Facts have proved that Xiao Yat's tactic of pulling the net to advance is very effective. Not only can it boost morale, but it can also prevent fish from slipping through the net.

When he captured Muzha City, the will of the Fushe people was already crumbling and on the verge of collapse.

The other roads advanced for three days in a row, and did not find a single enemy.

All of these husbands and women fled in despair.

The obstacles to advance were suddenly much less, and the Seventh Route Army arrived at the Northern Capital with ease!

Nearly 80,000 troops surrounded the northern capital.

Although the northern capital is not as magnificent as the pill capital, the city walls are also three zhang.

These days, they strengthened their defenses, added many turrets and forts, and even made improvised ramparts for the ramparts.

Outside the city, the moat was widened, and within a radius of 500 meters, it was paved with rubble.

Obviously, they were defending against the trebuchets of the Han army.

However, what they did, in Xiao Yi's opinion, was like a child who was afraid of being beaten by an adult, and folded a piece of armor for himself with paper.

With these gravels, Xiao Yat even saved the time of looking for stones, and directly ordered people to collect wood and gravel, and built trebuchets under the noses of Fu Sheren.

As for the catapults on the city walls, which looked like catapults, they were actually very laborious, not to mention that the range was not as far as the bow and arrow, and they could not pose a threat to Xiao Yi's army at all.

Six days later, thirty-two enhanced catapults were deployed around the northern capital.

He took the stones from the ground and threw them into the city.

With the experience of the last time, and the months of training, the slingers have become more and more proficient and accurate.

Thirty-two catapults fired in unison, and the stones thrown into the sky fell into the northern capital like rain.

The city walls were smashed piece by piece, and the people in the city also suffered heavy casualties.

In the face of such a formidable army,

Everyone, from commoners to kings, was left with nothing but despair.

An hour later, the walls were breached, and an army of 80,000 entered the northern capital......

Fifteen days later, the entire territory of Fushe was occupied.

Fu She,

Annihilation of the nation!

300,000 bones fill the ravine, and a thousand miles of fertile soil become a river of blood!

Fu She has been completely wiped out from this continent!

The news spread very quickly,

Xianbei Royal Court,

After Xianbei Wang Kebi learned of this news, he immediately convened the four departments to discuss. They held a meeting for a day and a night, and finally decided, just like moving 500 miles north, giving up hundreds of miles of grassland to the Han people.

They eventually chose to settle on the North Seashore.

It's the same with the various departments of Karasuma, moving west!

Wofu, who had already moved north for a hundred miles, continued to move north, and then crossed the sea to the "Haitian Empire".

According to the Han Dynasty's "Biography of Dongyi", in a sea area near the north, there lived a "Haitian Dynasty", which refers to the huge island east of Wofu. That is, Sakhalin in later generations.

There are indigenous people on the island, because they are very similar to primitive people, and they are covered with hair, so the Han people call them "Mao people".

The hairy man is cruel, but there is no way to do it.

Further north, it's too cold to survive. In order to avoid the Han people, they could only choose to cross the sea to snatch the living space of the Mao people.

As for Hug, when he heard the news of the destruction of Fu She's country, he was so shocked that he was also a little scared.

Han people, too ferocious.

It's only been a month, and it's been a month to destroy the country, and the husband and the people are not left!

Even the surviving husbands can only remain incognito, not daring to call themselves husbands.

After occupying Fushe, Xiao Yi incorporated the entire territory of Fushe into Xuansu and re-established eleven counties.

And build stone monuments and temples to pay tribute to the Han people in the eleven counties who were once wrecked!

Because of the stone monument that was built, a festival was held at the mouth of the Matsue River.

Later generations called the incident of Xiao Yi's extermination of her husband She, and worshiped the ancestors of Songjiang!

Knowing what Xiao Yi did, the people of Xuansu and Liaodong counties wept bitterly and were moved.

Because of them, there are some people who are descendants of the hundred letters of the eleven counties. People who live now are often abused by their husbands.

Now Fu She has been wiped out by the clan and the country has been eliminated!


