to attack Erzhou for no reason, so soft power means are particularly important.

If Zhen Mi can give him a satisfactory answer, Xiao Yi will not hesitate to give them the agency.

Zhen Mi smiled lightly, like a lotus blooming, "Xiao Jun only needs to kill one hundred to make an example and deter secretly, while the Zhen family is active on the bright side." One light and one darkness can naturally ensure the foolproof nature of the mining area. "


Xiao Yi pondered Zhen Mi's words.

This is indeed a feasible method, he is responsible for killing a hundred people, and then using some political means to force the government of the two states, and the Zhen family is responsible for making fishing boats, moral accusations. One soft and one hard, it is indeed feasible.

"If your Zhen family really has this ability, you can try to cooperate. But if you can't solve the trouble on the surface, then don't blame me for finding another partner. "

Xiao Yat said.

"It's nature. "

Zhen Mi nodded and responded.

"And how much profit do you want to share?"

Before meeting Zhen Mi, Xiao Yi and Shen Wansan, Zhang Shiping, and Su Shuang discussed that at most, they could give the Zhen family two to three percent of the profit.

If the Zhen family is only managed, it will be up to two percent.

If they are also responsible for running sales and promoting sales, it is not impossible to get an extra share.

The coal reserves in the two states are very rich, and if they are all mined, the profit of 30% is a very large number.

It is several times more than the Zhen family's current annual income!

Therefore, Xiao Yat believes that it is impossible for the Zhen family to refuse this kind of distribution.

However, to Xiao Yi and Shen Wansan's surprise, Zhen Mi smiled lightly and shook his head, "The Zhen family doesn't want profit sharing. "


What kind of operation is this, isn't it just for more benefits that she works so hard for?

Now, with huge profits in front of her, she doesn't want it!

This little girl, is she holding back something?

"Well, don't. "

Zhen Mi nodded in affirmation again.

"What do you mean, Zhen Jiabai works for me, what is Zhen Jiatu?"

Xiao Yi calmed down and asked.

"Tu Xiaojun!"

Zhen Mi's beautiful eyes flashed, and she said seriously, "I hope that the Zhen family can become a big help to Xiao Jun like Mr. Shen!

Same as Shen Wansan!

Xiao Yi understood that this little girl was planning to stand in line.

Businessmen have a very low status in this society, and everyone wants to tie the thighs of politics.

Ru Mi family chose Tao Qian at first, and later Liu Bei. The Zhen family first chose Yuan Shao, and then Cao Cao, and the Yizhou Yang family chose Liu Zhang, all of which are the same reason.

Only by choosing a strong force as a backer can we ensure that the family will continue to prosper and endure.

"Have you thought about it? Can you call the shots?"

The Zhen family took refuge, and Xiao Yi was naturally willing to laugh.

As Zhen Mi himself said, the strength of the Zhen family is far stronger than Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping.

If Shen Wansan is a cornucopia, then the Zhen family is a cash cow!

With the two of them here, there will definitely be no shortage of money to spend in the future.

Zhen Mi nodded very affirmatively, "I can't call the shots, I'm just representing my father." "

Xiao Yi rolled his eyes, does it make any difference.

"If Xiao Jun agrees, then the Zhen family will be Xiao Jun's pawn in the future, but by drive. "

Zhen Mi continued.

"Agree, naturally agree!"

"From today on, the Zhen family will be Xiao Jun's Zhen family. However, in order to facilitate the management of the coal mine, Xiao Jun is also requested not to announce this news to the public for the time being. Let's just say that Xiao Jun and the Zhen family are just a cooperative relationship. "

Zhen Mi said.

"It's nature. "

Xiao Yi still understands this truth.

Zhen Mi smiled slightly, her face relaxed.

From her eyes, it is not difficult to see the potential of Xiao Yi. Taking refuge in Xiao Yat will definitely make the Zhen family go to glory!

"Zhen Mi, meet the lord. "

Zhen Mi walked up to Xiao Yi and bowed deeply.

"Hmm. "

Xiao Yi nodded and accepted this worship.

"Zhen Mi has something to ask for, and I hope the lord can agree. "

Zhen Mi was a little embarrassed,

Before I started to work, I asked for help.

However, she also has no choice, her father's body is getting worse day by day.

"Since it's a family, you don't have to be polite, just say anything. "

Xiao Yi waved his hand magnificently.

"My father was sick from exhaustion, and his health was getting worse day by day. I heard that Doctor Zhang was working for Xiao Jun, so I begged Xiao Jun to let Doctor Zhang treat my father's illness. Great kindness, toothless and unforgettable. "

"Is it convenient for your father to come over? If it's not convenient, I'll ask Doctor Zhang to come over. "

When Zhen Mi heard this, she was overjoyed,

"It's convenient, it's convenient, thank you, lord!"

"Don't call me the lord, rusty. Be good, call the master. "

Xiao Yat is like a strange uncle who seduces Lori.

Zhen Miqiao's face flushed, and she lowered her head and shouted softly, "Master." "

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