Twenty-three years ago, Huang Mi met the county guard at the time. The county keeper was a dutiful son who was sweeping his mother's grave. In order to arouse Taishou's idea, Huang Mi moved his mind. "

In the puzzled eyes of everyone, Xiao Yi began to tell Huang Mi's evil deeds

As soon as he spoke, everyone fell silent.

Even Huang Mi, who was moaning in pain, didn't dare to say anything, but looked like he had seen a ghost, staring at Xiao Yi deadly.

What happened more than twenty years ago, how did he know!

It was winter, and it was freezing cold, so Huang Mi let her mother get sick from the cold, and then she pretended to go to the mountains to dig medicine to treat her mother. "

"You...... You are talking nonsense!".

Huang Mi endured the pain and screamed.

This sentence suddenly revealed his old bottom and made him terrified.

He suddenly remembered what he had said to make things difficult for Xiao Yi, and sarcastically mocked Xiao Yi for not knowing anything about them and not caring enough.

Now think about how ridiculous that statement is.

Xiao Yat not only understands, but also understands it so thoroughly, and everything that happened decades ago is known clearly.

This teenager is terrible.

Although he was protesting, his panicked appearance was tantamount to admitting that what Xiao Yi said was true.

For a while, many people clenched their fists and glared at Huang Mi through gritted teeth.

Filial piety comes first

For the sake of his own future, regardless of his mother's safety, such a person is simply inferior to a pig and a dog!

"This matter successfully won the favor of Taishou, and after curing your mother, Taishou accepted you as a protégé. But because of your limited learning, I was reluctant to promote you.

So, you ...... You're crooked again!".

"You...... You are talking nonsense!".

Huang Mi was scared and hurriedly interrupted Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi was already very angry, but seeing that he was still unrepentant, he walked over angrily and stomped on him!

"You actually killed your widowed mother, and then pretended to be a filial son for five years!"

Xiao Yi's voice was trembling!


"Pigs and dogs are inferior to things, in vain I have trusted you for many years!".

Many people scolded angrily.

is even more filial, but he came over and stepped on Huang Mi, and Huang Mi screamed in pain like killing a pig.

At this time, Huang Mi's face turned pale.

The huge impact in his heart made him no longer feel pain.

"You...... How do you know?".

He looked at Xiao Yi tremblingly, terrified to the extreme.

He thought that this secret had been hidden from everyone in the world, but he didn't expect that after 20 years, someone would find it out.

The heart collapses directly!

"If you don't want anyone to know, you can't do it unless you do. You've done more than that!"

Xiao Yi didn't vomit or be unhappy today, and told all the crimes he had committed over the years in one breath

Everyone around me who listened to it stood on end, and anger rose to heaven!

"Xiao County Order, you are right, it is too merciful to beat him like this. He should be paraded through the streets and put to death!"

Lin Yong, the Cangpeng official, was the most angry of them.

"That's it. "

Yat took his advice, but it wasn't enough

"Confiscate all of Huang Mi's family property and give it to those who have been mutilated by him. Strictly investigate the accomplices, and we cannot let go of a corrupt official!"

Xiao Yi's cold gaze swept towards those who spoke for Huang Mi just now.

These people are thieves and have weak hearts, so frightened that those people quickly bow their heads and dare not look at them.

"From now on, Ji Xiaolan will serve as the county magistrate, presiding over the case, and Lin Yong will assist. The rest of the personnel must cooperate fully!".

At this time, no one dared to despise Xiao Yat anymore.

"We will fully cooperate. "

[Ding, consolidated his full strength and status, handled government affairs, and obtained 20 political achievements. 】

[Ding, internal prestige, won the respect and worship of many people, and gained 1000 prestige!].

Two prompts rang in my ears.

As reputation was gained, so did the Prestige Mall.

Everything in the Reputation Mall appears immediately, as there is only 1 reputation level, and only two items can be purchased at the moment.

One is potato seeds, 1 prestige and 1 catty, and the other is Wuli Dan, 2000 prestige.

Potato seeds are small potatoes with sprouts and come with a growing technique.

The Martial Pill is a magical elixir that can instantly obtain super strength and lasts for thirty minutes. According to the introduction of the system, the force it provides is comparable to that of a first-class general!

For Xiao Yi, who is fighting against the five scumbags, this is indeed a good thing, but it is a pity that it is a little expensive.

The product is refreshed once a day, and Xiao Yat doesn't care about it for the time being.

Wei has already stood up, next, get down to business!

PS: Ask for flowers~

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