Seeing the general coming, the surrounding soldiers breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly moved out of the way.

"It's the ghost-faced cold-blooded General Gao!".

The surrounding people were also extremely excited, as if they had seen the idol's star chasers.

Although Gao Changgong doesn't talk much on weekdays, he is handsome and strong, cold on the outside, and enthusiastic on the inside, so he is deeply loved by the people.

Among all the generals, his prestige is second only to Li Cunxiao, and he is still above Guan Yu and Zhang Fei!

"General Gao is brave in killing the enemy and has extraordinary strength, this young man in blue is going to be unlucky. "

"Heh, dare to provoke our Zhuoxian, he's afraid he doesn't know why the flowers are so red. "

"Wait and see the show, General Gao will teach him how to keep a low profile. "

"General Gao, come on!".

The common people spontaneously organized themselves to cheer for Gao Changgong.

Hearing their discussion, the young man in blue was furious, "This city, a certain entry has been settled!".

"Look at the move!".

The young man slammed his fist on Gao Changgong's front door, and let out a beastly roar, "Don't dare to show your true face, what kind of hero is you!"

He is very competitive, not only to win, but also to disgrace this person in front of the people!

Gao Changgong easily dodged away and returned a punch sideways.

As soon as the connoisseur makes a move, he will know if there is one!

Although this person is reckless, his strength should not be underestimated. Even Gao Changgong had to deal with it seriously.

Therefore, he didn't keep his hand for this punch!


The two fists intersected, and Gao Changgong was shocked by the huge force and took a step back. And the young man was shocked back seven or eight steps!

The young man in blue and the young man behind him were all shocked.

"I can't imagine that there are such masters in this small county!".


Gao Changgong's bravery did not make the young man timid, but aroused his fighting spirit.

He pounced and tangled with Gao Changgong.

However, every time he pounced, he was quickly beaten back by Gao Changgong.

After more than a dozen rounds, the pair of fists of the young man in blue were red and swollen, and his arms trembled faintly. The eyes are becoming more and more frightened!

He boasts that he has a lot of strength, but he can't compare to the man in front of him who is not as burly as himself.

Who the hell is this guy!

"Go back, you're no match for me. "

It's rare to meet a person with good martial arts, Gao Changgong doesn't want to be aggressive.

Through the fight, it is clear that although this person has a short temper, he can also be called a hero and a hero, and he is by no means a traitor to the Yellow Turban.

"If you want to enter the city, you can line up in the line, I think the Lord Guild will welcome you. "

"Today, I will go in from here!"

The young man in blue was extremely persistent, knowing that he was not Gao Changgong's opponent, but he still had to fight hard!

"Zilong, get my gun!".

The boy did not speak, and silently handed over the gun.

People live for a lifetime and fight for a breath.

He understood his brother's heart at the moment.

No one needed to remind him, his own city guards took Gao Changgong's weapon.

However, the blue-clothed young man with weapons was still not Gao Changgong's opponent. Although his marksmanship was exquisite, his heart was already in turmoil, and in less than thirty rounds, he was picked up by Gao Changgong.

If it weren't for Gao Changgong's hand, this person would be seriously injured even if he didn't die.

"Please go back. "

Gao Changgong didn't want to be aggressive, but the other party was so persistent, which also annoyed him a little.

Directly, an eviction order was issued.

If the young man in blue messes around again, he will not be polite.

The young man in blue naturally wouldn't give up, he got up and was about to fight again, but was stopped by the young man in white, "Senior brother is tired, let me try." "

Gao Changgong stopped.

The young man in blue hesitated for a moment, "Avenge so-and-so!"

The latter did not speak, carrying a silver spear, and walked towards Gao Changgong. He stopped at a distance of ten steps and saluted, "Zhao Zilong, in Xiachangshan, I asked." "

Gao Changgong turned around, and there was a solemnity in his ghostly face.

The pressure brought to him by this young man was even stronger than that of the young man in blue.

In fact, the strength of the young man in blue is not much worse than him, but he is impatient, so he is full of flaws.

And this young man, although he is young, he is not sharp, and he is extremely calm.

As a battle-hardened general, Gao Changgong knew that such an enemy was the most terrifying.

"Xiao County ordered the front tooth general, Gao Changgong. "

Gao Chang replied with a salute.

Both of them are good at using guns. Before they could fight, a powerful momentum was formed, forcing the onlookers to retreat again and again, giving way to a large area.

Zhao Zilong wants to take revenge, strike first, a silver spear is like a silver snake dancing wildly, and like a hundred birds coming to court, unpredictable.

He had been observing Gao Changgong's moves just now, so he took advantage of it.

And as soon as he came up, he used such unfathomable marksmanship, and suddenly Gao Changgong only had the ability to parry, and he had no power to fight back!

Gao Changgong only lasted for fifty rounds, and was swept away by the latter, repelling several meters!

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