Yuan Shu was in the main hall at this time, standing on the dragon chair, with a silk trimmed with gold wire tied around his neck.

Just kidding, no matter how bad my Yuan Shu is, he is also the first generation of the lord of Dacheng Kingdom, and the founder of the country and the king of the dead country are all him, although he said that he has posthumously crowned all kinds of emperors with his ancestors of the Yuan family for nearly five generations, and the temple number is flying all over the sky.

Even if he has all kinds of Taizu Taizong on his head in name, what still can't be changed is that he personally established the Dacheng Kingdom, although it is said that he has the help of the ancestral foundation, but this Dacheng is built up by him brick by brick.

Although he didn't want to die, he also thought that Xiao Yi would not kill an emperor who surrendered, because he was alive and even after being captured, and what he brought to the Han was far greater than that of an enemy emperor who was executed.

But, after all, he is the emperor.

Although the princes of the world did not admit it, he still put himself in the position of the Son of Heaven.

Therefore, being afraid of death is afraid of death, Yuan Shu still decided to die for Dacheng, and proved to the people of the world that he Dacheng Emperor Yuan Shu was not a greedy person who was afraid of death.

In the hall at this moment, not only Yuan Shu, but also a group of ministers and eunuchs and palace maids.

Originally, those generals were also imprisoned in the main hall, but when their descendants and relatives came in to ask for the release of their main generals, Yuan Shu hesitated, he estimated that his own forbidden army guards of less than five hundred were even adapted from the previous Yuan family guards.

It must not be able to withstand the killing of these people in the army, so Yuan Shu retreated and decided to leave Wenchen to martyr, including those concubines.

A generation of emperors, even if they die, they have to leave some dignity for themselves.

Of course, this imperial position is just Yuan Shu's own inner thoughts.

"Emperor Shenwu Yongtian Shengxiao, today collapsed, martyred and died!" the eunuch's shrill voice called.

This temple number was given to himself by Yuan Shu, after all, it stands to reason that an emperor should have his own temple number, and he knew that his honorific title could not be handed over to Xiao Yi for his life, so he simply gave his life in advance.

"Emperor Chengwen, today it will collapse!"

The ministers in the audience all knelt on the ground and kowtowed, not because they really respected this so-called emperor, but because they hoped that the emperor would not be so dead before he died, and pulled them into the water.

After all, wouldn't it be a bit reluctant to let them accompany the martyrdom of this great Chengguo, which was established for more than a year until its destruction?

Xiao Yi of the province gave him an emperor, or disdained the position of his self-proclaimed emperor, and did not give the temple number at all.

Then Yuan Shu felt in his heart that it was a big loss, he didn't have a temple number for an emperor, let alone a honorific title.

I just gave it to myself before I died, at least I could enjoy it.

"Ladies and gentlemen, be flat!" Yuan Shu's tone had an ethereal flavor, you must know that the person who had figured it out before death was the most terrifying.

Because they are no longer afraid of death, they are just fulfilling their unfulfilled long-cherished wish like walking corpses.

"Emperor Xie!" the ministers stood up, but the Praetorian Guards behind them did not let go of their bodies, and still held them firmly in control.

Something isn't quite right......

"Ladies and gentlemen, I know that you have won this great success. Shu was wearing a dragon robe at this time, but he seemed to be in a daze, and his tone was terrifying.

"In that case, I can't let you love Qing in the world and suffer the persecution of that thief. "

"Today, I invite you Aiqing to follow me on the road and go to the underworld to recreate my Dacheng's country!"

After hearing this, those ministers directly weakened their legs and fell to their knees.

When an elderly minister heard this, he immediately cried.

"My emperor, Wechen is willing to stay in this dirty and ugly world, Xiao Yi's dog thief is punished by everyone, and Wechen is willing to watch Xiao Yi's dog thief be killed for His Majesty the Emperor!"

The old minister's tone was sincere, compassionate, and even a little unfair to the world.

As the saying goes, life in the world depends on acting skills.

This old minister, at this moment, has three points of sadness, three points of helplessness, and four points of coldness.

The shouting and killing outside is getting closer and closer, don't perform at this time, oh no, when will you stay loyal at this time?

All the ministers knelt on the ground, buckled their heads and pleaded guilty, they all felt as if they were asking for their lives for the country, and at this time, as far as they were concerned, living seemed to be the greatest torture.

"Weichen, I am willing to see off Your Majesty, and I am willing to watch Xiao Yi's dog thief fall for Dacheng!"

The voices of the ministers echoed in the main hall, looking empty and neat.

Yuan Shu sighed in his heart.

I don't know what's going on in your mind?

Originally, I was a little moved at the first time, and I even thought about nodding in agreement.

When all the ministers began to kowtow and ask for this, Yuan Shu's brain was not good enough to make it clear at this time. To put it bluntly, I just don't want to die.

Then this is easy to do, if you don't want to die, then everyone will die together.

"I admire the courage of your Aiqing to sacrifice their lives for the country, but I really can't bear to let the Aiqing survive in this chaotic world and be born for the country!"

"Ladies and gentlemen, I will go first, and you will follow!"

At this time, three of those Praetorian Guards were in charge of one minister, two were in charge, and one was holding a glass of wine.

The blood-red drift is reminiscent of poisoned wine at a glance.

Yuan Shu was mentally prepared and hung his neck on the silk.

As soon as his feet were on the ground, Yuan Shu's eyes widened and he struggled hard.

"The general is here, save the emperor quickly!" the shrill voice of a eunuch finally put an end to the farce.

When Zhang Xun entered the main hall covered in blood, this scene simply stunned him - above the court, the emperor was hanging, and the ministers were forced to drink poisonous wine to commit suicide.

He immediately shouted.

"Get Your Majesty down!"

After that, four or five eunuchs hurriedly rescued Yuan Shu, who was wide-eyed, and originally thought that Yuan Shu was out of breath and the emperor had died.

"Woo, the emperor has died!" cried the eunuch closest to Yuan Shu.

Of course, he was just pretending.

After being a house slave in the Yuan family for decades, one day the head of the family will be the emperor, and he will castrate you, the original head of the inner courtyard, are you happy?

Obviously, the sword is not old, but it was cut off violently, this eunuch felt disgusted with Yuan Shu from the bottom of his heart, but he still had to make enough of the appearance.

"Cough cough cough ......" Yuan Shu coughed a few times, his pale face gradually returned to ruddy, obviously he did not lose his breath.

Of the people present, I'm afraid that only Zhang Xun is really happy.

Zhang Xun hurriedly knelt on the ground and saluted.

"The last general is too late to save the car, and I hope Your Majesty will forgive your sins!"

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, recommend, and share!,

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