"Husband, it's windy at night, this is the cloak that the concubine sewed for you herself!".

The drums of war sounded, and the whole city entered the first level of alert!

As the head of a county, Xiao Yi naturally had to rush to the front line in person. Even if you don't participate in the battle, you have to be with the soldiers.

Now, he has become the backbone of Zhuo County, and everyone is looking forward to him. He's like a strong strike aura that can boost a soldier's fighting spirit!

Before leaving, Diao Chan personally put on a cloak for him.

Feeling this soft love, Xiao Yi couldn't help but grab his little hand, "Don't worry, I'll be back soon." "

When a husband is going to war, what wife would not worry?

It's just that Diao Chan didn't want to add to Xiao Yi's burden, so he didn't show his worries.

As for stupid words like "can you not go", she won't say it.

"Hmm. The concubine is waiting for your return. "

Diao Chan nodded heavily, indicating her conviction and expectation.

[Ding, intimacy +3, red face experience +577.].

Different from the previous goodbyes, it makes the two more intimate.

Xiao Yat didn't say those sensational words

Because, there is no need.

Walking up to the city, I saw the earth under the cover of night, and the fire was connected together. Countless Yellow Turban soldiers carried torches and flaunted their might under the city.

A cluster of firelight surrounded the horns of the bull and approached the city.

"Listen to the people in the city, our righteous army has received the will of the Yellow Heaven, to replace the mediocre and decaying Han Dynasty, and to create a better world for the people of the world.

Don't be stubborn and resist the Mandate of Heaven!

Do you see the mighty army behind you, as long as a certain order is given, a million righteous troops will set foot on the city in an instant. Wait for the city gate to open the city gate and surrender as soon as possible, otherwise when the city is broken, the old and the young will not be left!".

Zhang Niujiao raised his arms and exhaled, and the Yellow Turban Army behind him suddenly roared very cooperatively.

This guy is quite good at pretending.

But Cheng Yuanzhi beside him glanced at him unhappily, thinking that this forced you to pretend, how did Lao Tzu become a supporting role.

No, you have to stop him.

"Zhang Shuai, is it too dangerous for us to get so close to the city?"

He wanted to scare Zhang Niujiao back, so that he could get a chance to perform. Who knows, but he was ridiculed by Zhang Niujiao

"Cheng Shuai, you are too bold. It was still two hundred paces from the city, and even if he had a first-class archer in the city, he would not be able to shoot so far.

Rest assured, there has been no movement in the city until now, maybe something has worked, and they are considering surrendering. "

The more Zhang Niujiao talked, the more proud he became, and he felt that his life had reached its peak.

If he can say Zhuo County with just one mouth, his name of horns will definitely resound throughout the Yellow Turban Army in the future. If you don't get it right, the great sage and good teacher will give him a famous general.

The plan failed, and Cheng Yuanzhi retreated to the side depressedly.

And inside the city,

Everyone looked at Zhang Niujiao like fools

Surely this man is sick.


Xiao Jun has brought us a better life than we have ever had, and we will kill him and surrender to you


"Generals, whoever can shoot this man with an arrow, I will reward him with a piece of paper!"

Xiao Yi pointed to the shouting Zhang Niujiao and looked around at the generals around him.

Reward a piece of paper!

It's definitely a tease to put it in the present, but in this day and age, toilet paper is definitely an artifact!

The toilet chips used by ordinary people are made of bamboo or wood, and they must be reused. That thing is very unhygienic after a long time, and it is easy to cause anal fissures, hemorrhoids and other sequelae, which makes people miserable.

Especially the soldiers who fought on horseback, because the saddle had not yet appeared, their suffering was multiplied several times.

Therefore, after experiencing the softness of toilet paper, Xiao Yat's generals loved it to death.

Even Lao Zhang, who is a heavy drinker, moved wine to second place in his mind after getting to know toilet paper.

This shows how much people are hungry for paper.

When they heard that there was a reward for carrying paper, their eyes immediately turned red, and they picked up their bows one after another.

However, after several attempts, they failed because the distance was too far.

Instead of striking Zhang Niujiao's arrogance, he was ridiculed.

"Hahaha, that's all you can do, surrender as soon as possible. "

"If you want to kill Zhang Dashuai, there are still 10,000 years left. "

"Zhang Dashuai is invincible, standing here, you can't help him. "

The surrounding Yellow Turban Army took the opportunity to fraternize the sycophants, which greatly satisfied Zhang Niujiao's vanity.

"Yes, so-and-so is standing here, you can't wait!".

Listen to it,

Extremely arrogant, shameless!

The soldiers in the city hated so much that they couldn't help but reply, "There is a kind, you go a hundred steps forward and try!".

"If I don't shoot you into a hornet's nest, grandpa will eat this bundle of arrows!"

The two sides scolded each other, and the solemn battlefield suddenly changed the style of painting.

At this moment, Li Cunxiao suddenly brightened up, and said excitedly, "Lord, remember the paper of your subordinates!"

He excitedly walked to the crossbow platform, stepped on the crossbow with one foot, pulled the strings with both arms, and the giant crossbow that needed more than a dozen people to pull up was actually pulled into a full moon by him alone!

On the city wall, there was an instant silence, and they were all shocked by his divine power!

Zhang Fei rushed over excitedly, "Big brother, I'll help you! If you shoot this thief, you can divide it into a roll!"

Regardless of whether Li Cunxiao agrees or not, he used his shoulder to carry the giant crossbow and used it as a shooting bracket for Li Cunxiao.

With the cooperation of the two, a huge arrow broke through the air.


The arm-thick giant arrow was nailed to Zhang Niujiao's chest, sending him dozens of meters away, and the Yellow Turban soldiers on that line were killed by one or twenty!

In the Yellow Turban Army, it was as quiet as a dead silence!

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