Pill Capital Royal Court, Gao Bogu's face is not very good-looking these days, just like the dry bark of a tree, and the whole person looks haggard and old.

He sat on the throne, but he had no king's authority.

It looks like an old man on the verge of death.

"For so many days, this king has sent more than a dozen groups of people to ask for help, why haven't I seen a single reinforcement until now!"

Gao Bogu said hoarsely.

These days, he yells so much that his voice becomes hoarse.

"Back to the king, the minister just got the news. Fu She is now also pinned down by the Han army, and he has suffered heavy defeats one after another, and he has no spare strength to save us. "

An official in charge of liaison with Fu She said cautiously.

He knew that such an answer was definitely not what the king wanted.

Because Fu She is the support army that the king hopes for the most.

"Hmph, excuses! What bullshit allies, Wei Qiutai just wants to use the hands of the Han army to destroy us!

Don't think that this king doesn't know, they have captured Xuansu. The Han army was defeated by them, how could he not have reinforcements to save us. I just don't want to save it!"

Goub inherently felt like a thief ship.

Originally, he had a good relationship with the Han Dynasty, and as long as he paid a little more price, he might be able to reopen the port of trade with the Han people.

Well, now the Han fighter who followed the dog's day of Wei Qiutai is now being held to the neck with a knife.

The Liangzi of Goguryeo and the Han Dynasty became deeper and deeper, and there was no room for redemption.

"King, a few days ago, the Han army reinforced Xuansu, and the general Zhang Fei feigned to attack Xuansuo to attract Fu She's attention. However, Guan Yu quietly rushed to the capital of Fu She Wangdu. After receiving a distress signal from the northern capital, the Fu She army that captured Xuansu had no choice but to withdraw its troops.

On the way to retreat, Fu She's army was ambushed by the Han army and suffered heavy losses.

Not only did they lose Xuansu, but they also lost several county towns that the Han army had occupied a few years ago. Now all the troops are shrinking in the northern capital, and they dare not come out. "

The man didn't want to help Fu She speak, but as a liaison officer, he had the responsibility to let the king know the facts.

That's the case, it's useless for you to be angry, it's better to think of something else.

"Waste! Fu She is a waste from top to bottom! I can't even see the conspiracy and tricks of the Han people, I deserve to be defeated, and it is better to be destroyed by the Han people!"

Gao Bogu scolded viciously, venting his dissatisfaction with her husband.

If it hadn't been for Fu She's thief ship, how could Goguryeo suffer such a catastrophe. Everything is the responsibility of Fu She. Even if the Han army didn't destroy them, when this crisis passed, he would find trouble with his husband.

"What about the other two roads, Wo Fu, Cun, these two tribes have always been friendly with us, why don't we see reinforcements?"

The corners of Gao Bogu's eyebrows sank, and the whole person exuded an eerie atmosphere!

The liaison officer hurriedly said, "Back to the king, the priest of Wofu was killed, and their people have migrated to the north for fear of retaliation from the Han army. As for the reeds, it is estimated that the country has been wiped out at this moment.

Before, they sent 3,000 troops to attack Lelang as agreed. It was ambushed by a Han army, and almost all of its 3,000 soldiers were wiped out.

According to the survivors' descriptions, the 2,000 men who attacked them were all white-horse cavalry, and their subordinates suspected that they were the white-horse righteous servants left behind by the white-horse general Gongsun Zhan.

After defeating the caravan, Bai Ma Yicong broke through the carving all the way, impatient, King Kong Mountain...... Almost swept across the territory of the Raiders. Some of them fled to Samhan, while others were slaughtered, and even if they were not exterminated, they would have been completely destroyed. "

The voice of the liaison officer landed,

Above the main hall, it is exceptionally quiet!

A huge stone was pressed on everyone's hearts.

This time, the Han army was stronger than any time they had encountered before!

It's only been a long time, and the roe have already been wiped out by them.

It seems that this time, Han Jun is definitely not as easy to talk as before!

Gao Bogu also began to be afraid,

"In the past, the Han army would not have done such a desperate thing, why did they attack so ruthlessly this time!

Although it is only a small country, there are 40,000 or 50,000 people. Could it be that the Han army wants to do this to us?"

Although Goguryeo is more than ten times larger than Goguryeo, its population has reached six or seven hundred thousand.

But in the eyes of the Han Empire, it is still a land of projectiles!

If the Han really made up their minds to destroy them, the people of the whole country would take up arms to resist, but I am afraid that it will be useless.

"King, now that we have no allies, we are definitely not the opponent of the Great Han. It's better to surrender. "

"The subordinates think it is feasible. The Great Han has always accepted it when he sees it, as long as we come up with something that makes them happy, he will definitely withdraw his troops. Nothing is more important than preserving Goguryeo!"

"Ministers agree!"

In the royal court, there is only one voice - surrender!

Gao Bogu actually has this kind of plan,

It's not once or twice to surrender to the big man, and if you can't beat it, you will surrender, and there is nothing to be ashamed of.

Before, he couldn't put down his mouth and speak, but now the ministers have the same idea, so let's descend!

On the same day, Gao Bogu sent his son as an envoy to ask to see Xiao Yi.

After Yi Yimo met Xiao Yi, he put all the responsibility on Yu Qiutai and Baqi, saying that this was a private plan between the two of them and had nothing to do with Goguryeo.

"We, Goguryeo, have always been friendly with the Han Dynasty, and have been subservient to the Han since the time of Emperor Wu, how can we rebel.

It is hoped that the general will see everything and resolve the misunderstanding between the two sides.

If the general is willing to withdraw from the army, Goguryeo is willing to submit to the general and look forward to the general. Every year, he offered 1,000 gold, 500 good horses, 10 beauties, and a number of other products unique to Goguryeo.

Goguryeo and the general will always form an alliance and never betray the oath!"

Yiyimo is very eloquent and sincere.

But let what he said fall wildly, Xiao Yi only had one sentence, "What you said, as long as I destroy you Goguryeo, I can get a hundredfold, a thousandfold, or even ten thousand! Why keep you."

For the sake of your good attitude, I'll let you go back today. Tell your king, that he may take care of his health, and that he will not die too soon. In ten days, I will personally lead my troops to attack the city!"

Xiao Yi didn't give Yi Yimo a chance to speak, and directly ordered someone to blast him out of the tent.

"Ten days?"

Yiyimo was also a little angry, and stood at the door and said loudly, "You also underestimate my Goguryeo, no matter what conspiracy you use, it is impossible to break the gate of the pill capital!"

Now, Goguryeo's sincere submission is beneficial to both sides. If you insist on going your own way, the whole country of Goguryeo will surely fight against the Han army.

Which is better or worse, please think twice!"

"Who said I was going to use a conspiracy?

Ten days later, a boulder will fall from the sky, and the pill will be ready to meet the wrath of the Han people!"


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