Xiao Yat blitzed on Chun Hyeon, not to attack Marudu.

He knew very well that he had 3,000 back troops, and it was almost impossible to break through this big city.

Therefore, his troops are only here to create momentum and intimidate the enemy.

By the way, wait for reinforcements, and news of the battle with other troops.

Two days later, the defeated troops of Goguryeo returned to the city one after another. Unbeknownst to them, however, there were two thousand Beiwei troops roaming outside the city.

These remnants thought they were safe when they arrived at their doorstep.

Therefore, he relaxed his vigilance and was caught off guard by the back army again.

Although some of them fled back to Maruto, Marudu did not dare to open the door to meet them. Gao Bogu is afraid that this is a strategy of the Han people.

"Father, there are many of our soldiers outside the city who want to enter the city, why don't you let them in?

Keep them out, and you'll lose the trust of your subordinates. "

Hearing the news that Gao Bogu was not allowed to open the city gate, Yiyimo hurriedly came to the palace to find him.

He thinks that his father is too timid, and this will make his subordinates centrifuge.

"You know what!"

Gao Bogu scolded angrily, and said in a deep and deep tone, "You are still young and don't understand the Han people.

When this king disguised himself and went to study in the place of the Han people, he knew them very well. The Han people are good at using intrigues and tricks, and those soldiers outside the city may have our Goguryeo warriors, but I'm sure that most of them are disguised by the Han people in order to deceive our city gates!

As soon as we ordered the door to be opened, we fell for the tricks of the Han Chinese.

At that time, it will not only be the thousands of soldiers who will be lost, but the lives of more than 100,000 people and nobles in Marudu City. "

Iyimo is a bit devastated!

Having said that, he watched his own soldiers being killed right under his nose.

If you have a home, you can't go back, and if you have a country, you can't enter.

He felt very sorry for these soldiers, and he couldn't bear it!

"Father, we have to think of a way, these are our warriors. We can't let them have a home and can't go back, how desperate they should be. "

Yi Yimo couldn't bear to say in his heart.

"Alas. "

Gao Bogu sighed lightly and shook his head, "This king doesn't want to do this, but for the sake of the whole city, I can't lose a big one because of a small one." The Han people have always been cunning and cunning, and when they used intrigues and tricks, they didn't have our Goguryeo. When fighting them, you have to be careful and careful.

Because, if you are not careful, you will never recover!"

"This ......"

Yiyimo was a little hateful, "I knew that this was the case, and I couldn't let my brother lead the troops if I said anything." Well, now they were ambushed and killed by the Han army, and they were beaten to the doorstep of the whole Goguryeo!"

"This is to blame on the king. "

Gao Bogu rarely succumbed in front of his son, if he hadn't listened to Baqi's rhetoric, how could there be today's crisis.

"It's useless to talk about this now, Baqi is dead, and if you want to solve this crisis, you can only wait for reinforcements from the other three clans to arrive.

As long as the Han army can be repulsed, the king will retire from office to thank the people of the whole country.

When the time comes, the throne will be passed on to you, and you will have to do your best. "


Yiyimo was moved.

"Please rest assured, my son's retainers will definitely defend the pill capital and hold on until reinforcements arrive!"

For two days, not a single defeated army was able to enter the castle. Most of them were killed and scattered by the Beiwei army, and some people left the royal capital in disappointment and became deserters!

If the king was afraid of life and death, and gave up on them, why should they die for the king?

Some generals even wanted to defect to the Han army, but they were refused.

Treat foreign races, Xiao Yat will not accept surrender!

Another day passed, Gao Changgong came to Qixian with the reorganized Wudang Flying Army, and with them, there was also Wei Zhongxian!

Lao Wei personally appeared here, there should be something important.

Xiao Yi hurriedly received it,

"Old Wei, why are you here?

Xiao Yi hurriedly asked.

Wei Zhongxian hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Everything is fine at home, with General Yue and General Dian, as well as 30,000 recruits, no one dares to plot against them." The subordinates were just working in Xuansu, and when they heard that the lord was here, they came over to report the good news to the lord in person. "

"Oh, tell me about it. "

As long as it's okay at home.

"Xun Gongda's military advisor used a trick to order the young general Zhang Liao as bait to lure 100,000 Xianbei into being fooled.

General Lü and General Gao met up on the two roads and defeated Xianbei with Macheng. And chased all the way to Danhan Mountain, Yu Danhan Mountain broke the enemy army again, and destroyed a total of 60,000 enemies in two battles, killing Xianbei and fleeing in embarrassment. "

"Yang Zaixing and Guan Yunchang attacked Karasuma, and Lu Longsai killed Karasuma-sama Xiaoxi, annihilating more than 40,000 enemies. Yang Zaixing led his troops into the grassland, captured six tribes successively, and killed more than 100,000 people!

Karasuma fled thousands of miles north and did not dare to peep south. "

"After receiving an emergency from Xuansu County, Xu Yuanzhi and Zhang Yide rushed to support with a team, and Guan Yunchang led a large army behind. Xuansu was too guarded by Tian Yu to defend the city, and the 50,000 Fu She army could not attack it for a long time. Now that the reinforcements have arrived, Xu Yuanzhi is leading them to counterattack. "

"Good! good!"

After listening to Wei Zhongxian's report, Xiao Yi was very happy!

Just think, win beautifully, kill well!

Alien, the more you kill, the better!

"Tell the generals from all walks of life that the opportunity to make contributions and go down in history has come. If you want to completely defeat the aliens in one go, it is best to be able to exterminate them!"

Xiao Yi gritted his teeth, hatred surging in his heart.

"My lord. "

At this time, Liu Ji spoke,

"It is too inhumane to exterminate the clan, if we do this, what difference will we have from the cannibalistic alien race? Why should we insult the reputation of the lord for the sake of these lowly people? There is a way for my subordinates to do this, and it is better than to kill them. "


Xiao Yi hesitated.

From the bottom of his heart, he didn't want to do such a thing as slaughtering the race. But there is no way, he can't let the situation of Wuhu chaos be the slightest possibility.

As long as aliens existed, they would take advantage of the Han civil strife to invade.

Once their strength is strong enough, the historical tragedy of using Han people as slaves and captive Han people as meat is very likely to be repeated!

If Liu Ji really has a good solution, he doesn't mind adopting it.

"We just need to break their fighting spirit and make them completely lose their resistance. Then, these steppe aliens were moved into the Central Plains and enslaved. After all, they are human beings, and they are also capable of generating labor value.

Let them farm, mine, or graze. All the harvest is the lord's, and the lord only needs to give them something to eat.

If they behave well, they can be given the status of Han people, so that they can slowly become Han people.

In this way, after a few generations, they will forget their identity as Hu people and completely think of themselves as Han Chinese. "

Although this method is a bit troublesome, it has to be said that it also works.

After all, in the six or seven thousand years of Chinese history, many alien races gradually died out.

Not because they disappeared from the face of the earth, but because they were assimilated by the Han people and became part of the Han people.

The method of assimilating aliens that Liu Ji said is not impossible!

Xiao Yi thought about it for a while and nodded, "You can give it a try." "

Let's try it first, if it really doesn't work, then kill it.

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