In the face of huge interests, there will always be people who are willing to take risks.

Jizhou and Merge Prefecture, there have been things where the family wants to buy back coal mines.

Don't think about it, it's definitely rejected.

When you first sold it, you were so active that you couldn't wait to force it. Now that I see that the coal mine has made money, I want to buy it back, how can there be such a good thing in the world.

After these families were rejected, they did not give up.

Bingzhou was headed by the Taiyuan Wang family, and Jizhou was headed by the Gao family of Wei County, and several families wanted to regain the mining rights.

expected that these people would make trouble, Xiao Yi had already arranged for people.

Those who went to the mining area to make trouble all disappeared from the world overnight. It's as if you've never been to this world, and you can't find a trace of it.

Afterwards, these families were also warned by the state pastors of the two states.

Since then, no one has dared to attack the idea of Xiaoyi Coal Mine.

The Zhen family's ability to do things is indeed very strong, they are in the open, and Xiao Yi's people are in the dark.

Hard power and soft power cooperate with each other, and the coal mine production chain is a stable horse!

In winter, every household needs to be heated.

In the past, the poor would pile up firewood in advance, and the rich would use charcoal.

However, whether it is firewood or charcoal, it is not resistant to burning, and when it is particularly cold, the consumption is very huge.

With honeycomb coal, one dollar can sell three, save a little, and use four or five at most a day, not even two baht can be spent, even the most ordinary people can afford to use it.

Therefore, as soon as honeycomb coal appeared, it immediately aroused the enthusiasm of the people in the north. Almost every household, will buy.

Shen Wansan roughly estimated that honeycomb coal alone could sell about 10 million per day.

According to one penny and three, that is, more than three million baht!

Excluding miscellaneous expenses such as manpower, transportation, and sales channels, the net profit is 2.8 million baht.

Xiao Yat has invested a total of more than 200 million, and he will almost be able to return to his capital in one winter.

This is only the coal mines that have been discovered, and Xiao Yi believes that there are many coal mines in the three states that have not been discovered. It can be said that this is a profitable business, and it is safe to make a profit!

In fact, coal is a treasure all over the body.

It can be gasified and turned into gas with a higher combustion value. It is also possible to liquefy, methane and petrochemical products.

It is also an important raw material for many fertilizers and chemical products, and if fully developed, it is far more valuable than honeycomb coal.

However, due to the limited technical conditions, in this era of backward productivity, Xiao Yi has no way to put those industrialized things together. It is inevitable that resources will be wasted.

In the past, many people froze to death every winter,

But this year, cheap honeycomb coal and coal mining jobs have provided a lot of jobs, giving those who are not viable hope to survive.

Therefore, the number of people who have frozen to death reported this year is less than 1 in 200 of the same period last year!

When this matter reached the imperial court, the Manchu Dynasty was very surprised!

Honeycomb coal is also known to more and more people.

Some bold businessmen bought honeycomb coal from the Zhen family and sold it to Liangzhou, Yongzhou, Sili and other places.

You know, at this time there is no heat island effect, and there is no global warming.

In winter, the thirteen states of China are very cold except for Jiaozhou.

Although the price of honeycomb coal has doubled through the transfer of middlemen, it is still very cheap compared to the expensive charcoal.

Cheap and easy to use, who wouldn't buy it.

Soon, those princes and nobles in Luoyang City also began to use honeycomb coal!

Above the court, those who have never given up criticizing Xiao Yi have chosen to shut up very tacitly this time.

Even those families who can't sell a lot of charcoal and smash it in their hands don't dare to be angry.

Everyone knows that honeycomb coal is an artifact for the benefit of the country, which can help the people of the Han Dynasty survive the cold winter!

It can greatly reduce the number of people who freeze to death!

Even the Chengde Palace, when the court meeting was held, honeycomb coal was lit!

"Your Majesty, Youzhou Mu Xiao Zizhuo, has invented such a divine object that benefits the country and the people, which is really a blessing for all the people.

From the cold winter to the present month, the number of people who have frozen to death this year is hundreds of times less than last year! This is all thanks to Youzhou Mu. Your Majesty should reward those who have made meritorious contributions, so that they can inspire the people of the world to serve the imperial court!"

In the court, many people asked for credit for Xiao Yi!

These people are loyal to the Han and hope that the Han can get better.

Nowadays, the name Xiao Yat is becoming more and more well-known to the world.

They naturally hope that a great talent like Xiao Yi can be reused by the imperial court, support the Han family, and restore the Han dynasty to its former glory!

"I heard that Xiao Zizhuo invented many national weapons, movable type printing and Xiao's papermaking that are beneficial to the people who read all over the world, and there are keel waterwheels, ancient windmills, threshing machines, rice milling machines and so on.

In Youzhou under his rule, the people lived and worked in peace and contentment, with plenty of food and clothing. The generals he guarded, and the aliens did not dare to cross the border for half a step.

If Your Majesty can reuse these great weapons of the country, he will definitely be able to restore the prosperity of the Han Dynasty and create a prosperous era of the Han Dynasty again, and its name will be remembered through the ages!"

Doctor Zhao Qi said loudly.

He is a veteran minister of the Four Dynasties, and now he is eighty-six years old, which is the oldest minister in the court.

He recommended Xiao Yat like this, and the weight was extremely heavy.

When his words landed, a number of Wenchen suddenly stood up and said in unison, "Such a great weapon of the country, please reuse it Your Majesty!"

These people have no communication with Xiao Yi, and they have never even met each other.

But they are genuinely thinking about the big man.

It is not easy for such a genius to appear in the Han Dynasty, if it can be reused, it is expected that the prosperity of the Han Dynasty will be promising!

Liu Hong sat on top of the dragon chariot and raised his eyebrows secretly.

Xiao Yi's actions did surprise him, but so many people speaking for him made Liu Hong very uncomfortable.

A foreign minister has such a high reputation in the court. If he comes to the capital to be an official, where can he still be majestic as a son of heaven.

It is a taboo thing for emperors of all dynasties.

Therefore, no matter what, Liu Hong could not call Xiao Yi to the capital.

He felt that since Xiao Yi was so capable, it would be good to help him guard the frontier.

"What you Aiqing said is very true, but Xiao Zizhuo was promoted several levels soon after becoming an official, which is a precedent that has never been seen by the Han Dynasty. If it is introduced to Gyeonggi again, it will inevitably cause dissatisfaction among others.

Moreover, Liu Boan was killed, and there is no suitable person to replace Youzhou for the time being.

If he is called away at this time, the stable situation in Youzhou will inevitably be destroyed.

So let's talk about the promotion of Xiao Zizhuo later. "

Liu Hong waved his hand.

The Son of Heaven made a statement, and the people below naturally followed his words.

Yuan Feng hurriedly stood up and said, "What Your Majesty said is very true. Good steel is used on the blade, Xiao Zizhuo has made remarkable achievements in governing Youzhou, if he is transferred, what if he does not do as well as in Youzhou? Isn't it a waste of talent?"

Yang Ci also followed, "Whether you are in Youzhou or come to Gyeonggi, you are all working for my Han." "

These families control the government and naturally don't want anyone to threaten their position.

Therefore, if you can not let Xiao Yi enter the court, you must resolutely not!

With these bigwigs standing up to help the emperor speak, Zhao Qi and the others couldn't say anything, they just felt a pity.

In order to appease them, Liu Hong ordered someone to seal Xiao Yi the post of general and rewarded him with something.

It can be regarded as a recognition of Xiao Yi's contributions.

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