
Xiao Yi followed the prestige, only to see Liu Ji walking over quickly, and behind him, it was Li Cunxiao, Yue Fei, and Zhang Fei.

"The military advisor is coming!".

Liu Ji's reputation among the people is not low, and when everyone saw Liu Ji, they immediately showed a look of relief.

"Great, the military advisor is going to stop them, these people are going to plot against them at a glance!".

"You must not let Xiao Jun go with them. "

"I think this must be a Hongmen feast!".

"Arrest them and torture them, maybe they are thieves impersonating!"

Before Liu Ji arrived, the people began to discuss.

The general of the Taishou Mansion was sweating profusely, and hurriedly took out his military card, "Xiao County Order, we are really the people of the Taishou Mansion." If you are too obedient, you should obey it as a subordinate official, otherwise...... It's disobeying military orders!".

The general gritted his teeth and said with difficulty, for fear that the words "disobeying military orders" would anger these people.

Xiao Yijian raised his eyebrows and glanced at him coldly.

If you don't go, you're disobeying military orders?

"This general, this official is the personal county commander of the Son of Heaven, not Taishou's subordinates. He only has the right to supervise his own officials, but not to give orders. If you don't go, what will you do?"


As soon as Xiao Yi's words fell, the soldiers and ordinary people took a step forward in unison, and with a strong momentum, they took another step forward.

The general of the Taishou Mansion was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat, and he felt that as long as he said one more word, he would be torn to pieces by these people immediately!

"It's a subordinate who has lost his words, and I ask Xiao County Ling to forgive me. "

Under the obscenity of the people, he had to bow his head and apologize.

At this time, Liu Ji walked over, "This general, you go back and tell Taishou that Xiao County has important government affairs to deal with, and you can't get out of it for the time being."

In the future, if the situation calms down, I will come to the door in person to apologize.

In addition, please tell Taishou that you must strengthen your precautions in the near future!

That's all there is to say, please come back. "

Liu Ji directly issued an eviction order, as a military advisor, he has this right!

"But ......."

"Why, what do you mean by letting my lord go to the county town, do you really want to murder my lord?"

Zhang Feibao's eyes kicked, and the frightened man hurriedly retreated, and hurriedly waved his hand

"That's not what the lower official meant, the lower official just quit. "

He fled in disgrace.

I wanted to pretend to be forced here and get some benefits, but I didn't expect to encounter such a group of Diao militia ruffians, and I didn't get the benefits, not to mention, and I lost face.

The generals of Taishoufu were so angry that after returning to the county town, they did not convey Liu Ji's words at all, but instead slandered Xiao Yi for gathering Diao people and attempting to rebel!


When Han Zhuo heard this, he was immediately furious, "Vertical Zi'an dares to be so rude!".

"Colleagues, it's time to take my word for it. He Luan glanced at everyone triumphantly, and then arched his hand towards Han Zhuo, "Fu Jun, at this time, you should immediately report to the assassination history, and while his conspiracy is not yet mature, immediately send troops to fight and strangle him in the cradle!"

The opportunity for revenge has finally come!

In order not to make Han Zhuo hesitate, He Luan continued to bewitch, "Fujun, if there are more and more people rebelling today, it is a great achievement to quell the rebellion. If you hesitate, when this son becomes bigger and stronger, the court will inevitably be responsible. If you make up your mind to strangle this rebellion in the cradle, the court will surely reward the prince for his wisdom!"

Political achievements are the honor of an official, who doesn't want to do more political achievements in office?

Therefore, as soon as He Luan said this, Han Zhuo's heart was suddenly moved.

"What General He said is extremely true, immediately order troops!".

Han Zhuo ordered He Luan to be a general, and led 5,000 soldiers to Zhuo County.

There were scouts who spread the news to Zhuo County.

"This Han Zhuo is either stupid or has villains around him. This is going to hit me, brain-dead?".

Hearing the news, Xiao Yat was speechless.

He is accumulating strength to deal with the Yellow Turban Army, and he doesn't want to expose his strength so early!

But when others come to beat him, he can't just be caught.

"Lord, I heard that the county lieutenant He Luan is Zhao Jie's uncle, maybe this matter has something to do with him. "

Sun Li suddenly thought of this relationship.

"Either way, the city will be a few days away, and we can't let them get close. "

Xiao Yi's gaze fell on Liu Ji and several generals.

Several generals stood up impressively

The loud voice suddenly sounded, "Lord, the last general is invited to fight!"

PS: Ask for a flower~

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