"How does the husband know that the concubine is good...... Good friends are coming?".

In the courtyard, only the two of them were left, and Diao Chan was not as restrained as before. In the end, curiosity triumphed over shyness.

"If a girl treats herself, her best friend will come to her on time, and there is a pattern to follow, usually 28 to 30 days

Your good friend came to you on the fifteenth last month, so this month, it must be the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth days. "

These things are taught in physiology classes in middle school. As long as you are not a straight man of steel, you should know it.

However, it is now more than 1,800 years ago, and anything about physiology is difficult to talk about, so many people are not aware of these laws.

Except, the girls themselves.

Although Diao Chan's face was red and a little shy. But seeing that the husband observed so carefully, an inexplicable sense of happiness struck.

Only if you care about yourself will you observe so carefully.

Again, she felt the taste of happiness from this man.

And whenever this happens, the system will sound

[Ding, gain +5 intimacy, +557 red experience!].

In a month, the intimacy level has increased to 57, and the charm has also increased to 133.

The higher the charisma, the more experience you will gain from the interaction!

Diao Chan's wife is really powerful, in such a short period of time, she has helped him increase all his attributes by 4 points!

The cooldown of the resurrection has also been reduced again.

Not only can it be pleasing to the eye, but it can also improve its strength

Xiao Yi is really, he loves this wife to death.

"Cicada, I'll give you another gift for my husband. "

Xiao Yi hugged her face and kissed her on the forehead.

Although there were no outsiders next to him, the latter couldn't help but blush

"What kind of gift?".

Diao Chan looked at Xiao Yi shyly, and his bright big eyes were full of expectation.

"You'll find out in a moment. "

Xiao Yi smiled mysteriously, and then called Yun'er, the most ingenious maid in the house, and ordered her to find cotton cloth, cotton, and paper towels that were very absorbent and not easy to break.

Yun'er's female workers did a good job, and under Xiao Yi's guidance, after a while, a beautiful "aunt towel" was ready.

Xiao Yat "measured" the size of Diao Chan more than once, so the size was just right.

"Master, what is this?".

Although Yun'er did it, she didn't know what such a cloth bag was for, and her delicate face was full of suspicion.

"It's for you girls. "

Xiao Yi smiled slightly.

In this era, there were already simple aunt towels, made of cotton cloth and plant ash. Although the materials are different, the shapes are similar.

Therefore, as soon as he said this, Yun'er suddenly understood, and her face turned red.

"Master, you ...... How could you do this?".

Yun'er's heart was pounding, as if she had done something unsightly, but very exciting.

It was amazing for a man to know these things.

"With careful observation, coupled with a brilliant mind, nothing will not be. "

Xiao Yi boasted to himself for a while.

"It's good to use, it's just too expensive. "

Yun'er is considered to be a maid, and she is relatively bold. Knowing that this master has a gentle personality, he does not have the restraints of an ordinary maid.

She was right, whether it was cotton cloth or cotton, it was a very valuable thing.

Cotton has not been in China for a long time, and the planting range is small, so the price is very expensive. Not to mention, absorbent tissues that don't exist at all in this era!

Just such a small piece of aunt's towel, the cost of the material alone costs fifty baht. Ordinary people can't afford to use such an expensive thing.

"Do you have a good idea?".

Xiao Yat didn't specialize in this, so naturally he didn't know what could be replaced.

But Yun Niang Niang is more outstanding, smiling playfully, and flattering as if she has said, "The slave knows a kind of moss, and after drying, it absorbs water better than kapok." And, it's everywhere. If you use it instead, it will be much cheaper. "


Hsiao Yat is not a botanist, so he doesn't know what kind of moss she is talking about.

But there's such a thing, you have to give it a try.

So, he arranged for people to let Yun'er do it.

After today's attempt, the effect of the "aunt towel" made is really good, breathable, good water absorption, and can prevent side leakage, which is simply amazing!

When Diao Chan's good friend came, after experiencing the comfort he had never had, he praised his father-in-law vigorously

"Husband, this kind of thing you invented has benefited thousands of women.

In the future, when a woman's best friend comes, she will never have to worry about it again!".

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