The next day, Yue Fei submitted the conscription plan. The plan he made was relatively conservative, all the arms combined, only 12,000 people were recruited!

After Xiao Yat's operation, the total population of Youzhou has grown from more than 2.4 million to nearly 3 million.

To protect so many people and such a vast territory, 12,000 men were too little.

On the basis of what he formulated, Xiao Yat tripled all the troops!

Spring recruitment, 36,000 people!

Using the barracks, he drew up 10,000 cavalry, 5,000 crossbowmen, 5,000 sailors, 2,000 archers, and the rest were infantry.

Seeing Xiao Yi's approved plan, Yue Fei was a little dumbfounded,

"Lord, why do you need to recruit so many people? Didn't you say that there are not many soldiers? Recruiting so many people at once will affect the combat effectiveness of the army and greatly extend the training cycle. "

Twelve thousand people is a plan he made after careful calculation.

There is no war now, and he thinks that the current strength is more than enough to defend against aliens, and recruits twelve thousand people, just to be prepared.

There were 24,000 people in many places at once, which was really incomprehensible to him.

"This time, that time.

In the past, you were not allowed to recruit too many soldiers because the people under your rule did not have enough food and clothing, and the vast majority of them were malnourished. Now it's different, everyone is fat and strong, and their physical fitness has increased significantly.

Now that there is more and more surplus labor, if we don't find something for them to do, these people will definitely cause trouble and affect law and order. Let them serve as soldiers, not only to protect their homes and defend the country, but also to hone their will and enhance their patriotic thinking. That's a lot. "

If it weren't for the fact that the conditions were not yet ripe, Xiao Yi would have wanted to propose a two-year military service system.

Man is this kind of animal, when he is full, he wants to have a good time, and when he has a good time, he will pursue mental stimulation.

If it is not controlled, even if there are no major problems, there will be small frictions.

Moreover, conscription now is also for the sake of consideration later.

Now it seems that the world is peaceful, but in fact, there is an undercurrent of forces on all sides, and everyone is holding back their big moves.

When Liu Hong died, the world was in chaos.

When the time comes, it will definitely be too late for conscription training. So you have to prepare in advance, isn't it cool to directly crush the Quartet when the time comes!

After listening to Xiao Yi's words, Yue Fei was convinced, "The lord is prepared for danger in peace, and he is more thoughtful than his subordinates, and his subordinates will recruit soldiers according to the will of the lord." "

As soon as the spring recruitment list came out, it immediately attracted hundreds of people to participate.

The number of people who signed up to join the army in the counties far exceeded the planned 36,000.

To Xiao Yi as a soldier, the welfare treatment is very good.

Moreover, it is an honor to be Xiao Yi's soldier! Speaking out is more face-saving, and he is respected wherever he goes.

Many people who were once looked down upon by the township have undergone tremendous changes in their temperament and mental outlook after Xiao Yi became a soldier, and when they returned to their hometowns and provinces, everyone looked down on them.

People who couldn't find a daughter-in-law before, now the baby is hugged. also used the military salary he received to buy a few acres of land for his family, which made his neighbors envious.

It can be said that everyone is waiting for Xiao Yi to recruit troops.

Xiao Yi didn't expect that the people would be so enthusiastic, originally thought that it would take a month to recruit so many people, but it was done in less than ten days.

The enthusiasm of the people to join the army is very high!

The training of recruits and the development of Youzhou are in full swing.



Fushe Wangcheng, the northern capital.

The melting of the snow and ice awakens the hibernating beast.

In the palace of Fu She Wang Wei Qiutai, a woman with a gorgeous face lay delicately in the arms of a burly, strong man like a black bear.

At first glance, it has a visual sense of Beauty and the Beast.

"King, now that the weather is getting warmer, when will you avenge your father's murder for your concubine?

Last night, the concubine dreamed that her father was standing outside the door wet, saying that he was so cold! When the concubine thought of her father's death, her heart was extremely uncomfortable. I also hope that the king will take pity on the concubine and send troops to avenge his father!"

This woman lying in Wei Qiutai's arms is Gongsun Yi, the daughter of Gongsun Du.

At the beginning, Gongsun Du Liaodong was the king, and he conquered Fushe, Goguryeo, Qianqi and other surrounding alien races by force. At that time, the husband She Wang Wei Qiutai asked him to marry and asked to marry Gongsun Du's daughter to show his submission.

Now, Gongsun Du's daughter Gongsun Yi is Queen Fushe!

There is a way to kill the father's hatred and not share the sky,

Now, not only has my father been killed, but my brothers and sisters have also been killed. How could Gongsun Yi swallow this breath, almost all winter, she was begging Wei Qiutai to avenge her father. It was so grinding that Wei Qiutai's ears were calloused.

"My good queen, you can rest assured. My father-in-law was kind to me when he was alive, and he gave me such a good queen, if I don't take revenge, am I still human?

Half a month ago, I had already sent someone to contact Goguryeo and the Badgers. Calculating the time, the armies of these two countries are almost assembled. "

Wei Qiutai is a very ambitious person.

Although, Xiao Yat's reputation is as high as the sky, and it is terrifying.

But he has a lot of allies this time.

Gathering the soldiers of Xianbei, Karasuma, Fushe, Goguryeo, Xuanqi and Wofu, can't they deal with Xiao Yi alone?


Gongsun Yi's eyes widened in surprise, and he looked at Wei Qiutai with affection.

"You are my baby queen, such a big thing, will I lie to you?

The envoys of all ethnic groups must be in the northern capital in a few days. "

This time, they did muster up their courage!

Gongsun Yi was overjoyed, and a touch of hatred flashed in his beautiful eyes, "Xiao Yi, I want to dig out your heart and lungs and sacrifice the soul of my family in the sky!"

Three days later, the envoys of the other five tribes came to the northern capital.

"Thank you for your trust and support, I won't talk nonsense anymore, let's get to the bottom of things.

I think everyone knows that Youzhou has a very powerful character. His strength is ten times stronger than that of Gongsun Zhan! Gongsun Chan and Gongsun Du, the father-in-law of this king, were both destroyed by this person.

Youzhou is our granary, but now, Xiao Yi controls Youzhou, and we can't get a grain of grain. In the long run, many of our tribes will starve to death.

So, this person must be eliminated!

Now that my husband She is taking the lead in the crusade against Xiao Yat, do you have the determination?"

Wei Qiutai looked excited, with hatred and anger in his eyes!

In the past, when Gongsun Du was there, Fu She was indeed able to get a lot of food support. But now that Xiao Yat has cut off contact with them, even if they buy it with money, they have no chance.

Without the Han Chinese to supply food, their slash-and-burn productivity would simply not be enough to feed the existing population.

So this battle is imperative!

Last winter, Xiao Yi led people to ambush the Yibei tribe of the Xianbei tribe and killed more than 10,000 of my Xianbei warriors. This hatred, the Xianbei people can remember!"

Lord Xianbei walked to the root, gritting his teeth.

"We in Goguryeo have also suffered heavy losses!"

The envoy of Goguryeo spoke, and his face was also full of hatred,

"In the past, when General Du Liao governed Liaodong, he traded with us in Goguryeo, and the transactions were frequent. Now, Hsiao Yat-Na has closed all trading channels, and many people in Goguryeo have lost their livelihoods. "

"That guy wants to take away the waves, and the thief will never allow it!"

These people are able to come together, either with common interests or with common enemies!

Now, Xiao Yi's existence seriously threatens the interests of their various ethnic groups.

Therefore they gathered together,

There is only one purpose!

Defeat Xiao Yat!

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