After everyone was stunned for a while, they praised Xiao Yi as a virtuous gentleman and sympathetic to the lower officials.

However, there was one man in the crowd who refused to accept it.

"Xiao County ordered, the lower officials thought that this move was inappropriate.

The amount of money we have has been set by the imperial court, and it is against the law of the country to change it privately. Besides, we have enough money to do, and there is no need for the county order to do this. "

In these years, there are really such upright people.

Xiao Yi couldn't help but look at him more.

Very young and handsome.

I have already introduced myself just now, his name is Sun Li, and he is a thief in Zhuo County, and the adjutant responsible for arresting thieves.

"Sun Li, could it be that he later assisted Cao Wei and was finally named the general of Sikong?"

Xiao Yat felt that the name was somewhat familiar.

"Deda is right, but what if the money I added to you did not come from the treasury, but from my own pocket?"

Xiao Yi said with a smile.

Sun Li was stunned, if it was out of his own pocket, it would not be considered a private change.

But he still didn't think it was right

"The lower official thanked the county order for his kindness, but the lower official still couldn't accept it.

Zhuoxian County was hit by a locust plague last year, and many crops were not harvested, and many people are now hungry to eat tree bark and eat grass roots.

If the prefectural commander really loves the people, please use these money to help the victims. "

Although he is a military attaché, he has the same heart as a civilian official who worries about the country and the people.

This is something that Xiao Yat appreciates very much.

"The victims of the disaster naturally need to be saved, and the talents cannot be left out in the cold!

It's rare that you have such a heart for the sake of the people, and this official has promoted you to be a fierce martial artist, and your rank has been increased by five times!"

Regardless of whether he is the future general of Cao Wei or not, with this heart alone, he is worthy of being promoted.

"Mr. Liu, you and Sun Deda are responsible for disaster relief together, and from today onwards, no one can be left hungry!"

I'm engaged in fierce martial arts, and I have five times as much money!

Sun Li's head was buzzing, happiness came too suddenly!

He looked at Xiao Yat, his eyes flickering.

Suddenly knelt down on one knee, "Subordinate thank you!"

The phrase "lord" has already shown his heart of belonging!

At the same time,

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the second-rate fierce general Sun Li, activating the doorman function, completing the doorman achievement (1), and rewarding the book experience +100!].

[Ding, select talents, promote talents, and get 10 political achievements!].

[Ding, increase Yulu, gain Fame +1000!].

It's actually a second-rate fierce general!

He is so young, he already has a second-rate level, and if he cultivates it well, he may not be able to step into the first-class, or even peerless among the famous generals!

This wave is earned!

"What is the book experience used for?".

Xiao Yi was a little curious.

[Book experience, which can be used to improve the skill level of the host or doorman.] It can also be used to learn new skills!].

"What skills do I have?".

[Host current skills: None, you can read books, or ask others for advice, gain new skills, use book experience, but improve the success rate of learning.] 】

Xiao Yi understood

Reading books and asking others for time off are two important ways to acquire knowledge.

But not everything can be learned.

Book experience can allow Xiao Yat to ignore talent and learn anything.

In other words, as long as you have enough book experience, you can make him a peerless strategist, and you can also build a peerless general!

This setting is very powerful!

After the meeting ended, Xiao Yi couldn't help but try, so he called Li Cunxiao and others to the backyard.

In troubled times, self-protection is the most important.

So Xiao Yat chose to learn martial arts first.

"Cunxiao, I want to learn martial arts, can you teach me?"

For Li Cunxiao and them, Xiao Yi has nothing to be embarrassed about.

Li Cunxiao was naturally happy, "If the lord wants to learn, he should teach him wholeheartedly." "

He thought about it for a moment

"A certain martial arts are very domineering, and you need to have a strong body to exert your power. If the lord wants to learn, he can start with this set of boxing techniques. "

From his many martial arts, he chose a set of relatively milder boxing techniques.

Of course, the word "mild" is only relative.

He was afraid that it would be too fierce at the beginning, and it would refine Xiao Yi's body.

This set of boxing methods is called Wind Breaking Fist.

When the power of the fist is in place, it can break through the air and form an air current, which can produce an air explosion, which is extremely powerful.

Li Cunxiao used his own strength to tell everyone that even simple boxing techniques can hit extraordinary power!

As soon as he punched, there was a landslide, and the air vortex formed exploded seven times!

If this hits a person, I'm afraid it's no less than being hit by a bison!

"Lord, these are the essentials of the Wind Breaking Fist, as long as the skills are in place, even if the strength is not so strong, it can be powerful. "

Afraid that Xiao Yi wouldn't understand, after demonstrating it once, Li Cunxiao patiently explained.

"Okay, I'll try. "

In fact, Xiao Yi doesn't need to comprehend it himself, the experience is in place, and everything is naturally integrated.

Wind Breaking Fist is just a beginner martial arts, 100 points of book experience, directly full level!

Xiao Yi stepped forward and swung his fist violently

"Boom ......


PS: Some friends said that they like Ran Tianwang, is there anything else, beauties, and strategists. But it's best not to join martial arts characters, and everyone is welcome to leave a message.

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