The earth is trembling!

As far as the eye can see, there are Han soldiers everywhere!

The banners were hunting in the cold wind, and the majestic and neat Han army troops surrounded them!

"End...... Finished. "

Su Li was still in high spirits the last second, vowing to kill Lu Bu, but at this moment, his face was like ashes, and his face was more ugly than his dead father.

So many Han Chinese!

How can you run away?

He glared at Lu Bu, and there was a hatred in his heart!

The Han people actually used the god of war Lu Bu as bait to lure them into being fooled.

Can you not look up to us so much......

Su Li now has the heart to cry, if he listens to Roimo and runs for his life early, maybe he can run away a little. Now, I'm afraid that neither of the two flies will be able to fly out.

"Xianbei dog, aren't you going to kill grandpa, grandpa is here, don't come quickly!"

Lu Bu shouted loudly as he rushed this way!

He is now extremely excited!

"I ...... I want to kill you!"

Hearing Lu Bu's arrogant voice, Su Li was so angry that he had a toothache!

If you have the ability, you don't have to look for so many rescuers.

"Dashuai, what should we do now? There are so many Han troops, we are surrounded!"

Borage Roimo panicked.

He has three beautiful ladies, and if he can't go back, the northern tribe of Yi will be occupied by other tribes. Wouldn't others eat the grain he had so hard to grab, beat the baby he had worked so hard to raise, and sleep with his hard-earned wife!

When I think of this, I can't be at peace when I die.

"Don't I have eyes, and I want you to remind me!"

Sully glared at him angrily, then grabbed her weapon and smashed the tip of the messenger with a mallet.

Because of his intelligence, everyone suffered.

"Commander, let's surrender. If the Han people want to stabilize the border passes, they will definitely win us over and use our strength to contain our people. Surrender is our only way out. "

Gui Ni whispered.

Appeasing foreign races is a common means used by the Han Chinese.

Because the killing of aliens will arouse the hatred of the entire grassland people. And pacification, you can use the alien race to contain the alien race.

Liu Yu used this kind of policy, and Gongsun Du used it too.

Su Li thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

If you can't fight, surrender and call Dad, it's not the first time, there's nothing to be ashamed of.

So he ordered the soldiers to lay down their arms and fall their flags.

"General Lu, I am Xianbei Yi Beibei Suli, can I talk about it before the battle?"

Seeing Lu Bu getting closer and closer, Su Li shouted loudly.

Lu Bu pursed his lips and restrained his horse, "Although I haven't heard your name, I will give you a chance, how do you want to talk about it?"

Under Xiao Yi's careful teaching, Lu Bu has made great progress now.

He seems to be a reckless man, but in fact he is reckless, whether he charges alone or stops to negotiate at this moment, it is to delay time.

Because the Han army that the Xianbei people see now is only a suspicious soldier, and the real team is not yet in place.

After all, from Wei Zhongxian's embroidery battalion, it was found that it was only a few days before Su Li's army went south. Surri's cavalry was extremely fast and well-targeted.

If it weren't for Lu Bu here, I'm afraid it would be too late to arm!

The suspicious soldiers around were the militia mobilized by Wei Zhongxian from the surrounding counties, and the real big army was still on the way.

It was agreed that it would be noon.

But now there is a quarter of an hour to go.

Without seeing Yue Fei's handsome flag, Lu Bu didn't dare to really make a move with Xianbei!

Otherwise, it is his responsibility not to completely annihilate these Xianbei cavalry.

"The general heard that our unit was hit by a snowstorm, more than half of the cattle and sheep were killed and injured, and more than half of the grain was destroyed. Therefore, I want to borrow some food from Zhuolu City so that my people can survive this winter.

It was really a last resort, not an intentional offense to Huwei!

If General Lu can forgive the villain's offense, the villain is willing to bow down and obey the general's dispatch in the future. From now on, every year will pay tribute, only the general will look forward!"

Sully began to sell miserably.

Hopefully, I can impress Lu Bu with this.

Lu Bu snorted lightly, "Without a sound, lead the troops into the city, this is your means of borrowing grain? If it weren't for General Ben here, how many Han people in Zhuolu would be slaughtered by you and others?"

