"Oh no, the king, Han people...... The Han Chinese are attacking the city!"

On the top of the city wall of Maruto, I suddenly remembered the sound of the bell ringing, which shook the whole city!

Everyone's hearts are hanging tightly at this moment!

After waiting for so long, the Han army is finally here!

Gao Bogu, Yiyimo and others walked up to the city wall one after another.

"How many people are there in the Han army?

Although Bogu is getting more and more emaciated, he is the lord of a country after all!

At this moment, in the face of the great enemy, he took out the courage that a king should have, and his words were filled with irresistible majesty!

"Back to the king, it seems that there are not many people in the Han army, and we can find out, there are less than 5,000 people. However, they pushed high wooden shelves, and I don't know what kind of weapon it was!"

The defenders replied.

"Tall wooden shelves?"

Gao Bogu stood at the top of the city and looked out, and soon spotted the eye-catching, enhanced catapults.

Although he had studied in the territory of the Han people for a period of time, he had a better understanding of the Han culture.

But I've never seen a catapult, so I don't know what these wooden shelves are in front of me.

"This king heard that the Han people had three kinds of weapons to attack the city: the ladder, the hammer of the city, and the well. Could this be the well of the Han people?"

Gao Bo was inherently nervous,

He had never seen Jing Qian, but he also knew that Jing Qi was a very practical tool when the Han people attacked Dacheng.

His greatest reliance is the city wall.

Once the Han people broke the city wall, then Goguryeo was not far from extinction.

"What about the nobles from all walks of life, have they sent troops to support?"

Gao Bogu's voice sank!

The two eyes narrowed into a line, and even the person standing behind him felt a killing intent rushing into the sky!

The king is really angry!

The official in charge of supervision and liaison hurriedly said, "Back to the king, all the nobles have gathered their men and horses and are rushing to the royal capital. They did not, forgetting the king and the state. "

Gao Bogu took a deep breath, and his killing intent was slightly restrained,

"If only they arrived on time. If anyone dares to play tricks, before the king dies, they will definitely be buried with them!"

Nobility is given by the royal family.

But these people are contrary to the royal family.

Everyone could feel the anger in the king's heart. This time, if the king does not die, then it will be the turn of these nobles to be unlucky.

"Father, the Han people are really insidious and cunning, they say that the city will be attacked in ten days, but it is not yet ten days. If we believe them, we will be caught off guard. "

Yiyimo gritted his teeth and said,

Han people, it's too treacherous!

"Hmph, never believe the words of the Han people!"

Gao Bogu snorted.

"Let all the men come to the walls and help defend the city. Prepare for flammable things, and set fire to them as soon as they get close to them!"


"Boom ......"

"Boom ......"

The drums of war outside the city continued to resound, piercing through the air and the city walls, enveloping the entire Maru capital in the haze of war.

Although the Han army was less than 5,000 people, it was like a million troops besieging the city, overwhelming all the Goguryeo people.

Especially the low drum beat, like the footsteps of death, approaching little by little.

The reinforced catapult moved slowly, but this did not affect the pace of the Han army's march in the slightest.

The 3,000 Beiwei army acted as escorts on both sides, and the Wudang Flying Army lay in ambush behind, ready to intercept the enemy and protect the catapults.

The slower their speed was, the more nervous the Goguryeo military and civilians became.

This process of waiting for death is the most difficult.

"King, why don't you let your subordinates lead a team to kill them!"

Someone couldn't sit still.

However, in the eyes of the soldiers, this kind of invitation is rare for heroes.

But in Gao Bogu's eyes, it has become an act of looking for death.

Kill it out now?

I'm afraid you don't know how cunning the Han people are!

"No, they deliberately slowed down and blatantly attacked the city, and they must have ambushed men and horses in secret. We can't afford to act rashly now. Everything will wait for reinforcements to arrive!"

Little did he know that reinforcements were impossible.

Ten days ago, Guan Yu received an order from Xiao Yi to let Xu Yuanzhi and Zhang Fei quietly go south with a team and enter the territory of Goguryeo.

At this moment, this team is ambushing on the main road between Susheng Bone City and Pill Capital.

And after Zhao Yun destroyed the Qiang, he left Tai Shici and a hundred white horses to help the construction of Lelang County and clear the remnants of the Qiang.

He brought more than 1,800 people to support.

According to Liu Ji's orders, they lay in ambush on the main road between Mount Gaima and Marudu.

This is famous, encirclement tactics!

The nobles of the Bone City and the Gema Mountain rushed to support with their troops, but were ambushed on the way and suffered heavy losses.

Several nobles and lords who led the troops died tragically, and the rest of the team scattered and fled.

This is also the reason why Marudu has been unable to wait for reinforcements for a long time.

Because their reinforcements have already been defeated!

"My lord, the distance is almost over. "

After Li Cunxiao touched the distance, he came to Xiao Yi's side.

With the strength of his arm, he could already shoot the city wall with a ten-man strong bow at this moment.

"Very well, the army has stopped, and the back army is spread out, ready to charge and intercept the enemy at any moment. Slingers, adjust the height and angle, lock the gates for me, and the gate tower!"

Xiao Yi ordered,


Eighteen catapults were up and running at once.

Among them, there are 18 slingers who are specifically responsible for aiming, and after a week of training by Xiao Yat, they have basically mastered the essentials of aiming.

They adjust the angle and lock onto the target.

In a short time, eighteen cars were ready in turn,

"Lord, No. 1 is ready!"

"Number Two is ready!"


"Eighteen is ready!"


Xiao Yi snorted coldly, and the sword in his hand suddenly came out of its sheath!

Suddenly, it seemed that the power of heaven and earth was condensed on this sharp sword, even if it was a pill capital hundreds of meters away, tens of thousands of people could feel a wave of oppression that swept heaven and earth from the sharp sword!

Xiao Yi raised his sword high, and everyone's eyes were focused on it.

In a few seconds!

The sharp sword was pressed down by Xiao Yi fiercely, and the tip of the sword pointed directly at the pill capital,

The sound of the roar was like thunder, falling from the sky,



Eighteen enhanced catapults were launched at the same time, like the anger of the thunder prince and the roar of the gods,

The boulder rose into the air, causing the heavens and the earth to tremble.

"That's ......"

Tens of thousands of Goguryeo soldiers and civilians stared wide-eyed, their breathing stagnant, and their eyes stared at the boulder falling from the sky.

Yi Yimo muttered in fear: "Really, a boulder has fallen from the sky!"

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