"Zhang Qing, tell me and the ministers in detail how Xiao Qing destroyed the Goguryeo Kingdom and how he defeated the alliance of the six clans!"

On the dragon chair, Liu Hong became more and more excited.

Destroying the country and setting up counties, in the history of the Han Dynasty, there are very few!

How could he not be excited when he encountered such a thing.

The last emperor, Emperor Huan Liu Zhi, lost a lot of land in Youzhou, and eleven counties in Xuansu County were left in his hands.

Goguryeo also annexed several counties in eastern Liaodong.

It can be said that the alien races in the north have frequently harassed the Han frontier over the years, which has caused Liu Hong a great headache.

He has always been looking forward to the appearance of a person like Huo Quzhi and Dou Xian, who will completely scare these aliens by forceful means! Let them not dare to peep into the territory of the Han people for decades!

After waiting for more than ten years,

This man has finally appeared!

Moreover, as soon as he made a move, he was a gesture of destroying the country and sweeping the six clans!

Huo Quai's wolf Juxu, Dou Xianyan Ran Stone.

can't compare, Xiao Zizhuo destroyed the country and set up a county.

This is the supreme glory of the Great Han!

"Your Majesty's ......"

Zhang Juzheng explained in detail how Xiao Yi personally led the team to defeat Goguryeo, and how the generals under his command defeated several other alien races.

His eloquence is very good, and when he tells things, he paints his voice and color, and the tone is rendered, just like the storyteller is telling a legendary story, and the Son of Heaven and the Manchu Dynasty are attentive to listening to it, for fear that he will miss the wonderful part if he is distracted.


He didn't show the same edge as Xun You, but above the court, no one dared to despise him for half a point.

Even the transcendent families such as the Yuan family, the Yang family, and the He family are extremely respectful!

Because, Xiao Yi's credit has far surpassed their thoughts!

Destroy the country and set up a county, and destroy the three kingdoms!

It's something they can't even think of.


When he heard that Xiao Yi commanded his troops to cross the sea, ambushed for thousands of miles, and defeated the 50,000 Goguryeo and Wofu coalition forces with 3,000 backs, Liu Hong couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart, and couldn't help but clap his thighs, excited.

He has forgotten that he is the Son of Heaven, and he has forgotten that this is the court.

Listen, concentrate!

"It's a good encirclement point to send reinforcements, Xiao Jun is proficient in tactics, and it is really admirable to capture the pill capital with such a small number of troops!"

"The method of making the thunderbolt car has been lost, and I can't imagine that Xiao Zizhuo not only made it, but also made it more powerful than the thunderbolt car in the pre-Qin period. With this sharp weapon, the Han Dynasty will definitely succeed in attacking the city!"

"A good wild place can also be developed, Xiao Zizhuo is far-sighted, I might as well carry it!"

"Xiao Zizhuo is a god-given general, this is the blessing of the Han Dynasty, the blessing of His Majesty, and the prosperity of the Han Dynasty is hopeful!"


After Zhang Juzheng finished speaking, compliments to Xiao Yi continued to sound above the court.


Mostly from the heart!

A man who wiped out the Goguryeo Kingdom with 10,000 or 20,000 troops is worthy of their admiration!

"Good, good, good!"

After listening, Liu Hong said three good things in a row, expressing the irrepressible joy in his heart!

He lifted his crown, and suddenly sat up with great seriousness,

Seeing this, the hundred officials also hurriedly reined in and looked at Liu Hong seriously.

These court ministers are better than the other, and they know what amazing decisions the Son of Heaven has to make.

"Passing on my will, Youzhou Mu, the general Xiao Zizhuo, with a small number of troops, struck a fierce blow to the six foreign races, destroyed the Goguryeo Kingdom, and established a new Jilin County for our Han Dynasty! He made great contributions to the stability of the Han frontier. It is a bright star in the history of our Han Dynasty!

Feng, Xiao Zizhuo is a hussar general, a champion Hou, 30,000 households in Yi, a fake festival!

The merits of the champion Hou will be spread to the states and counties. Let all the people of the Han Dynasty admire the prestige of the champion Hou, emulate the champion Hou, and revitalize the prestige of my Han Dynasty!"

Liu Hong's voice was high-pitched and loud, and the echo in the Chengde Hall was not endless!


Hongluqing's pen flew like a fly, and he wrote down every word of the Son of Heaven!

Diyin landing,

Above the main hall was a deathly silence!

The civil and military officials were full of shock, and even suspected that their ears had heard it wrong.

Hussar General!

Champion Hou!

30,000 households!

These three rewards, Mrs. is terrible.

Especially the column of military attachés, headed by the general He Jin, did not look very good.

The hussar general, whose status is second only to the general, is incomparable to the miscellaneous card of the broken general.

It shows that this time, the Son of Heaven is definitely not perfunctory, but truly appreciative!

This is enough to see from the title of champion!

The civil officials of the Manchu Dynasty were shocked, and this is exactly the case!

Champion Hou!

In the history of the Han Dynasty, there are only three of them. I can't imagine that a hundred years later, there will be a fourth champion Hou!

The first place, Huo Quai's wolf Juxu.

The second place, Jia Fu, is a little less famous, but he is also one of the twenty-eight generals of Emperor Guangwu Yuntai!

The third place, Dou Xian Yanran Le Shi!

It can be said that the first and third places have made outstanding contributions to the fight against foreign races, and they are real national heroes! They have won the title of the whole army and are worthy of their name!

The title of Champion Hou is the highest glory among military generals!

The goal that countless generals have been fighting for all their lives!

No one would have imagined that the Son of Heaven would give such an honor to Xiao Yi.

Even, Xiao Yi's reward is better than the previous three.

Huo Qubing only sealed 2,500 households, and even Dou Xian, who was appointed as a general, was only 20,000 households.

And Liu Hong directly gave Xiao Yi 30,000 households champion Hou!

It can be seen that he trusts and values Xiao Yat!

Although Xiao Yi is still only a hussar general, he is above the court, and he is afraid that he will respect Xiao Yi in the future.

This time, not only the families panicked, but even the eunuchs panicked!

Because this is completely complete, it was a temporary idea of the Son of Heaven, and he didn't discuss it with them.

"Minister, on behalf of Xiaozhou, thank Your Majesty for your grace!"

Zhang Juzheng deliberately shouted loudly, waking everyone up.

He wants to tell those who have evil intentions that the Golden Mouth of the Son of Heaven has been opened, and the holy decree has been given, and I have already received the decree for the lord.

You guys

Don't think about obstructing it again!

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