Outside the city, on a hill.

Liu Ji, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei ambushed here and witnessed Li Cunxiao's terrifying strength!

"General Li is brave and invincible, I'm afraid that even if the overlord is alive, it's nothing more than that. "

Liu Ji sighed.

thought it would be a vicious battle, but because of the strength of Li Cunxiao alone, he turned the situation around!

And that's not all,

The morale of the Zhuoxian army was greatly boosted, and the soldiers were eager to try, and they all wanted to follow the fierce generals to fight!

"I have always felt that my eldest brother's skills are only a little better than me, and today I realized how ignorant I am. "

Zhang Fei rarely convinces people, but today, he is committed to Li Cunxiao's admiration of the five-body body!

He is very fortunate to be able to form a brother with such a heroic hero!

Guan Yu rarely put away his arrogance and nodded seriously, "If it is a real fight, even if you and I join forces, I am afraid that it may not be the opponent of the eldest brother." "

They feel more and more that this big brother is not in vain!

Courageous, strategic

After this battle, it will be famous all over the world!

"Well, two generals, you are not too arrogant. Now that General Li has made a good start, it is time for you to show off your skills.

Today's battle will surely attract the attention of the world!

Let's go!".

Looking at the yellow turban soldiers who fled in embarrassment, Liu Ji waved the order flag in his hand.

The second general Guan Zhang led the two armies to kill together!



"Don't let a thief go!".

Li Cunxiao's courage alone has already greatly boosted the morale of the whole army.

The soldiers behind him, like tigers and wolves, pounced on their prey.

In the city, the tall and handsome hundred horsemen came out.

On the other side, Xiao Yi saw that the soldiers around him couldn't hold back the restlessness in their hearts, and let them let go and fight.

The three people came out together, although the number was small, but the Yellow Turban soldiers were scattered, and the blood flowed like a river!

These people were all organized on an improvised basis, and their fighting qualities were extremely poor.

Now, without the command of the generals, it is even more scattered.

As soon as the fierce generals from all walks of life came out, they immediately killed them and doubted their lives.

Soon, this battle became a stage for Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Gao Changgong, Sun Li and other generals to perform. They compete with each other for merit more than anyone kills!

All of them strictly follow the orders of the military division:

In this battle, we will never surrender!

No matter how the Yellow Turban soldiers knelt on the ground and begged for mercy, the soldiers were unmoved. The white knives went in, the red knives came out, and soon everyone's knives were stained with blood.

The Yellow Turban soldiers had long lost their fighting spirit, and in the face of the Zhuoxian army that refused to surrender, they were completely desperate.

The battle lasted only two hours before it ended.

The midday sun shone on the earth, and the blood was particularly dazzling.

In this battle, the more than 5,700 Yellow Turban soldiers who invaded Zhuo County, including their generals, were all annihilated, and none of them survived!

When Xiao Yi came out of the forest, Liu Ji was directing everyone to clean up the battlefield.

With so many corpses, they can't be left here to rot.

And their weapons can also be recycled and reforged.

The first battle was a resounding victory, and everyone was very happy, and some soldiers tirelessly carried corpses, collected weapons and supplies, and hummed little tunes in their mouths.


Seeing Xiao Yi, everyone saluted.

Thanks to Xiao Yat's good training conditions, they have the ability to kill enemies.

Everyone knew very well in their hearts that if there was no Xiao Yi, even if he was not starved to death, he would have been killed by these hateful yellow turban thieves.

Therefore, everyone's heart is very grateful to Xiao Yat.

Xiao Yi nodded

The soldiers stayed to clean up the battlefield, and Xiao Yi and the others went back to the city.

"It's Xiao Jun, Xiao Jun is back!".

"Our soldiers have won the battle, and Zhuoxian is safe!".

"Great, thanks to Xiao Jun and the military advisors, otherwise we would have suffered. "

"These thieves are so hateful, why should they rebel? Isn't it good to come to live a good life under Xiao Jun's rule......


When the team returned, the people welcomed it.

In the crowd, a shadow suddenly came out and threw herself into Xiao Yi's arms.

Smelling the familiar smell, Xiao Yi knew that it was Diao Chan, the little girl.

"Husband, you are finally back, the concubine is worried about death!".

Diao Chan lay in Xiao Yi's arms and sobbed.

Hearing that there was a war all over the world, Xiao Yi was outside again, and Diao Chan didn't sleep in worry. Seeing each other at this moment, she could no longer suppress the thoughts and worries in her heart

So much so, forgetting the occasion.

"Alas, everyone is scattered, don't stay here to eat dog food. "

"Look at other people's ladies, and then look at my family, alas...... What a gap. "

"Well, what do you say!".

"Madame spares ...... life".

The term dog food was the first thing Xiao Yat said.

For more than a month in office, he would stay with everyone when he was fine, and the last time he was building the city wall with the workers, he inadvertently uttered some new and strange words, which the people quickly remembered.

Everyone knows that this young county magistrate is kind and benevolent, so while everyone loves him, they also make some jokes in the market.

The people dispersed in a hurry, but Liu Ji and the others did not leave, Diao Chan made a big red face and ran away in shame.

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