"What can be done to save filial piety, say it quickly. "

Xiao Yi looked at Li Cunxiao in surprise, and almost forgot that this guy is not only brave and invincible, but also very good at leading troops to fight.

For a long time, Liu Bowen has been resourceful and Yue Fei has been the commander of the army, but it has covered up his talent in this area.

At this time, Xiao Yi was the only one by his side who was proficient in leading troops to fight, and whether he could successfully stop this catastrophe was up to him.

The subordinates observed for a while, and found that the ranks of these thieves were disorganized, and there was no formation to speak of.

Presumably, they don't have the friendship of the real army, and the names of the people around them may not be clear. "

Speaking of which, Xiao Yi understood.

"You want to blend in with the group?"

This idea is very bold and can only be described as the boldness of the artist.

Only Li Cunxiao's strength dares to play like this.

If you were an ordinary person, surrounded by enemies, I am afraid that you would have been frightened a long time ago.

Li Cunxiao nodded, with a relaxed expression, "The thieves don't have a team, they don't have unified armor and weapons, as long as they wrap a yellow scarf around their heads, it's easy to get in." "

Seeing that the yellow turban thieves were getting closer and closer to the city wall, but there was no warning in the city, Li Cunxiao didn't wait for Xiao Yi to nod in agreement, so he took out a yellow scarf and wrapped it around his head, jumped off the horse and rushed out.

"You protect the lord well, if the lord has a hair, then you are asking!"

Before the words were finished, the man had disappeared.

The soldiers admired Li Cunxiao's courage, grabbed the weapon in his hand tightly, gritted his teeth and said, "Please rest assured, even if we all die in battle, we will never let the lord be hurt by half a point!"

With that, they surrounded Xiao Yi.

Everyone saw that Li Cunxiao quickly blended into the chaotic team.

Because he was relatively tall, and the Yuwang lance in his hand was also very conspicuous, Xiao Yi watched him shuttle through the team, constantly rushing to the front of the team.

500 meters, 400 meters, 300 meters ......

The Yellow Turbans were getting closer and closer to the city, and they were careful not to make a sound.

Obviously, they did not intend to storm it, but to make a sneak attack.

The remodeled walls were taller and stronger than before, and they did not carry good siege equipment, so it was not easy to storm them.

However, when they were less than two hundred meters away from the city, the guards still did not notice.

It's as if all the guards are asleep.

"Something is wrong, it's already so close, why hasn't there been any movement in the city?".

Xiao Yat was a little confused

These soldiers were all trained by Yue Fei, even if they didn't know the news in advance, it was impossible for them to be so lax.

"Is it ......


Xiao Yi's eyes suddenly lit up, and his nervous expression gradually relaxed.

The soldier next to him was puzzled, "What did the lord think?"

"It's all this time, and the brothers in the city haven't noticed it yet, their garrison is too lax. Why didn't the lord reproach them, but looked at ease?".

They were in a hurry, and they wanted to climb the wall themselves to stand guard for those people.

Xiao Yi smiled, "I'm afraid, it's us who are too worried." "

"What do you mean? "

The lord is playing dumb riddles again......

Two hundred meters, one hundred meters ......

At this time, torches suddenly lit up at the head of the city!

When the soldiers around Xiao Yi saw it, they couldn't help but exclaim, "Oh no, my lord, it must be a spy in the city, releasing a signal!"

"What's going on with General Li, he hasn't acted yet!".

"I'm really in a hurry!".

Everyone's hearts suddenly rose to their throats.

The guards are so lax, and there is still an internal response in the city!

It's over, I'm afraid the city won't be able to hold it!

The soldiers remembered that if it weren't for Li Cunxiao's advice, they would have been eager to kill them immediately!

"Don't worry, it's just bait. "

Xiao Yat was more relaxed.

The torches on the city wall are so obvious that they can be seen inside and outside the city, and it is clear that they are not from within.

And Xiao Yi believes that it is impossible for Liu Ji and Yue Fei to make such low-level mistakes.

So, the only explanation is,

All of this is a good show by director Liu Ji!


The soldiers' eyes widened, and before they could wonder, the battle had already broken out.

"Kill, ......


After receiving the signal to attack, the Yellow Turban Army launched a frantic assault, and countless people rushed to the city gate.

This was agreed upon in advance, and a signal was received that Nei Ying had taken control of the city gates.

However, when they rushed to the front, they found that there was a pit, and they could not open the gates.

"Open the door?".

There are grumpy people who can't help but slam the door with a weapon.

"Boom ......


In response to them, there was a burst of thunder and rolling wood

Countless stones fell, and hundreds of people were smashed to their heads and bled out.

The screams muffled the sound of fighting on the battlefield!

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