The situation of the border battle naturally had to be reported to the imperial court, and the matter of destroying a country in a month soon spread to Luoyang, Kyoto.

The envoys of Youzhou and the envoys of Fu She arrived in Luoyang almost at the same time.

The war report entered the dynasty and shook the Beijing Division!

"Did you hear about it, the champion Hou killed Fu She again, this time it took a shorter time, and he wiped out Fu She in just one month!"

The streets and alleys of Luoyang are all talking about one thing: Xiao Zizhuo Songjiang worships his ancestors!

"It's really worthy of being the champion of my Han Dynasty, now, the alien race has a real nemesis, and I will never dare to invade my Han border in the future. "

"In the future, I don't think you know. The champion Hou destroyed the country of Fu She and slaughtered the people of Fu She. In the world, there are no more husbands and hers, how can they have a future?"


"I heard that there are more than 300,000 people in Fushe, and he is a powerful barbarian clan in the northeast border pass, so many people, have they all been killed?"

"The whole world knows about it, can there be a fake? Champion Hou once said: If it is not my race, its heart will be different. Beat them now, and in a few decades and a hundred years, they will definitely make a comeback. Then will come to our children and grandchildren.

Champion Hou directly exterminated their dead clan once and for all. In the future, there will only be us Han people in the world, and there will be no foreign races. "

"Champion Hou, he is really the first hero of the ages!"

The common people can't think about the political level, their ideas are very simple, the alien race is hateful, and they should be killed!

Now, Xiao Yat has done what the people are looking forward to, and the people's hearts have skyrocketed!

The thirteen states in the world are all fans of Xiao Yat!

Xiao Yat didn't know this, only knew that his reputation was growing at an alarming rate every day!

Fu She's envoy stayed in the post station, waiting for the summons of the Son of Heaven.

However, a day earlier, they had already contacted the Ten Standing Attendants and received the consent of the Ten Standing Attendants. So they were relieved and didn't go to understand what was going on outside.

In the early dynasties, the Son of Heaven summoned his husband and envoys into the temple to face the saints.

Zhang Juzheng only arrived one day later than them, and after the report, he went directly to the palace!

After entering the palace, the envoys of Fu She immediately expressed the intention of King Fu She to permanently submit to the Han Dynasty. And constantly, give Zhang to make them look at each other.

However, Zhang Rang ignored them as if he didn't see them.

Fu She didn't know what was going on, Zhang Rang, who had eyeliner all over the world, how could he not know?

Your husband and she have been wiped out, so why should I risk offending the champion Hou to speak for you.

Zhang Rang didn't speak, and the envoy could only be anxious.

"Your Majesty, our clan has always been subservient to the Han since ancient times, blessed by the Han, and has never done anything out of the ordinary to the Han. And I, the king, have great respect for your majesty's holy might.

Today, Youzhou Mu has an unprovoked crusade against our clan, and the people of Fu She are already the people of the Han Dynasty, Xiao Yi slaughtered for no reason, destroying the friendly relationship between Fu She and the Han Dynasty. I beg your Majesty to condemn this executioner and put an end to his atrocities!"

Fu She made the ministers cry, and almost moved Liu Hong.


Liu Hong's expression was upright, and he said extremely seriously, "How did I hear that it was your husband She Xian who united the five clans with me at the border of the Han Dynasty?"

Besides, Fu She has been wiped out, and the country is gone! I want to help you, but it's too late.

You're too late. "


Except for the country!?

"How is it possible, Your Majesty, you must be joking. "

Fu She's envoy's face was pale and panicked.

No way

When pigs fly!

It's only been two months, and we've arrived in Luoyang more than a month ahead of schedule. Fu Sheguo, more than 300,000 people, how can it be......

However, Liu Hong waved his hand, "Father, show them the battle report from Youzhou." "

Zhang Rang said "whoa", picked up the battle report and handed it to the envoy of Fu She, and threw one over by the way, I also had a helpless expression.

The envoy took the battle report and read it,

Followed by

shocked, his face became extremely pale,


The envoy screamed, fell to the ground, and vomited blood on the spot!

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