Revoke the title of the country!

After this argument was put forward, all of a sudden, the court of Fu She was in an uproar!

Many people were shocked by this old minister!

Some grumpy generals immediately jumped out and scolded the old ministers,

"But the old horseman, Ann dares to say such traitorous words!"

"I think, in order to protect your family, you have long wanted to take refuge in the Han people as slaves and dogs!"

"My husband She has been founding the country for more than 400 years, has experienced countless ups and downs, and has finally developed to this day. The name of the country is given by the ancestors, how can it be said that it will be removed!

The king, if you have such a traitorous word, you should be cut in the city and warn the people!

As long as we work together, the Han people may not be invincible!"

"Minister, I am willing to fight to the death to protect the country!"

"Ministers, I am willing to fight to the death to protect the country!"

After the old minister finished speaking, many people jumped out to oppose it, and most of them were generals with enthusiasm.

Although these people want to cut people in half, they are not moved, and their expressions are very calm from beginning to end!

As the national teacher of Fu She Kingdom, the first wise man, before he said this, he had long expected that the people below would object, and he could even guess that those people would say those words.

But it doesn't matter,

He only needs the attitude of the husband and the king alone.

"Great King, Goguryeo's national strength is several times that of me, and the walls of Marudu are also fixed in the northern capital. Now, how does it end?"

Ranren reminded.

was originally instigated by the generals, and Wei Qiutai hardened a little.

But when he heard Ranren's words, he instantly wilted.

What was the end of Goguryeo? He knew very well that the kingdom would be eliminated and the king would be destroyed!

The people of the whole country have become slaves of the Han people!

Every time he thought about it, he would wake up from his dream. Fighting with the Han people is something he can't even think of.

A few months ago, the power of the six clans was gathered,

As a result, it wasn't that he was beaten into a dog by the Han people, and he was beaten to the northern capital before he even went out of the country!

If Goguryeo hadn't helped him attract firepower, I'm afraid that the first one to be destroyed would definitely be Goguryeo!

In these months, in order to appease the anger of the Han people, Wei Qiutai killed his beloved concubine, the daughter of Gongsun Du. even, he did not hesitate to send his granddaughter to the Han camp.

However, they were all rejected by the Han Chinese.

Refuse to surrender!

It is the attitude of the Han people.

You started the war, and now you can't fight it, so you want to surrender?

I'm sorry, there is no such good thing in the world! Han people, not anyone who wants to bully can bully.

However, the reminder made Wei Qiutai hesitate again.

"Great King, the reason why Goguryeo destroyed the country was because Gao Bogu was cowardly and cowardly, and he watched his soldiers die under the city walls, but he did not dare to open the door and let them in, causing everyone to rebel and leave.

The king, you are deeply loved by the people of Fushe, as long as you give an order, Fushe 300,000 people will have the same hatred. Han people, what a way!"

The main battle faction was led by their great general, Yu Jiliu.

This person is also the first fierce general of Fushe Country!

He has a very high prestige in the country, and in a word, there are tens of millions of soldiers who buy his life for him.

But, it's just a fierce general in the land of projectiles.

A few months ago, he took the initiative to provoke Guan Yu, but in less than three moves, he was almost beheaded. If it weren't for the timely rescue of his subordinates, how could he have a chance to BB here.

After he finished speaking, the generals below applauded in unison and applauded!

Ranren glanced at him lightly, and still said in a tone that was not angry, "Dare to ask the general, how to break the battle formation of the Han army, how to resist the iron cavalry of the Han army, how to defend against the catapults of the Han army?"

Three hows,

It was like three flies that flew into Yu Yuliu's mouth, making his face extremely ugly.

Because, he once gave the battle formation of the Han army in vain, and was once chased and killed by the cavalry of the Han army.

As for the catapult, although he had never seen it, he had heard of how the pills were breached. Even a city as strong as Marudu can't stop catapults, and there is no hope for the northern capital.

