The Jingguan of Zhuo County has already spread in the Youji area, and as soon as Liu Yu came from Bingzhou, he heard that the Yellow Turban Army attacked Zhuo County and was wiped out.

In the context of the vast majority of counties being miserable, Zhuoxian's victory is indeed extraordinary. Liu Yu also wants to see what kind of character this Zhuoxian county magistrate is!

Since he came to Zhuo County by accident, he naturally wanted to see Jingguan, who was deterring the Yellow Turban Army, and get acquainted with this legendary county commander.

"Liu Bo'an?

If you want to go to Quang Duong, you should walk north along this avenue and arrive in less than two days.

Most of these roads are in Zhuo County, and you can rest assured that no thieves will dare to spread wild in Zhuo County. "

Yue Fei didn't mean to take Liu Yu back to the city

Nowadays, the county-level security is on guard, and people of unknown origin are resolutely not allowed to bring in.

"Little county army, dare to be rude to Lord Assassin Shi!".

The people behind Liu Yu shouted.


Seeing that someone was yelling at his own general, the Beiwei army immediately surrounded him. The blade has a chilling glow, which makes people shudder.

The adjutant beside Liu Yu was suddenly so frightened that he didn't dare to say anything.

But Liu Yu, a person with a Confucian temperament, was not panicked at all.

He turned around and drank, "How can you speak here!".

turned to take out an object and handed it to Yue Fei, "This is a certain assassination order, with the seal of the Son of Heaven on it, it can't be faked." "

Yue Fei glanced at it, it was really a royal thing, so he believed it.

"In the special season, I am rude, please forgive Liu Youzhou. "

Liu Yu waved his hand and said with a smile, "It's okay, it's okay, this is the general's duty." Do you know that the general has a great name?".

He saw that Yue Fei had a heroic aura, and his aura was magnificent. The soldiers he brought with him were also all majestic, and they were very fond of them in their hearts, and they had the heart to make friends.

"Under the order of Xia Xiao County, Yue Fei, the word Pengju. "

Yue Fei saw his desire to win over him, and hurriedly expressed his position.

Tell Liu Yu that I am a person from Xiao County!

was rejected by Yue Fei, Liu Yu did not look embarrassed, and still smiled, "General Yue, can you take someone to Zhuo County?"

The assassin was coming, and Yue Fei naturally had no reason to refuse, so he led the way in front.

Liu Yu and the attendants beside him followed behind.

When they officially entered the territory of Zhuo County, Liu Yu and the others were suddenly shocked by the scene in front of them.

I saw that the farmland was green and vibrant.

The common people are working in the fields with peace of mind, and the woodcutters are talking and laughing and chopping firewood on the mountain

The more Liu Yu looked at it, the more shocked he became, and even couldn't believe what he saw.

"It's incredible!".

After watching it for a long time, Liu Yu couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

"From Luoyang to here, thousands of miles away, it is the first time I have seen such a beautiful scene...... No, I've never seen someone so big!".

The common people are talking, laughing, and working happily!

This rarely appears in the history of the Han Dynasty. I'm afraid that only when Wenjing Zhizhi and Guangwu Zhongxing were in the middle of the reign, there were similar scenes.

Along the way, Liu Yu and the others saw either dry grass and wasteland, or corpses in the wilderness. There is war everywhere, and the lives of the people are not guaranteed at all, so how can they farm with peace of mind?

In order to escape the war, many people fled with their families, and the land left behind became wasteland.

"Lord, it seems that this Zhuoxian county order is not just as simple as fighting. To be able to govern an originally poor Zhuo County so well, this person is not simple. "

The crowd of guests behind Liu Yu were all surprised.

Because Liu Yu is the second time to serve as the assassin of Youzhou, many of these guests who have followed him for a long time are locals of Youzhou, and they are quite relieved to see such changes in their hometown.

For the county order that I have never met, I invisibly gave birth to a little respect.

"It's not easy. Do you see how the people here are different from other places?"

Liu Yu is very politically capable, and with the vision of a politician, he is usually able to see the essence of the problem.

I see it more thoroughly than others!


"More motivated?".

"Is it more populous?".

The doormen speculated.

Liu Yu shook his head, "It's satisfaction!


All we saw along the way was pain and fear, even the people in Luoyang City, the imperial capital, had never felt such satisfaction!

It can be seen that the people here live a very good life and are full of confidence in the future. The happiness of the people can reflect the ability of an official. This Xiao County Commander has done something that no one has ever done before, and his ability is only unmatched by the entire Han Dynasty. "


The surrounding doormen gasped.

These words came from the mouth of their lord, which is too high!

You must know that Liu Yu's political ability is among the best in the entire Eastern Han Dynasty.

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