Surrounded by my army today, do you think it's possible to let you go so easily?"

Su Li gritted his teeth and said, "I don't know what conditions the general has, even if he opens it, Su Li can do it, and he will never refuse."

As long as the general spares our lives, Su Li is willing to move south and serve the general. "

It is not uncommon for steppe peoples to migrate south.

When Liu Yu first became the assassin of Youzhou, he had a hot relationship with the grassland interracial race. At that time, many foreign races moved into Shanggu, Yuyang, and Daijun, and lived with the Han people.

Later, Liu Yu was demoted, and Guo Xun took the throne.

met Zhang Chun, a native of Zhongshan, and Zhang Ju rebelled. These two colluded with Wuhuan to occupy the land and cities of the three armies, and enslaved the Han people.

With the help of Wu Huan's power, he invaded Youzhou and Jizhou, and even grabbed Qingzhou.

In general, the people of Youzhou are separated and entangled with these alien races. When the Han army was strong, everyone lived in harmony. When the Han army was weak, the Han people would be bullied by other races.

"Do you really agree to everything?"

Lu Bu lifted the corners of his mouth.

"Please believe in my sincerity, General. "

Su Li also admitted that as long as he could survive, what was the point of losing some property.

It's a big deal to wait for the future, when the Han people beat themselves up, and then take advantage of the chaos to grab it back.

Han people often beat their own people, so there are many such opportunities.

Having made up his mind, Su Li was mentally prepared to be opened wide by the lion of Lu Bu.

"Well, keep all the horses here, and every year from now on, we will give us a thousand good horses. You can't disobey orders when we need to!

If you could do that, you would have been spared!"

Lu Bu really dared to open his mouth!

Xianbei is a nation on horseback, and letting them leave all these war horses is tantamount to asking for their lives.

Without horses, they have no fighting power at all, and even if they return to the tribe, they will be captured by other tribes.

Moreover, the population of the northern Yibei tribe is only tens of thousands, and the war horses are much more difficult to raise than cattle and sheep, and the growth rate is slower. Offering a thousand good horses every year, they can't take them out at all!

Rao is Su Li has been mentally prepared, and he does not dare to agree to such conditions.

If you promise, you will become a sinner in the northern tribe of Yibei.

"General, if you offer such conditions, you might as well kill us directly. "

Su Li said with a calm face and a cold voice.

Lu Bu looked indifferent, "It's okay, kill you, these horses will also belong to so-and-so." "

"You ......"

Su Liqi's teeth were about to be crushed, and he couldn't wait to fight with Lu Bu.

Of course, if he can beat Lu Bu, he will definitely pounce.

"General Lu, if you say this, we can only fight to the death. It's not good for you, either. Why don't you give in one more step.

You leave us five thousand of these horses, and we pay a tribute of five hundred horses every year.

You should know that without warhorses, our tribe will soon be annexed by other tribes. When the time comes, who will sacrifice the horse to you?"

Suli's heart is dripping blood,

Even if the conditions were cut by half, it would greatly damage the strength of his tribe.

But in order to survive, he had no other choice.

Lu Bu looked around with his peripheral vision, anxious, why hadn't Yue Shuai come yet.

He hadn't even thought about recruiting these aliens.

Because the lord's attitude towards foreign races is very clear: if it is not my race, its heart will be different, and the only way to destroy it is to eliminate future troubles!

Therefore, he said such harsh conditions just to stall for time.

"You have cut the conditions of a certain statement by half all at once, which is obviously insincere. "

Lu Bu feigned anger.

"General, you Han people have a saying, is it called fishing without drying up the water, and hunting without burning the forest? If you force us to death, you won't be able to get a good horse in the future, will you?"

Su Li said with a bitter face.

Lu Bu pretended to hesitate, thought for a while, and waved his hand, "The conditions you offer are too few, and I need to think about it before I can give you an answer." "

With that, he retreated.


This is a good excuse to stall for time!

When he turned around, the corners of Lu Bu's mouth raised a smug arc.

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