But Yu Jiliu will not admit defeat to the people,

He gritted his teeth and insisted, "There are 300,000 people in the country who share the same hatred, even if they use the tactics of crowd warfare, they can pile the Han people to death!

The man shook his head,

Raising the bar doesn't make sense.

He didn't bother to argue with a rough person like Yu Qiliu, and looked at Wei Qiutai again, "King, there is only one chance, if you fight again, you will win." If you lose, the country will perish!"

The destruction of this country and the name of the country he said are completely different concepts.

In addition to the country name, the people are still there.

If the country is destroyed, the country and people will be destroyed!

"This matter is very important, let the king think. "

Wei Qiutai waved his hand and dismissed the meeting!

A month later,

Xiao Yi's road has been built to the gate of his country.

The main force in road construction was the Goguryeo people. Because there is such a policy: those who perform well in road construction can be removed from slavery status and given Han nationality!

In other words, as long as you behave well, you can become a Han Chinese!

The welfare of the Han people and the slaves are very different. The status is high, there is a cultivated field, every family can eat meat, and every year can wear new clothes.

With so many benefits, I just died of happiness.

Therefore, everyone wants to obtain Chinese nationality and become Hermes-Epitek!

It was precisely because of this policy that the Goguryeo people basically gave up resistance.

During this period, although several nobles wanted to raise troops to restore the country, they were strongly suppressed by Xiao Yi, and all the people involved were slaughtered cleanly, razing the three clans!

After several bloody conflicts and the death of tens of thousands of Goguryeo, no one dared to resist anymore.

If one person participates in the rebellion against the Han people, he will raze the three tribes!

With the hope of becoming Hermes-Epitek, no one wants to rebel. Rebellion will affect the three clans!

Gradually, in the hearts of the Goguryeo people, they have let go of the three words of Goguryeo and fought to get rid of the status of slaves!

As a result, every road was built very quickly!

Seeing that the road of the Han people was repaired to the gate of the country, King Fushe panicked again.

However, the country is still divided into two factions!

The main battle faction led by Yu Qiliu, and the main surrender faction led by Ranren.

Wei Qiutai is old, he has long lost his own opinions, and he doesn't know who to listen to, and he lives a miserable life every day.

So, he made a decision to give up the throne in advance to his son Jian Ju, and became the king himself.

Knowing that Wei Qiutai did this, the people shook their heads and sighed, resigned from their official positions, and stayed at home and did not come out.

First of all, Jian Ju is heavy on martial arts and light on literature, and has always been close to Yu Qiliu's military generals and alienated from literati. When he ascends to the throne, he will definitely adopt Yu Jiliu's opinion.

Secondly, I knew with my toes that it was impossible for Jane to surrender.

People have just ascended to the throne, and their butts are not yet hot, will they give up the throne and the country to others?

Don't be funny, no one would do that!

Exactly as Ran people guessed, the first thing Jane did after she became at the top was that the whole country was a soldier!

Call on the people of the whole country to take up the weapons in their hands and defend their homeland!

At the same time, the army was recruited, and the defense was actively deployed.

Externally, he contacted Karasuma, Xianbei and Hug, wanting to find foreign aid to resist the invasion of the Han army!

In just a few days, Fu Sheguo has made a big move.

Even, Yu stayed in the southwest of the army and wanted to attack Guan Yu who was stationed in Xuansu. Because he knew that Guan Yu didn't have many soldiers under him!

Fu She made such a big move, of course Xiao Yi knew it clearly.

In the northern capital, his embroidered envoy has long been lurking.

"Lord, it seems that Fu She is planning to raise the strength of the whole country and fight us to the end. "

Hearing the information from the embroidered envoy, Li Cunxiao's eyes flashed and he was excited!


He was never afraid!

Xiao Yi glanced at this battle maniac lightly, and the corners of his mouth lifted slightly, "In this way, we won't have any burden." "

Li Cunxiao was stunned,



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